TKR guys are way too harsh on Gavin

Again, you might be right. I’m not anointing him a savior. But if a kid has an F in class and can improve it to a D you don’t say no thanks because it isn’t an A.
Agree here. I want Athan here. Need an experienced backup. But I'm not ready to annoint him the starter just bc he showed up. I think both QBs have pros and cons. I don't think it's as clear cut as the podcast makes it out to be. May the best man win (and hopefully it's homegrown Gavin).
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Well Richard you and Mike both seemed somewhat giddy and over the top with Athan. Sorry but to some it came across as outright well , “ he’s waaay better” and AK should be KC’s choice from the start . I like the competition factor but in all the Kaliakmanis videos only against Wisconsin did he perform above. . Gavin has had his accuracy issues yet Athan’s is not much better. Let’s get the wide receivers and TE’s straight first. We all want the QB’s to succeed. You should have an opinion and perhaps better insight but at least try not to show it as was presented in the podcast. We all love the info and banter.
Yes we are a bit giddy because with better quarterback play, Rutgers is looking at a eight win or more season in 2024 in our opinion. It's no secret that quarterback play held back this team at times in 2023 and with an upgrade you're talking about a higher ceiling for this program.
Yes we are a bit giddy because with better quarterback play, Rutgers is looking at a eight win or more season in 2024 in our opinion. It's no secret that quarterback play held back this team at times in 2023 and with an upgrade you're talking about a higher ceiling for this program.
Which L would flip to a W this year? Are we good enough to beat PSU, Mich or OSU? D gave up too many against MD to make a real argument. Maybe Wisc or Iowa? Those are not gimmies.
Which L would flip to a W this year? Are we good enough to beat PSU, Mich or OSU? D gave up too many against MD to make a real argument. Maybe Wisc or Iowa? Those are not gimmies.
This season I don’t think it mattered as even at 7-5 and maybe 8-4 we still go to the Bronx.

But next year…
Yes we are a bit giddy because with better quarterback play, Rutgers is looking at an eight win or more season in 2024 in our opinion. It's no secret that quarterback play held back this team at times in 2023 and with an upgrade you're talking about a higher ceiling for this program.
Richard I agree wholeheartedly but I hope we can keep all the top 4 QB’s and watch the progression. When has RU had two guys similar but different ? We can not afford to have what happened several years ago with Noah Vedral. Had Noah been healthy our year could have been much better . Our 5-7 maybe instead 7-5? I really want to see what some of this WR group can do… Brock is pretty decent as a coach . Greg will use whomever is the best…. He has no choice but to do that.
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We know that we can compete on the field now need to win 8 or more is the goal. I want some more portal help.
As I said on the premium board, to each their own.

I know the way I put things out there isn't everyone's cup of tea, but I'm always going to give my honest opinion and assessment on things. Never going to sugarcoat it and will always call a spade a spade.

No hatred for the kid, but I do fully believe he held Rutgers back a bit this season from getting more wins. Getting a more accurate quarterback is the key to this program taking the next step and everyone knows that, hence why they went out and did just that.
Really? Wimsatt is what prevented RU from winning the games they lost? So they would have beaten who with Simon at Qb? so let me ask you this would the running game or pass protection have been the same with Simon at Qb? Not having a QB that can make the throws needed when called upon held the team back yes. Are you guys saying that the new guy is the quarterback that can make the throws a team needs to win the game? What are you basing that assessment on?
Listen gang, if you watch AK & GW’s films you’re going to see a number of differences:

Throws from a proper base
Natural scrambling ability
Recognition of when to take yards on the ground if receivers are covered
Throws into tight windows
Proper sliding technique
Reading the defense and identifying the hot route

We can agree to disagree but go watch the films. One is more natural at the position than the other. This is why some are excited that he transferred.
Need better QB play but I don't understand where people are seeing that this kid is that much of a better passer link me to the YouTube page or whatever otherwise I look forward to seeing who wins the starting QB job because I legit don't know..
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Listen gang, if you watch AK & GW’s films you’re going to see a number of differences:

Throws from a proper base
Natural scrambling ability
Recognition of when to take yards on the ground if receivers are covered
Throws into tight windows
Proper sliding technique
Reading the defense and identifying the hot route

