Who really has the most popular helmets

Wow, those are some biased captions.

"The State University of New Jersey claims to have invented college football, though you would not know that talking to an SEC team like Georgia."

Claim nothing. It's recorded fact.
The less on the helmet the better for him. He loves PSU, Alabama even Air Force but hates any helmet with anything going on.
Originally posted by Sir ScarletKnight:

Wow, those are some biased captions.

"The State University of New Jersey claims to have invented college football, though you would not know that talking to an SEC team like Georgia."

Claim nothing. It's recorded fact.
To be honest, there is some debate about that, considering how little that game resembles football. Talk to Tufts. :) The Jumbos will give you an alternate version of history. I'm not buying it, of course, but the debate is, in fact, out there.

Besides, the line is actually a knock at the SEC for acting as if they invented football. At least that's the way I took it.
Originally posted by Sir ScarletKnight:

Wow, those are some biased captions.

"The State University of New Jersey claims to have invented college football, though you would not know that talking to an SEC team like Georgia."

Claim nothing. It's recorded fact.
Come on now. We all know CBS has been in bed with the SEC since forever. Im surprised they even allowed us into their little helmet tournament.

This post was edited on 3/11 12:48 AM by ScarletKnightRider
Maybe it's me, but I voted for a lot of upsets in that bracket. Not a big fan of the helmets of Alabama, Penn State, Miami, Ohio State... but realistically, we all know the final teams will be big name schools because this is a popularity contest.
I'd like to thank the Academy. It's an honor just to be nominated.................
I love the U's. With their history, I still get goose bumps when they run out of the tunnel for a big game and I see those helmets.
Originally posted by Sea Blue:

This is silly... Just give us our trophy so we can go home, and Go Blue.
Interesting arguments going on in the comments section.

Did not realize that the "iconic Winged Helmets" design was stolen from little brother.
There are a ton of really cool helmets...even from schools I dislike...very subjective...the old NJ Rutgers RU helmet was hideous but I liked it like you like a really ugly it is one of the most recognizable...the block R was a brilliant move. USAFAs is very unique...state penn...Bama...boring!

My Favorites

RU, A&M, USAFA, Michigan, Cal, Arkansas, texass (that hurt to admit, but their uterus-looking logo is unique), Miami, UNC (not the color), WVU, Auburn, OU...

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