My reference points for the area are dated, but I remember how Hoboken was revitalized in, like six months. Hoboken, IIRC, was run-down & largely abandoned (except for Stevens Tech). Hoboken has great access to NYC and cheap rents. Newark may get its day again - the city's history and neighborhoods are really interesting to me.
As a sidebar - I had a poly sci class Ramapo College and the professor invited the then-major of Jersey City to speak to the class - Gerald McCann. He was a great speaker - in a Sopranos sort-of way. He bragged about winning the election, in part, by cutting the power to housing projects on election day so the elevators wouldn't work. He didn't actually say that directly but described the events in a wink-wink way with a huge shit-eating grin. The class was totally mesmerized by the guy. He was later convicted of fraud and removed from office. But in his day, he was a powerful Hudson County Democratic machine pol.