We can agree to disagree but go watch the films. One is more natural at the position than the other. This is why some are excited that he transferred.
Do we have every throw of AK or just his highlights? I posted his stats against the same B1G teams and he had a lower completion percentage, lower yards per attempt, and lower total rushing yards. AK’s only advantage was 4/4 TD/Int and GW was 4/5. GW did add a rushing TD.
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Listen gang, if you watch AK & GW’s films you’re going to see a number of differences:

Throws from a proper base
Natural scrambling ability
Recognition of when to take yards on the ground if receivers are covered
Throws into tight windows
Proper sliding technique
Reading the defense and identifying the hot route

We can agree to disagree but go watch the films. One is more natural at the position than the other. This is why some are excited that he transferred.
This and I can see that as well when I watched him play. But what people need to understand is that more polished doesn't mean better. He can go out there and do everything mechanically right but make constantly make terrible decisions. Loses composure, lack of ball control. All of that polish and he put up identical stats to wimsatt with less of a threat to run. And say what you will but Minnesota has better receivers than RU this past year. Good conversation will be fun to watch it unfold.
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If that was the case there wouldn’t be a premium board.

You should educate yourself better.
How about this I attended & watched multiple practices & a scrimmage during this season that the mods were not permitted to attend so maybe I saw things firsthand that makes me more educated on the subject than you or Ritchie
All us arm chair QB’s need to keep one important thing in mind that being $$$$ talks… Honestly our smaller donors do a great job…. We need to make offers they can’t refuse…Jersey style…
How about this I attended & watched multiple practices & a scrimmage during this season that the mods were not permitted to attend so maybe I saw things firsthand that makes me more educated on the subject than you or Ritchie
There are scrimmages during the season?
You're a fool if you think they're too negative about the least accurate QB in the country that cost us games. Maybe try to live in reality a little bit.
They also thought we were 4-5 win team before the season, so how reliable are they?
They also thought we were 4-5 win team before the season, so how reliable are they?
What are you hoping to accomplish by taking personal shots at the mods?

It’s a prediction….are anyone’s predictions 💯 accurate?….just because a prediction doesn’t work out that doesn’t mean that they don’t provide good content

It’s a message board and people are allowed to have their opinions and views without you being an a$$ hole towards them

Grow up
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What are you hoping to accomplish by taking personal shots at the mods?

It’s a prediction….are anyone’s predictions 💯 accurate?….just because a prediction doesn’t work out that doesn’t mean that they don’t provide good content

It’s a message board and people are allowed to have their opinions and views without you being an a$$ hole towards them

Grow up
When they inject personal bias into their content that sways the minds of people paying for their content bc they trust them it's a problem. Wouldn't have an issue with them if they didn't have an anti Gavin agenda which others pointed out. They could be more objective.
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The kid found a way to win 7 games and they act like he’s Chris Laviano.

Also in their latest podcast they talk about how Kaliakmanis is way better than Gavin if you account for adjusted pass rate (which accounts for dropped balls) because Kaliakmanis is at 66%, only to find out that Gavin’s adjusted rate is at 57%

Not that massive of a difference fellas.
A 15% improvement (all things being equal) is noticeable. All things are never equal though; did the QB at Minny benefit from a strong running game and defense, like at RU? I don't know. Who played the more difficult schedule? I'm guessing Gavin at RU had the more difficult schedule. Gavin's not "terrible," and I have seen some improvement, but to take the next step in the P2 they obviously need better QB play, no matter who's taking the snaps.
When they inject personal bias into their content that sways the minds of people paying for their content bc they trust them it's a problem. Wouldn't have an issue with them if they didn't have an anti Gavin agenda which others pointed out. They could be more objective.
Personal bias?😂😂😂
It’s their opinion!
It is message board….everyone has opinions….seriously?

Just because you disagree with it doesn’t make it biased

You think Gavin is a good QB…

Many others don’t

So what….

Grow up
Personal bias?😂😂😂
It’s their opinion!
It is message board….everyone has opinions….seriously?

Just because you disagree with it doesn’t make it biased

You think Gavin is a good QB…

Many others don’t

So what….

Grow up
I wasn't the one that started this thread so other people are thinking it too.

Why are Richie and Mike free from criticism and Gavin is not?!
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I wasn't the one that started this thread so other people are thinking it too.

