Notes from Akron newspaper


Heisman Winner
Apr 1, 2004
Some notes … front 6 on defense looked solid, 2 QBs in action — sometimes at the same time, despite Akron being thin at the QB position, the money payed by Ohio State to Akron.
BTW, didn’t the Akron coach Joe Moorman decline a chance to interview for the Rutgers head coaching job?

A couple of interesting things from this article:
1. Two QBs on the field at the same time to create deception. With their QB depth being a bit thin, I wonder how long they will use that strategy and how much we will see it if the one QB (Finley) is banged up from the OSU game.
2. The discrepancy in reports about what Akron was paid for the game. I can't believe it was on the lower end since they bailed out OSU a little bit by filling the slot on short notice.
A couple of interesting things from this article:
1. Two QBs on the field at the same time to create deception. With their QB depth being a bit thin, I wonder how long they will use that strategy and how much we will see it if the one QB (Finley) is banged up from the OSU game.
2. The discrepancy in reports about what Akron was paid for the game. I can't believe it was on the lower end since they bailed out OSU a little bit by filling the slot on short notice.
The fact that Akron is a state school able to benefit from another state school that's a money machine also weighs towards the higher number.
Nevermind the Buckeye beatdown. The HC knows good offense inside and out. Remember Chip Kelly @ UNH ? With our plodding, non-passing offense, this game is worrisome.

Further, they faced a superior opponent which will help them adjust to us. We faced a weak opponent that did not help us for this week.

Would be surprised if it's not close in the second half.
Has it occurred to you that we have a QB that appears more than able to accurately hit receivers? Although we didn't go long, it really didn't seem all that necessary. I have no concerns about us being able to move the ball a lot better than last season.
I'll believe it when I see it.

He did seem more accurate than his predecessor, but only in 1 game vs FCS and still only short passes. Philosophy is also an issue. No matter the opponent, the HC is steadfast in his insistence on low risk, time of possession, grind it out offense. Needing 20 plays to score rather than 10 increases the chance for a drive-killing play.

Shortening the game limits scoring for both teams. While it may help us avoid blowouts against top teams, it hurts us against weaker teams...not super-weak like Howard, but weak FBS like Akron and even some lower P4-5.

RU 24 - UA 17
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He's a columnist, not a beat writer.
He should still . . . . . .
michael jackson bed GIF

Even better . Politi can learn a little more :)
Beat down writer might be more accurate.
stop it big brother GIF by Bellator
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I'll believe it when I see it.

He did seem more accurate than his predecessor, but only in 1 game vs FCS and still only short passes. Philosophy is also an issue. No matter the opponent, the HC is steadfast in his insistence on low risk, time of possession, grind it out offense. Needing 20 plays to score rather than 10 increases the chance for a drive-killing play.

Shortening the game limits scoring for both teams. While it may help us avoid blowouts against top teams, it hurts us against weaker teams...not super-weak like Howard, but weak FBS like Akron and even some lower P4-5.

RU 24 - UA 17
You’re either joking, or setting yourself up to look very bad when RU wins by 4 TD’s.
We will see. Say UA scores 1 TD. You're saying we score 5 ? Doubt it.

On the bright side, rain helps us because we don't have a passing game anyway.
I’m saying we will absolutely score 5 TD’s. Thats only 35 points. We are going to score in the 40’s against Akron.

And we do have a passing game now. Did you not even watch the Howard game! Sure looked like a successful passing game to me. Would have been even better if not for at least two obvious drops.
I’m saying we will absolutely score 5 TD’s. Thats only 35 points. We are going to score in the 40’s against Akron.

And we do have a passing game now. Did you not even watch the Howard game! Sure looked like a successful passing game to me. Would have been even better if not for at least two obvious drops.
while there’s no reliable transitive property in football analysis, something tells me we ain’t scoring in the 40s.

1. OSU’s high scoring, super talented offense with playmakers everywhere scored 52 against them in nice weather.

2. We scored in the 40s against an FCS team with a TD at 0:00.

3. Our offense and game philosophy isn’t built to score 40+

4. We have a short yardage passing game at best, which I don’t consider a legit passing game because defenses still only need to defend 10-15 yards from the LOS.

So, no. Shelby sees a win but not of the 4 TD margin and 40+ points. No way, no how.
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We will see. Say UA scores 1 TD. You're saying we score 5 ? Doubt it.

On the bright side, rain helps us because we don't have a passing game anyway.

I mean - unless your predicting AK tossing them a couple pick 6es, I have a difficult time envisioning them scoring 17 points. Akron’s offense is horrendous. It’s not just a little worse than Howard’s. Their D is materially better than Howard’s though so I don’t disagree that scoring 5 TDs would be a lot. 24-3 feels about right to me. Schiano knows their D is decent, and also knows their offense stinks. Thats a recipe for extremely conservative play on our part with the usual Shelby crew complaining the whole way through.
I mean - unless your predicting AK tossing them a couple pick 6es, I have a difficult time envisioning them scoring 17 points. Akron’s offense is horrendous. It’s not just a little worse than Howard’s. Their D is materially better than Howard’s though so I don’t disagree that scoring 5 TDs would be a lot. 24-3 feels about right to me. Schiano knows their D is decent, and also knows their offense stinks. Thats a recipe for extremely conservative play on our part with the usual Shelby crew complaining the whole way through.
What are you basing "horrendous" on ? And was our passing game not horrendous in '23 ? Sure, it's a new year with new players but I didn't see anything last week except for SB4's busted coverage screen TD to suggest a good passing game this year. That's not what AK was brought here to do.

