Unfortunately there was nobody else to throw out there this year then add to it the the loss of Grant, not even halfway through game 4, and one would have guessed their output literally HAD to be better this year, BUT....they lost their "safety net" in LC then, even worse, lost Grant. Take away their 3+ year starting LT and, well, the unit was the exploited for what it really is, again, most unfortunately.
That being said there were people here claiming we had "as fast a group of receivers as any in the conference" and a "top 5 receiver group in the conference" (and I heard that from more than 1 poster). Bottom line, sorry, but they just weren't good nor should we have expected them to be so. My main point is that our posters have a VERY BAD tendency of seeing "highlight"-type games, in April, and base predictions for the team, for units within the team, and for individuals based on a spring game that, in the end, tends to mean very, very little other than being a show. These stats are, in a word and being very nice, "underwhelming:"
Patton 27-for-391 (last year 34-for-432)
Arc 10-for-62 (12-for-92)
Tsmis 10-for-86 (injured)
Agudosi 7-for-75 (17-for313)
Where are the stats for "dropped passes" at, btw, because we dropped a TON of them this season (well, the ones that reached the hands of our receives, anyway....ugh).