Have a long driveway, more than 100 ft, so a snowblower is a necessity. I still had to shovel the front door steps, and that was enough shoveling for me! I ran the snowblower on Saturday afternoon, and the snow was approaching the top of the snowblower mouth (about 20in, I live in Holmdel), and the following day had another 3-4 inches of snow to finish. I think I'd still be snowed in if I had to shovel that!
Also, even for a moderate snowfall (eg, 2-4 inches), I would be charged $125+ for someone to plow, so it doesn't take long to get your money back on a $600-$700 snowblower purchase...
Did hit a rock while plowing, and it jammed the blades and broke the shear pin. Luckily, had one left. Guess I need to get some more at HD...