Why are Richie and Mike free from criticism and Gavin is not?!
Taking a “shots” at someone isn’t criticism

Disagree with them all you want….it’s a message board
Taking a “shots” at someone isn’t criticism

Disagree with them all you want….it’s a message board
Where did I say anything personal? I took their own words from August. Didn't call them a single name when I've been called all kinds of names here by various posters.
Listen to the podcast, they basically had no competition when Gavin was named the starter this year.

So if the OC brings his prior QB from his last stop in, read the tea leaves.

It will go exactly how the "supposed Art Sitkowski/McClane Carter" competition went. You remember that one right? Art was in the lead all the way until the final week of training camp and then suddenly Carter jumped him. It was all a sham.

A B1G starter doesn't transfer to be a backup at the next school.
Let’s hope so, but it seems he wasn’t going to be a starter anymore and he may have come here because he didn’t have other options
Where did I say anything personal? I took their own words from August. Didn't call them a single name when I've been called all kinds of names here by various posters.
What you said was an opinion which is and should be allowed. You didn’t criticize the site manager . I think Richard and Mike ( do a very good job in info ) got too excited by this get. People forget there is not one of Rutgers fans who don’t want the best for the program. The reality is Greg will have a competition if only to challenge Gavin and all the other roster QB’s in 2024. What bothers me is the reaction by several posters who misinterpret criticism and outright bashing as being equal or acceptable. Instead of finding some positives for GW and the season we pray to get rid of him and crown this next guy the savior… What happens if Ajani stays and wins the job? Now that’s even better. Amazing that this is not the first , 2nd , 3 rd time we have blamed the incumbent QB at Rutgers.
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As I said on the premium board, to each their own.

I know the way I put things out there isn't everyone's cup of tea, but I'm always going to give my honest opinion and assessment on things. Never going to sugarcoat it and will always call a spade a spade.

No hatred for the kid, but I do fully believe he held Rutgers back a bit this season from getting more wins. Getting a more accurate quarterback is the key to this program taking the next step and everyone knows that, hence why they went out and did just that.

I’ve been on this website since you were probably in grade school and way before you purchased the Rivals publisher rights to this and State Penn’s site and I can honestly say no one hustles more than you in getting out there talking to all sorts of folks, providing content for us to digest, getting back on tech issues with site [which many of us are still going through with site access through wifi], posting thoughts etc and many of us appreciate your straight Jersey attitude on calling things how you see but you’re going to have to be able take the same critique other posters receive and give back when when you post/publish inaccuracies that contain strong opinions one way or the other because most of us are here for the RU banter, sports debating and love for football and everything Rutgers. I’ve been a premium member for most of my years and debating whether to re-sign because the wackadoo chatter has gone up on premium when the free board was where traditionally the incoherent discussion took place but now I’m not so sure.

I’m not going through your prior predictions, commentary and/or football thoughts you’ve provided in the past where you were completely wrong; and I personally don’t come to this website to be told what I see on tape or in the attendance of a game. I want to know whose coming and going within the program and recruit thoughts on the program and for questions of RU coaches that reveal more about the inner workings of the teams [nice questions of Greg in the bowl press conference prior to game btw] which you do an outstanding job of.

I know you’re running a business with a journalistic component, passionate about sports and you’re hustling to grow but when you post/podcast/youtube etc about a player is not good or this is the problem with the team, you’re opening yourself up for debate and criticism. Many of us that know the game and some of us which have stronger connections and access to the program than you do [which I don’t include myself in that access group] could care less about the opinions of the site moderator.

We still love you though and many of us don’t agree with your assertion that Athan is the best qb the day he steps onto campus but time will tell.

I’ll tell you one thing: don’t see Gavin as a kid that runs from competition whether he wins or loses the starting spot.


I’ve been on this website since you were probably in grade school and way before you purchased the Rivals publisher rights to this and State Penn’s site and I can honestly say no one hustles more than you in getting out there talking to all sorts of folks, providing content for us to digest, getting back on tech issues with site [which many of us are still going through with site access through wifi], posting thoughts etc and many of us appreciate your straight Jersey attitude on calling things how you see but you’re going to have to be able take the same critique other posters receive and give back when when you post/publish inaccuracies that contain strong opinions one way or the other because most of us are here for the RU banter, sports debating and love for football and everything Rutgers. I’ve been a premium member for most of my years and debating whether to re-sign because the wackadoo chatter has gone up on premium when the free board was where traditionally the incoherent discussion took place but now I’m not so sure.

