OT: anyone else see this? Apparently it's gone viral and its bugging me out

Re: OT: anyone else see this? What color is this dress?

Gold and white
Re: OT: anyone else see this? What color is this dress?

Looks blue and gold to me.
Re: OT: anyone else see this? What color is this dress?

This is creepy... Have my friends see black and blue and the other half is gold and white
Re: OT: anyone else see this? What color is this dress?

gold and white. for the life of me, i can't see how anyone could possibly see black in that. blue i can sorta understand, but not black.
Re: OT: anyone else see this? What color is this dress?

Originally posted by ClassOf02:
gold and white. for the life of me, i can't see how anyone could possibly see black in that. blue i can sorta understand, but not black.

I cannot understand that either. But I can't figure out how people can see white.

Clear as day I see it blue.
Re: OT: anyone else see this? What color is this dress?

White and Gold to me and my youngest son. Blue and Black to my wife and oldest son...weird.
For those that see it white..isn't the background of the page white?

So on the top left corner of the photo, can't you tell its a different color than the background of the page?
Originally posted by mikemarc1:
For those that see it white..isn't the background of the page white?

So on the top left corner of the photo, can't you tell its a different color than the background of the page?
i see more of a creamy vanilla white as opposed to the bright white of the site background.
Re: OT: anyone else see this? What color is this dress?

I clicked the link, saw the dress as white and gold, then went back to the thread to read comments. After reading, I clicked on the link again and the dress clearly looked black and blue and still does. Try a second look.
Gotta be white with gold.

Lots of dresses in that color combo. Not so much the other suggestions.
Originally posted by KingHigh:
Its a trick dummies. Scroll down then scroll back up.
It's not a trick it is your perception inferring the color based on the context of the surrounding colors. For instance I see gold as does one of my daughters. The other daughter and wife see black. If however I zoom in on my cell phone to the large portion of the dress that I see as gold with only that filling the display on the phone and show it to my wife she sees gold. I them zoom back out on the screen to the original magnification she then sees black. Those people who see black are inferring that as a black color based on the surrounding colors. When focused on just that color without the context of the other colors they perceive it as gold.

This is likely the effect of the "Opponent Process Theory" of color perception. The contextual color stimuli are stimulating photo receptors which are inhibiting color receptors that perceive the color wavelength combinations as gold. If you remove those contextual colors you remove the stimuli to the inhibiting receptors and the color looks like gold. This is basically how you see yellow as a combination for blue and green light without having any yellow color receptors in your eye.

This post was edited on 2/26 11:05 PM by RUTBAY
Blue and black.

amazon) - it's just this particular photo has some weird lighting to it that makes some people see it as a white/gold dress.

I still can't see the white - though I can see how the black might look a sort of copper/brown/gold color.

This post was edited on 2/26 11:56 PM by RUChoppin
The X factor here is the camera/ lighting. If you look at everything behind the dress, the background has different lighting reflected on it than the dress does. Based on that contrast the dress looks like a poorly lit white/gold dress. If you put your hand over the well lit background scenery then the it looks more like it could possibly be a light blue because there is no other lit scenery to compare it to. It's pretty simple, I dont get how this became viral.
the short answer is white and mentioned above, the white is a creamy, slightly off color white....I can see how the lighter color part might be seen as a very pale light blue caused by
poor lighting when the pic was taken

in no way can I see how the darker part of the dress be seen as appears gold or brown...the dark part of the dress is very close to the skin color in the neck area
It actually is a blue and black dress, from other pictures. This one picture was taken with a bad camera and overexposed lighting - so, it's washing the colors out a lot, which is making some people (many people) see it as white/gold.

Taking color samples with an eyedropper, the dress color in the picture is definitely blue (though not as blue as the actual dress is, as seen in other pictures of it), while the black fringe has more of a black/brown color.

Edit: Someone took the original photo and adjusted the levels to compensate for the overexposure.
This post was edited on 2/26 10:12 PM by RUChoppin
Here's another picture of the dress by the same person who posted the first picture.

Interesting that in a Buzzfeed survey, about 75% of people see this dress as white/gold in the other photo. Lot of chatter/explanations over on reddit.


This post was edited on 2/27 12:23 AM by RUChoppin
I think the explanation is that, technically, the color shows blue. But I've seen white that becomes that type of "blue" because of lighting as in what would white look light under an ultraviolet, flourescent or other type of light.
white and gold white could be a very light ice blue - but i'd still call it white being a man
It's both depending on the angle you look it at.
Test: Open the link on your phone. Tilt the phone like as if you were inspecting it's surface perpendicular to your face.
Chances are it'll change into what you don't see.
White and gold, though I can see how others would infer blue based on the lighting. Where is the black?!
This post was edited on 2/27 7:17 AM by RUsSKii
Now that I've seen the original dress as blue and black I can't "unsee" those colors. However if I do the trick I talked about earlier, i.e. show only one color at a time I still see the black trim as gold. The white part always looked to me as badly exposed white trending toward blue.

A more appropriate question might be "what are the colors of light in this picture".


Someone Loaded image into Matlab and found:
Upper Gold/Black Section - R:132, G:113, B:70 (a.k.a GOLD)
Upper White/Blue Section - R:154, G:164, B:199 (a.k.a. Dim bluish white)

This post was edited on 2/27 6:22 AM by RUTBAY
The picture is very poorly exposed, so your eyes are trying to compensate for the poor exposure by using contextual clues to infer what the colors should be. (The colors could also look different based on your screen settings, which explains why people looking at different screens may see different colors, but doesn't explain why people looking at the same screen infer different colors.)

If you crop out all the contextual clues, it is easier to look at just the colors as rendered in the photo, without your eyes trying to correct for the poor exposure.


I see brown and blue.
I think that the world has gone mad. This is #1 trending in the world!! Really??? Facebook is flooded with this and NBC just wasted 5 mins on this. Who fringe cares?
I find it interesting in light of, yes pun intended, when we say what we"saw"

Crime scene, I witnessed, etc.....did we really see what we thought?
Originally posted by Upstream:
The picture is very poorly exposed, so your eyes are trying to compensate for the poor exposure by using contextual clues to infer what the colors should be. (The colors could also look different based on your screen settings, which explains why people looking at different screens may see different colors, but doesn't explain why people looking at the same screen infer different colors.)

If you crop out all the contextual clues, it is easier to look at just the colors as rendered in the photo, without your eyes trying to correct for the poor exposure.


I see brown and blue.
But that's just that one specific section of the dress at the top - which is the only part of the dress I can see as bronze/gold (and only if I ignore all the other trim on the dress). Take a similar sample toward the bottom.

really wierd. last night it was white and gold to me and this morning it is blue and black.

Strictly going by the link provided in this thread. I am using a different computer this morning though.