Sent back my R Fund mail request for another donation

Anyone can do what they want with their money and if you decide to give you should give whatever you feel is appropriate big or small.

I will say though if you want to see the athletics department and football have a better chance of improving donating only helps that cause....and that means donating through inevitable mistakes....even very bad ones. It's the "fanatic" part of being a fan...on some level it may not sound sensible but it's the donations that help erase those mistakes big and small.

How do these high status programs afford to pay those big salaries to their coaches and staff? And when the screw it up which they all do at some point or do they erase those big salaries they gave out? In both instances it's largely through donations..Tenn got rid of Jones with 8M or more on his did that happen? If they want to fire Pruitt, which I don't think will happen, how will they do that? How did LSU get rid of Miles? Hire Aranda at 2.5M How did A&M pay Sumlin and then hire Fisher and's on the back of donations. Obviously, some of these are uber wealthy but all the small donations on up matter too. Suppose those uber wealthy on down said screw this....they f*cked up we're not giving anymore....then those high status programs wouldn't be what they are. It's because they just loyally keep on giving what they can that allows them to do what they do.

Maybe you think that's stupid but that's the way it works...and like I said the "fanatic" part of fandom.
I got mine also yesterday.
No donation till Hobbs gets Rid of Ash.
I got mine also yesterday.
No donation till Hobbs gets Rid of Ash.
The fund is not about football. No need to be football myopic, but you can do whatever you want.
The campaign, titled "The Bells Must Ring," is predicated on Rutgers Nation directly impacting student-athlete success "On the Banks" through strength in numbers. The campaign's focus will be increasing donor participation in support of athletic scholarships, the Big Ten Champions Fund, the Department of Leadership Development and Strategic Partnerships, and team-specific accounts. The goal will be to grow the total donor count to R Fund on an annual basis in support of Rutgers Athletics.
The fund is not about football. No need to be football myopic, but you can do whatever you want.
The campaign, titled "The Bells Must Ring," is predicated on Rutgers Nation directly impacting student-athlete success "On the Banks" through strength in numbers. The campaign's focus will be increasing donor participation in support of athletic scholarships, the Big Ten Champions Fund, the Department of Leadership Development and Strategic Partnerships, and team-specific accounts. The goal will be to grow the total donor count to R Fund on an annual basis in support of Rutgers Athletics.
it has a box to check, reference for football infrastructure donation specific.
I called them and explained to them why I was not donating. I then told them how I felt about football which is the most important sport at the university. Football drives the bus as they say with basketball being the second most important sport. I explained That I need the higher ups to understand the frustration of us once again being the laughing stock of the college sports world. I told the call taker that once we get rid of Ash I would once again donate again as I have in the past. Was I wrong maybe but I believe only a fraction of Alums and fans donate. Most are cheap assholes with only opinions and complaints. I was told that my response would be given to their superiors. 4000 total gave to the BIG BUILD FUND. Most on the pay board and free board gave squat zilch nada. Hopefully they want my donations and others.
I have a very modest income and gave a modest amount to the Big Ten Build. The amount of Rutgers alumni and fans who give anything is pathetic. If a lot more people would just give what they spend on five or six cups that they waste on that garbage at Starbucks that would really help. Just my two cents.
have a winning football program=increase donations.
I have a very modest income and gave a modest amount to the Big Ten Build. The amount of Rutgers alumni and fans who give anything is pathetic. If a lot more people would just give what they spend on five or six cups that they waste on that garbage at Starbucks that would really help. Just my two cents.

The next time I buy a drink at Starbucks will be the first. I'm with you on the modest income and the modest donation.
shill--a suggestion, don't go to the football games ,and we know you're buying scalped tickets to do so, instead donate that $ to RU athletics since you can't afford to give
You have it the wrong away around. In today's world, a program needs donations in order to be a winning program.
until I see:
1.Ru willing to INVEST into the football program,like hiring a real Coach,not just take donations for buildings and B10 share $ for other funding.
Hobbs shows he knows how to run a power 5 Football program then NO donation.
I stopped going to road games,next up next year,no season tickets IF a proven HC coach is not hired and Ash is not gonzo.
If you can afford to donate, you always should. I understand cutting tickets and parking if you're frustrated but the donations go to help the program(s). That's just cutting your nose off despite your face. I have gotten my point across quite clear as to the state of the program. They'll have a lot more respect for your opinion if you're a larger donor and you're upset, versus someone looking for any excuse available not to give.
If you can afford to donate, you always should. I understand cutting tickets and parking if you're frustrated but the donations go to help the program(s). That's just cutting your nose off despite your face. I have gotten my point across quite clear as to the state of the program. They'll have a lot more respect for your opinion if you're a larger donor and you're upset, versus someone looking for any excuse available not to give.
it all adds up in the end to send the message,which needs to be done now.
Its a joke that Ash is on the sidelines this year.
"send a message"-- you're kidding?? as if anyone doesn't know our record--just more excuses--yes give only when we win--I doubt you will do that then--who needs bandwagon friends
I donate $25 a year to men’s basketball since Pikiell started. Even if it funds Geo bakers gameday lunch from jersey mikes in a box at least it’s something for our athletes
Do what you want with your money. I completely disagree with your position .
But here's a thought - if we don't tell you what to do donation wise, how about you not coming here to share your bogus virtue signalling.
We know donations are down. It's not news. Your input has no real value on the topic.
until I see:
1.Ru willing to INVEST into the football program,like hiring a real Coach,not just take donations for buildings and B10 share $ for other funding.
Hobbs shows he knows how to run a power 5 Football program then NO donation.
I stopped going to road games,next up next year,no season tickets IF a proven HC coach is not hired and Ash is not gonzo.

The financial support for doing things like hiring "a real coach" has to come from private donors. That's the way it works in today's world. By not donating, you're just making the problem worse. That should be a big concern for someone who is avid a football fan as you are. I can understand your not wanting to go to games -- I can barely get myself to watch RU football on TV -- but donating helps make the program better; not donating is counterproductive.
Someone needs to get their bell rung.
like this?

shill--a suggestion, don't go to the football games ,and we know you're buying scalped tickets to do so, instead donate that $ to RU athletics since you can't afford to give

Wait, with RU’s attendance woes you’re actually trying to diminish the crowd even more?

I’ve been a season ticket holder for 15 years and have been going to games since 1991. I know, I know, not as long as you (who is the world’s greatest fan) but still a pretty decent length of time.
The people who won't donate because of Ash were never donating anyway.
Most who post here and attend the games or watch on tv donate nothing. 4000 total donations to the BIG BUILD FUND is pathetic. Did you get your wife to donate to the fund? Are you still posting 209 times a day or did you take it up a notch?
The financial support for doing things like hiring "a real coach" has to come from private donors. That's the way it works in today's world. By not donating, you're just making the problem worse. That should be a big concern for someone who is avid a football fan as you are. I can understand your not wanting to go to games -- I can barely get myself to watch RU football on TV -- but donating helps make the program better; not donating is counterproductive.

Hobbs made the call to direct MILLIONS upon MILLIONS to fund the Academic learning center and new lockerrooms from donor money at his call.
That money,some donors wanted to use towards a new HC,were directed by Hobbs to to those funds last season ,INSTEAD of hiring a new head Coach.
Its not my money ,and those donors can do whatever with their money,but because of Hobbs mismanagement of the extension,and now where he suggested the donors to place money:welcome to 8-31 and 15 straight power five loses and last B10 win in 2017!
Now does Hobbs have to go back to the same donors to get out of this Ash mess?
As of today Sept 25,2019,Ash is still the H.C.
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