I’m not going through your prior predictions, commentary and/or football thoughts you’ve provided in the past where you were completely wrong; and I personally don’t come to this website to be told what I see on tape or in the attendance of a game. I want to know whose coming and going within the program and recruit thoughts on the program and for questions of RU coaches that reveal more about the inner workings of the teams [nice questions of Greg in the bowl press conference prior to game btw] which you do an outstanding job of.

I know you’re running a business with a journalistic component, passionate about sports and you’re hustling to grow but when you post/podcast/youtube etc about a player is not good or this is the problem with the team, you’re opening yourself up for debate and criticism. Many of us that know the game and some of us which have stronger connections and access to the program than you do [which I don’t include myself in that access group] could care less about the opinions of the site moderator.

We still love you though and many of us don’t agree with your assertion that Athan is the best qb the day he steps onto campus but time will tell.

I’ll tell you one thing: don’t see Gavin as a kid that runs from competition whether he wins or loses the starting spot.

Perfect statement
We lost to Michigan, Wisconsin, Ohio State, Iowa, Penn State and Maryland. Which of these teams did Wimsatt single handedly lose to?
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They also thought we were 4-5 win team before the season, so how reliable are they?
Let us guess, you’re crystal ball had Monangai as the B1G’s leading rusher in your season prediction?

That’s the primary reason they won more games and Kirk’s play calling that was able to hide many of our warts until the final month.

Monangai elevated his game to a whole other level this year. In the past, he didn’t necessarily gain many yards after contact in B1G play. It was a knock on him.

That was huge for the offense and team as a whole because it kept the defense rested. We also didn’t need to rely on the punter as our primary offensive weapon either.

But I’ll listen to them any day more than your soccer analysis. They don’t always get it right, but they own their predictions and provide great content if you’re not a homer.
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How about this I attended & watched multiple practices & a scrimmage during this season that the mods were not permitted to attend so maybe I saw things firsthand that makes me more educated on the subject than you or Ritchie
So you got to watch firsthand all the struggles, congrats.
Let us guess, you’re crystal ball had Monangai as the B1G’s leading rusher in your season prediction?

That’s the primary reason they won more games and Kirk’s play calling that was able to hide many of our warts until the final month.

Monangai elevated his game to a whole other level this year. In the past, he didn’t necessarily gain many yards after contact in B1G play. It was a knock on him.

That was huge for the offense and team as a whole because it kept the defense rested. We also didn’t need to rely on the punter as our primary offensive weapon either.

But I’ll listen to them any day more than your soccer analysis. They don’t always get it right, but they own their predictions and provide great content if you’re not a homer.
You had to go to the personal attacks. Good lord. And I'll own being a homer. I enjoy going to Rutgers games. Wouldn't have it any other way. We have too many self loathing miserable fans. It is what it is.
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Personal bias?😂😂😂
It’s their opinion!
It is message board….everyone has opinions….seriously?

Just because you disagree with it doesn’t make it biased

You think Gavin is a good QB…

Many others don’t

So what….

Grow up

this post should be read by many on this board as it might reduce the drama from the queens:)

absolutely amazing to see how emotionally invested in Gav many are. It's illogical and downright crazy for 'mature' adults
Let’s hope so, but it seems he wasn’t going to be a starter anymore and he may have come here because he didn’t have other options
It was a done deal from the moment he visited. They just had the announcement wait until after the bowl game.

So how many other visits was he supposed to take to satisfy some of you?

I’ve been on this website since you were probably in grade school and way before you purchased the Rivals publisher rights to this and State Penn’s site and I can honestly say no one hustles more than you in getting out there talking to all sorts of folks, providing content for us to digest, getting back on tech issues with site [which many of us are still going through with site access through wifi], posting thoughts etc and many of us appreciate your straight Jersey attitude on calling things how you see but you’re going to have to be able take the same critique other posters receive and give back when when you post/publish inaccuracies that contain strong opinions one way or the other because most of us are here for the RU banter, sports debating and love for football and everything Rutgers. I’ve been a premium member for most of my years and debating whether to re-sign because the wackadoo chatter has gone up on premium when the free board was where traditionally the incoherent discussion took place but now I’m not so sure.

I’m not going through your prior predictions, commentary and/or football thoughts you’ve provided in the past where you were completely wrong; and I personally don’t come to wethis bsite to be told what I see on tape or in the attendance of a game. I want to know whose coming and going within the program and recruit thoughts on the program and for questions of RU coaches that reveal more about the inner workings of the teams [nice questions of Greg in the bowl press conference prior to game btw] which you do an outstanding job of.

