They should send out a mailing asking for a pledge to donate only if we have a new head coach.
Or imagine if they just put a box to check for putting your donation in a fund for a new coach ... Lol.
They should send out a mailing asking for a pledge to donate only if we have a new head coach.
Most who post here and attend the games or watch on tv donate nothing. 4000 total donations to the BIG BUILD FUND is pathetic. Did you get your wife to donate to the fund? Are you still posting 209 times a day or did you take it up a notch?
This gets back to the argument I have been making for a long time that the AD controls the athletic budget. If there is or is not money to replace a coach, that is on the AD.Hobbs made the call to direct MILLIONS upon MILLIONS to fund the Academic learning center and new lockerrooms from donor money at his call.
That money,some donors wanted to use towards a new HC,were directed by Hobbs to to those funds last season ,INSTEAD of hiring a new head Coach.
Its not my money ,and those donors can do whatever with their money,but because of Hobbs mismanagement of the extension,and now where he suggested the donors to place money:welcome to 8-31 and 15 straight power five loses and last B10 win in 2017!
Now does Hobbs have to go back to the same donors to get out of this Ash mess?
As of today Sept 25,2019,Ash is still the H.C.
The R Fund info I get in the mail I throw in the trash. If I dropped my season tickets, I’m not donating for nothing.
Not for FOOTBALL. This fund was for football and so so very few stepped up. Plenty step up to complain about the price of water and parking but when it’s time to do anything other than complain crickets. The BIG BUILD fund was for the most important sports for the face of the school. Football and Basketball. Capital improvements for football and Basketball and basically no one showed up. It was the most important fund raiser in Rutgers sports history and we as a whole did not show up. All the old fanbase does is talk about it and complain but don’t ask them for $$$$.I don't think you can look at BIG Build Fund donations as the barometer of support for the athletic department. First, donations to the BIG Build Fund are directed to capital improvements, so they wouldn't be used to fund a coaching change, or any other area of program support. Second, there are plenty of important areas other than the BIG Build Fund where people can donate.
Not for FOOTBALL. This fund was for football and so so very few stepped up. Plenty step up to complain about the price of water and parking but when it’s time to do anything other than complain crickets. The BIG BUILD fund was for the most important sports for the face of the school. Football and Basketball. Capital improvements for football and Basketball and basically no one showed up. It was the most important fund raiser in Rutgers sports history and we as a whole did not show up. All the old fanbase does is talk about it and complain but don’t ask them for $$$$.
then you would have to place names and amounts,Or imagine if they just put a box to check for putting your donation in a fund for a new coach ... Lol.
There's money, on July 1st of 2020 we get a $15 mil. bump.(credit to @Wolv RU he did the research) Problem is that will all go to final Elimination of Direct Institutional Support and paying back the loan from the University bank. Which will balloon to $23.7 mil. by 2022, Barchi and the BOG made athletics take this out to cover short falls in the budget. Yes Hobbs fault, but the budget set by the BOG didn't help matters.The best way to make sure that Rutgers goes "cheap" on the next HC is to make sure that they are forced to due to lack of donations.
You spend a ton of your time on Rutgers sports. You certainly are on here enough to say you are emotionally invested. There are so many like you and me that RU is an important part of your life your 8000 posts say that. Why not help Rutgers in catching up to its peers. Why did so many “die hards” not donate to the most important fund it Rutgers Sports history?The beauty of being able to spend YOUR money the way YOU want to! :ThumbsUp
They should send out a mailing asking for a pledge to donate only if we have a new head coach.
most all of their reasons for not donating are phony--they probably never did much even in the past--that of course is their choice--but they sure know how to give with their mouthsYou spend a ton of your time on Rutgers sports. You certainly are on here enough to say you are emotionally invested. There are so many like you and me that RU is an important part of your life your 8000 posts say that. Why not help Rutgers in catching up to its peers. Why did so many “die hards” not donate to the most important fund it Rutgers Sports history?
@camdenlawprof - Do you really think some folks here are capable of understanding rational reasoning and logic? C'mon, you should know better than that!
Because people manage their funds as they see fit. I spend time at fan forums because they are frankly entertaining as heck and free. That’s as honest as I can be.You spend a ton of your time on Rutgers sports. You certainly are on here enough to say you are emotionally invested. There are so many like you and me that RU is an important part of your life your 8000 posts say that. Why not help Rutgers in catching up to its peers. Why did so many “die hards” not donate to the most important fund it Rutgers Sports history?
When I get mine I donate.I got mine also yesterday.
No donation till Hobbs gets Rid of Ash.
#fakenewsHobbs made the call to direct MILLIONS upon MILLIONS to fund the Academic learning center and new lockerrooms from donor money at his call.