I do think RU will win, but not handily. Moorhead is a very experienced offensive guy, and MAC teams in general should never be underestimated.
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What are you basing "horrendous" on ? And was our passing game not horrendous in '23 ? Sure, it's a new year with new players but I didn't see anything last week except for SB4's busted coverage screen TD to suggest a good passing game this year. That's not what AK was brought here to do.

I do think RU will win, but not handily. Moorhead is a very experienced offensive guy, and MAC teams in general should never be underestimated.

I’m basing it on how bad their offense was last year and they weren’t projected to be any better this year.
A lot of people don’t understand football. How you wear down a team that is smaller, weaker, less depth than you is by pounding the ball. Hence scores like 14-7 at halftime and 44-7 final. Michigan 3 pt game with Fresno then 30-10 final. You pound the ball against akron, people will say we suck when we’re only up 3-0 or 7-3 at the end of the first quarter, but we will win 38-3 or something like that in the end.
For some reason @PSAL_Hoops indulges Shelby and other tools like yessir, and all it does is clog the threads with a lot of stupid drivel from trolls.
Yep - I find those two entertaining. I’m looking forward to the day Houston gets the boot from East Carolina.

To be fair though - they don't only post because of me. I don’t have the power to stop them and enough people who don’t browse the forum as often come across the nonsense and eventually respond to it so your pretty much destined to see it anyway. Those guys aren’t going away.
You are a good poster, but the debates with those tools do drag threads down and prolong the agony of the Hobbs thread, which should just go away. Wish the mods would lock that thread already.

I’m actually not interested in the bulk of that thread anymore either. Would be happy for it to be shut down. I don’t find the debate with Mildone entertaining at all. But I will always respond to comments that are suggestive that I (or other good fans) enjoy anything about the Hobbs situation just as I responded to the suggestions that I was a bad fan for saying something seemed off with the way the abrupt resignation was handled early on.

In terms of the Shelby crowd though - putting them in their place with literally no retort possible is the only way to shut them up. I enjoy that challenge. I consider the point that Greg called the same exact plays on the last offensive drive of the Wagner game last year instead of running out the clock, checkmate on his idiotic suggestion that Greg was milking the spread. I know you have him on ignore but rest assured he had no response because there’s nothing to possibly say (as an example).
I don’t have Shelby on ignore I just ignore him and scroll by. He clearly adds nothing to the board and has an agenda. No way he’s a Rutgers fan as he claims. There’s a fine line between contrarian and clown. He crossed it a long time ago.

I don’t know that he’s entirely not a fan. I generally disagree with almost everything he posts in the basketball forum but he seems like a “fan” of the program there.

With football I have to agree with you. Above all else, he’d prefer to see Schiano fail. Therefore, at least right now he’s not a Rutgers fan because he wants to be right which requires RU to do poorly.
I don’t know that he’s entirely not a fan. I generally disagree with almost everything he posts in the basketball forum but he seems like a “fan” of the program there.

With football I have to agree with you. Above all else, he’d prefer to see Schiano fail. Therefore, at least right now he’s not a Rutgers fan because he wants to be right which requires RU to do poorly.
Shelby is a tool bc he doesn’t drink from the Kool Aid toilet most others do. Keen logic. The team was 3-6 in conference last year and some people not even named Al are talking playoff possibilities already. The negative fans have clearly been more accurate, their expectations matching actual outcomes.

Shelby has a different definition of fandom.
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Shelby is a tool bc he doesn’t drink from the Kool Aid toilet most others. Keen logic. The team was 3-6 in conference last year and some people not even named Al are talking playoff possibilities. The negative fans have clearly been more accurate, expectations matching outcomes.

Shelby has a different definition of fandom.

Talking about yourself to yourself?
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Shelby is a tool bc he doesn’t drink from the Kool Aid toilet most others do. Keen logic. The team was 3-6 in conference last year and some people not even named Al are talking playoff possibilities. The negative fans have clearly been more accurate, their expectations matching actual outcomes.

Shelby has a different definition of fandom.

Regardless, you’re rooting for Schiano to fail because you don’t like him. You’ve admitted as much. Since he’s currently the coach of RU football, that means that at least with respect to this season you are not a RU football fan. You don’t want us to win because you want him to fail. Simple logic there.
Regardless, you’re rooting for Schiano to fail because you don’t like him. You’ve admitted as much. Since he’s currently the coach of RU football, that means that at least with respect to this season you are not a RU football fan. You don’t want us to win because you want him to fail. Simple logic there.
That weasely ‘regardless’ destroys your premise. Shelby doesn’t think Schiano can be a winning coach in this conference. True, said I don’t like him. Never said rooting for team to lose,

Outcomes bear out he’s barely average. nothing suggesting he’ll be competitive in this conference has occurred. Again, different definition of fandom. Rooting and expecting are different things.
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