I know you’re running a business with a journalistic component, passionate about sports and you’re hustling to grow but when you post/podcast/youtube etc about a player is not good or this is the problem with the team, you’re opening yourself up for debate and criticism. Many of us that know the game and some of us which have stronger connections and access to the program than you do [which I don’t include myself in that access group] could care less about the opinions of the site moderator.

We still love you though and many of us don’t agree with your assertion that Athan is the best qb the day he steps onto campus but time will tell.

I’ll tell you one thing: don’t see Gavin as a kid that runs from competition whether he wins or loses the starting spot.

I appreciate the compliments and yes I'm still arguing with the tech team about the issues there and hope to have that fixed for all experiencing those issues sooner rather than later.

As for the predictions, commentary, etc from myself and our staff, that's just the way journalism works in today's world. The sports journalism world has changed dramatically even from when I first started covering it and we are actually encouraged to give our opinions more and more as people like to read it, debate it, etc.
So I'm more than open to the criticism on my predictions or thoughts, but I will also defend my position as well.

Again I appreciate everything you said and yes there are some whackos on the premium side of things, but I'd highly recommend giving it another try and it's the go to spot for things such as who's coming, going, recruit thoughts, and other stuff that you mentioned you want to know more about. I'll even tell ya the TKR30 promo code gets ya a month free, so quit after that if you still don't like it, but it's very addicting ;).
I appreciate the compliments and yes I'm still arguing with the tech team about the issues there and hope to have that fixed for all experiencing those issues sooner rather than later.

As for the predictions, commentary, etc from myself and our staff, that's just the way journalism works in today's world. The sports journalism world has changed dramatically even from when I first started covering it and we are actually encouraged to give our opinions more and more as people like to read it, debate it, etc.
So I'm more than open to the criticism on my predictions or thoughts, but I will also defend my position as well.

Again I appreciate everything you said and yes there are some whackos on the premium side of things, but I'd highly recommend giving it another try and it's the go to spot for things such as who's coming, going, recruit thoughts, and other stuff that you mentioned you want to know more about. I'll even tell ya the TKR30 promo code gets ya a month free, so quit after that if you still don't like it, but it's very addicting ;).
the only issue I have is penn state??????????? lol
Let us guess, you’re crystal ball had Monangai as the B1G’s leading rusher in your season prediction?

That’s the primary reason they won more games and Kirk’s play calling that was able to hide many of our warts until the final month.

Monangai elevated his game to a whole other level this year. In the past, he didn’t necessarily gain many yards after contact in B1G play. It was a knock on him.

That was huge for the offense and team as a whole because it kept the defense rested. We also didn’t need to rely on the punter as our primary offensive weapon either.

But I’ll listen to them any day more than your soccer analysis. They don’t always get it right, but they own their predictions and provide great content if you’re not a homer.
Yet you never gave credit to GW for being a big part of the improved run game. I’ve been sharing a lot of facts today and will add one more.

2022 total rushing yds 1538
2023 total rushing yds 2193

2022 total QB rushing yds 61
2023 total QB rushing yds 497
Yet you never gave credit to GW for being a big part of the improved run game. I’ve been sharing a lot of facts today and will add one more.

2022 total rushing yds 1538
2023 total rushing yds 2193

2022 total QB rushing yds 61
2023 total QB rushing yds 497
We ran a different system in 23 as opposed to 22

The system this year was much more dependent on the run which is why those numbers look the way they do
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We ran a different system in 23 as opposed to 22

The system this year was much more dependent on the run which is why those numbers look the way they do
Even with facts in front of you. Let me explain it better. We rushed for an additional 655 yds yoy. GW accounted for 436 yds of that increase. That’s 2/3’s of the increase rushing yds.
Even with facts in front of you. Let me explain it better. We rushed for an additional 655 yds yoy. GW accounted for 436 yds of that increase. That’s 2/3’s of the increase rushing yds.
That’s correct because we did a heck of a lot more of QB designed runs….way more than the previous year and the designed runs were much more schematically different

This isn’t a criticism or compliment of Gavin

It was the way the offense was designed and Gavin did a good job for the most part with designed runs

Aren’t we a bit sensitive

No need to be snarky about it
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