That money,some donors wanted to use towards a new HC,were directed by Hobbs to to those funds last season ,INSTEAD of hiring a new head Coach.
Its not my money ,and those donors can do whatever with their money,but because of Hobbs mismanagement of the extension,and now where he suggested the donors to place money:welcome to 8-31 and 15 straight power five loses and last B10 win in 2017!
Now does Hobbs have to go back to the same donors to get out of this Ash mess?
As of today Sept 25,2019,Ash is still the H.C.
What kind of proof are you looking for. BlockR made a meaningless claim.#fakenews
Show source of these "facts" regarding money diversion and donor intent.
What kind of proof are you looking for. BlockR made a meaningless claim.
It is public knowledge that Hobbs raised millions of dollars for capital improvements, including the basketball practice facility, the Rodkin Academic Center, football lockerrooms, etc.
As far as whether anyone tried to donate to a fund to replace Ash last year, I have no proof that anyone did, but based on the posts on this board, it seems that many individuals indicated that they wanted to donate to replace Ash. It is not a stretch to assume that at least one person offered to donate at least $1 to replace Ach. But Hobbs didn't fire Ash, so he couldn't collect any money to replace Ash. It would be illegal for Hobbs to collect money that is earmarked for only one purpose and not use it for that purpose.
If Hobbs had collected money earmarked for replacing Ash, he would have had to return that money because he did not replace Ash. If someone tried to donate money to replace Ash, then Hobbs had 2 choices: (1) Accept the money and return it when Ash was not replaced or (2) Refuse the money.
Either way, if Hobbs returned or refused the money, and simultaneously or later solicited fund for other purposes, then BlockR's claim is correct that Hobbs asked donors to direct their donations to causes other than replacing Ash. If anyone offered to donate any amount to replace Ash, the only way BlockR's claim is false is if after returning/refusing the earmarked donation, Hobbs told the potential donor to never donate to Rutgers again. And there is no way that happened.
So BlockR's claim really boils down to the fact that Hobbs raised millions of dollars and Hobbs did not replace Ash at the end of last season. What kind of proof do you want of that.
What kind of proof are you looking for. BlockR made a meaningless claim.
It is public knowledge that Hobbs raised millions of dollars for capital improvements, including the basketball practice facility, the Rodkin Academic Center, football lockerrooms, etc.
As far as whether anyone tried to donate to a fund to replace Ash last year, I have no proof that anyone did, but based on the posts on this board, it seems that many individuals indicated that they wanted to donate to replace Ash. It is not a stretch to assume that at least one person offered to donate at least $1 to replace Ach. But Hobbs didn't fire Ash, so he couldn't collect any money to replace Ash. It would be illegal for Hobbs to collect money that is earmarked for only one purpose and not use it for that purpose.
If Hobbs had collected money earmarked for replacing Ash, he would have had to return that money because he did not replace Ash. If someone tried to donate money to replace Ash, then Hobbs had 2 choices: (1) Accept the money and return it when Ash was not replaced or (2) Refuse the money.
Either way, if Hobbs returned or refused the money, and simultaneously or later solicited fund for other purposes, then BlockR's claim is correct that Hobbs asked donors to direct their donations to causes other than replacing Ash. If anyone offered to donate any amount to replace Ash, the only way BlockR's claim is false is if after returning/refusing the earmarked donation, Hobbs told the potential donor to never donate to Rutgers again. And there is no way that happened.
So BlockR's claim really boils down to the fact that Hobbs raised millions of dollars and Hobbs did not replace Ash at the end of last season. What kind of proof do you want of that.
I know what he was trying to imply. But what he actually said was that Ash raised a lot of money and didn't fire Ash. He just surrounded that with a lot of hyperbole to imply that there was something more nefarious than just failing to fire Ash.I think you're being too kind. Basically, BlockR is trying to create the impression that tons of donors begged Hobbs to fire Ash and that the donors said they would pay big bucks to do that, only to be rebuffed by Hobbs, and that loads of the donors who gave for facillities would rather have given the money to replace Ash. But BlockR has not demonstrated those things, just as he never demonstrates anything he claims.
Without getting into the myriad of ways money can be pledged or donate, none of that changes the fact that BlockR's diatribe boils down to the fact that Hobbs raised a lot of money and didn't fire Ash. We all know that.There are several things fundamentally wrong with this post, but for the sake of time, let’s drill down to the core of it.
Money isn’t collected, donated, or any of the other verbs you used, before the coach is actually fired. Contingent Pledges are made in these situations. The contingency would obviously be the coach being fired, with secondary clauses like timing, etc. They’re also known as conditional pledges.
