The kid in the video is absolutely relentless. I'm very glad he's coming to RU.
Yea, that is a kid you want on your team. We are getting a different type of athlete now. With the way we play, we are going to get more. It wouldn't surprise me if there is some hot shot recruits at other schools watching the style we play thinking, hmmmmm.
Best championship I saw at RU was 1983, Syracuse vs. Hopkins. Syracuse at that point wasn't really anything to speak of, but they were coming on. Hopkins was the dominant force in the land. Hopkins was crushing Syracuse and Syracuse made this all time comeback. Legends on both sides making crazy plays. I knew during that game I wanted to be a part of that world. It was powerful.
I don't want to put added pressure on us, but we are starting to remind me now of those early Syracuse teams. No one team will ever have the success they have had the last twenty years because the game is just too widespread now, but I see some similar traits to us now. We are getting really good athletes, our coach plays a fast exciting game, encouraging players to make plays, and there is this hunger and thirst for more more more.
If we can get the facilities done, scholarships up to snuff, and the money pool for assistants raised to keep them along with the DoO, I truly believe we can blow the lid off of this thing. We are close.