Basketball LIVE THREAD/PREVIEW: Rutgers Hoops versus Michigan

The only one on the court playing worth a damn is Cliff. Give him the ball and let him try to win it on his own. Every other player on the team is a wasted possession when they get the ball. Of course, I said this about 10 times over the previous two years with Myles and they never gave him the ball. I will not be holding my breath.
It's called playing the good hand you got tonight instead of holding for better cards not coming. Don't understand not going with the hot hand .
Exactly - it's 9 to 6 in fouls and sure a couple were bad calls, but a couple of bad calls don't make for a 12 point UM lead and them shooting over 50%
But it can cause a team to play soft out of fear. It can and has changed the complexion of the game.
This is the old Rutgers team.

Rutgers needed Mulcahy to take over instead he played incredibly sloppy.

I want the Rutgers that blew out Michigan State.