IMPORTANT and short SNOW EVENT thread

Sep 11, 2006
(rules of thread.. keep post to old twitter length only)

RU#'s says one inch to two feet of snow THURSDAY and colder afterward #snowcoldpocalypse

(to be clear.. this is not meant to mock anyone.. just summarize the news and avoid all the "measuring" going on int eh other threads)
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(rules of thread.. keep post to old twitter length only)

RU#'s says one inch to two feet of snow Wednesday and colder afterward

My prediction: Event moves west between now and stormfall. NJ with 6-10 - shore gets even more.

(remember: I won the last hurricane prediction contest)
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My prediction: Event moves west between now and stormfall. NJ with 6-10 - shore gets even more.

(remember: I won the last hurricane prediction contest)

yeah.. but that prediction is basically the average "snowstorm" in New Jersey.

I do appreciate the idea of knowing that some models predict far more.. meaning.. it is possible.. if remote.
yeah.. but that prediction is basically the average "snowstorm" in New Jersey.

I do appreciate the idea of knowing that some models predict far more.. meaning.. it is possible.. if remote.

Also I just coined the term "Stormfall". So I got that going for me.
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My prediction: Event moves west between now and stormfall. NJ with 6-10 - shore gets even more.

(remember: I won the last hurricane prediction contest)

I'm going to place my bet with you. The shore gets hammered when storms move up the coast from the south. If it moves west, and I think it will, we will get a serious dumping.
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My prediction: the front STALLS and Jersey gets buried two feet under !! Run and get the milk and bread before the stores run out !!!!

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Headline of my email (136 characters with spaces, although I read Twitter now allows 280 characters)...:

Winter storm warnings for 5-7" for I-95 counties; blizzard warnings for 6-10"/blizzard conditions in coastal counties; 3-5" N/W of 95.
RU#'s never seems to get any of these weather predictions right. I always wait for Bac or Ru4real to chime in.

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