I skipped BlockR’s post, so I’ve got nothing to add there.
Are your trying to defend BlockR, and if so, why?Without getting into the myriad of ways money can be pledged or donate, none of that changes the fact that BlockR's diatribe boils down to the fact that Hobbs raised a lot of money and didn't fire Ash. We all know that.
No, I'm calling his post meaningless.Are your trying to defend BlockR,
until I see:
1.Ru willing to INVEST into the football program,like hiring a real Coach,not just take donations for buildings and B10 share $ for other funding.
Hobbs shows he knows how to run a power 5 Football program then NO donation.
I stopped going to road games,next up next year,no season tickets IF a proven HC coach is not hired and Ash is not gonzo.
I got mine also yesterday.
No donation till Hobbs gets Rid of Ash.
There are several things fundamentally wrong with this post, but for the sake of time, let’s drill down to the core of it.
Money isn’t collected, donated, or any of the other verbs you used, before the coach is actually fired. Contingent Pledges are made in these situations. The contingency would obviously be the coach being fired, with secondary clauses like timing, etc. They’re also known as conditional pledges.
I skipped BlockR’s post, so I’ve got nothing to add there.
There's money, on July 1st of 2020 we get a $15 mil. bump.(credit to @Wolv RU he did the research) Problem is that will all go to final Elimination of Direct Institutional Support and paying back the loan from the University bank. Which will balloon to $23.7 mil. by 2022, Barchi and the BOG made athletics take this out to cover short falls in the budget. Yes Hobbs fault, but the budget set by the BOG didn't help matters.
So there's money it's just being diverted to other interests. They'll handcuff the AD once again while they sit back and cash the check. That doesn't really inspire confidence for me to give a helping hand. Rather it tells me they just don't care. So I'll stick to donating to the SKWC and keep Rutgers incompetent hands off my money.
Contingency pledges (good term, btw) aren't generally collected until a potential replacement is identified. I know this because in the week leading up to the USF game in 2013, when RU was talking to Dan Mullen, I collected proxies from a number of good friends and donors, contacted highly-placed folks on Julie's team and began the process to turn over what amounted to roughly $100k worth of said "contingency pledges". I was told to stand by and await further instructions. As is more or less well known, we fell a couple million short.
Its absolutely mind boggling how cheap that $2mm must seem to the administration right now. Good lord. The stadium would have been packed for the last 7 years.
Re-read what he wrote -- " That money,some donors wanted to use towards a new HC,were directed by Hobbs to to those funds last season ,INSTEAD of hiring a new head Coach."What kind of proof are you looking for. BlockR made a meaningless claim.
It is public knowledge that Hobbs raised millions of dollars for capital improvements, including the basketball practice facility, the Rodkin Academic Center, football lockerrooms, etc.
As far as whether anyone tried to donate to a fund to replace Ash last year, I have no proof that anyone did, but based on the posts on this board, it seems that many individuals indicated that they wanted to donate to replace Ash. It is not a stretch to assume that at least one person offered to donate at least $1 to replace Ach. But Hobbs didn't fire Ash, so he couldn't collect any money to replace Ash. It would be illegal for Hobbs to collect money that is earmarked for only one purpose and not use it for that purpose.
If Hobbs had collected money earmarked for replacing Ash, he would have had to return that money because he did not replace Ash. If someone tried to donate money to replace Ash, then Hobbs had 2 choices: (1) Accept the money and return it when Ash was not replaced or (2) Refuse the money.
Either way, if Hobbs returned or refused the money, and simultaneously or later solicited fund for other purposes, then BlockR's claim is correct that Hobbs asked donors to direct their donations to causes other than replacing Ash. If anyone offered to donate any amount to replace Ash, the only way BlockR's claim is false is if after returning/refusing the earmarked donation, Hobbs told the potential donor to never donate to Rutgers again. And there is no way that happened.
So BlockR's claim really boils down to the fact that Hobbs raised millions of dollars and Hobbs did not replace Ash at the end of last season. What kind of proof do you want of that.
Most who post here and attend the games or watch on tv donate nothing. 4000 total donations to the BIG BUILD FUND is pathetic. Did you get your wife to donate to the fund? Are you still posting 209 times a day or did you take it up a notch?
My wife donates to her own school. USC. I donate to mine. Rutgers. Much more than you probably ever will.
You still changing oil in cars or did you get promoted?
Cali is a fraud the only thing he is good at is posting several hundred times a day on this site. Everyday 24/7 365!!! You would have to really have nothing else going on to post here and wherever else he posts because he has screwed up showing there are other boards he dedicates his time too. He is an internet loser to the 10th Power.You married a toejam?? (That's what Cal people call what you call Trojans).