I was certainly oversimplifying things, since the info you mentioned is unlikely to be readily available. I also am not sure it would help much, since our states, cities and counties aren't monoliths with regard to political party. Plenty of Trump supporters in the cities and plenty of lefties in the country. And it only takes a modest subset of the population in any area not wearing masks and congregating in groups (especially indoors) to lead to outbreaks.
Plus a variable I didn't mention, but probably should have, is age: far more younger people, independent of party are not following masking guidance, since the young often don't want to listen to "authority" anyway, plus they know they're not at much risk. My larger point remains, though, that I think far more people would be wearing masks if the POTUS had been a strong champion for them from day one (or at least since early April, when the CDC came out for them).
Also, I have no great disagreement on your 7 points (minor quibbles maybe, but not worth arguing here), but, as I've said hundreds of times now, the biggest factor enabling our horrific start to the pandemic was the lack of testing. No tests at all in NY/NJ through 3/3 and less than 1000 per day through mid-March, by which time we had tens of thousands, if not over 100,000 infected people participating in the most densely populated/most dense commuting culture in the US, at least (with, by far, the biggest influx of infected people from Europe in the US), prior to things starting to shut down on 3/16. If we had the testing we needed in place, we'd have seen similar numbers 2 weeks earlier and likely could've shut down 2 weeks earlier and avoided 75-90% of cases/deaths.