2021-22 season discussion thread

Wonder if we are sending anyone to the Edinboro Open tomorrow. We have sent people in the past and I noticed it was listed SKWC events page, but can't find any registration details yet. Something to keep an eye on.
Don't know about Edinboro. But, Ashnault, Begakov, and Pagano scheduled to wrestle for the SKWC at the PRTC Summit 3 on Monday. Matches scheduled to be on Rokfin.
I’ve watched all the duals on B1G & B1G+ and have noticed something every dual since early to mid January. That Sammy Alvarez isn’t sitting with team . Is he no longer with the team ? Is he practicing with the team ? Just something I’ve noticed.
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I’ve watched all the duals on B1G & B1G+ and have noticed something every dual since early to mid January. That Sammy Alvarez isn’t sitting with team . Is he no longer with the team ? Is he practicing with the team ? Just something I’ve noticed.
He's practicing in the David Campbell video starting at 3:24

So Silva is wrestling for SKWC? That’s interesting. Hopefully he comes on board at RU as well. Can never have too many studs
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Pagano loses 12-16 in a high scoring, back & forth match with Owen Webster
SKWC announced that Joe Pollard is the new Executive Director succeeding Leo who stepped down. Coach Pollard will remain the Rutgers Wrestling Director of Operations as well.
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Shame. Was hopeful he could be a 5x champ
Glad he's okay, but hopefully he's learned his lesson. It was a pretty idiotic thing he did that put many lives in jeopardy. At least he can still be a 4xer. He's one of my favorite to watch. 197 still remains one of the most exciting weights.

Wish NJ wasn't so expensive. We could have gotten the whole family to come to RU.
While he's a very lucky man , and I'm glad he's not a statistic...but let's not forget what a complete ass whole he was for what he did. I don't know why the Oklahoma State staff is not making this kid accountable for his behavior. The kid should be kicked off that team. Everybody's worried about whether he's going to wrestle or not, but nobody's worried about this kids Behavior. I can deal with the whole Vinnie Ghoombatz persona, because I grew up with these types. But I can't accept that total disregard for other people.
While he's a very lucky man , and I'm glad he's not a statistic...but let's not forget what a complete ass whole he was for what he did. I don't know why the Oklahoma State staff is not making this kid accountable for his behavior. The kid should be kicked off that team. Everybody's worried about whether he's going to wrestle or not, but nobody's worried about this kids Behavior. I can deal with the whole Vinnie Ghoombatz persona, because I grew up with these types. But I can't accept that total disregard for other people.
It’s bc he’s a NC.. and they probably figured him missing the rest of this season is punishment enough… and for the ppl that r hoping he can/coulda been 4/5x NC I don’t think they realize how hard that is… how many times have we seen a freshman NC only to have never won it again.. always going to be rooting for AJ tho as he gave RU a real shot and brings excitement to the sport.
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I doubt he would have ever come here expensive or not. He was obsessed with the whole John Smith aura
While he's a very lucky man , and I'm glad he's not a statistic...but let's not forget what a complete ass whole he was for what he did. I don't know why the Oklahoma State staff is not making this kid accountable for his behavior. The kid should be kicked off that team. Everybody's worried about whether he's going to wrestle or not, but nobody's worried about this kids Behavior. I can deal with the whole Vinnie Ghoombatz persona, because I grew up with these types. But I can't accept that total disregard for other people.
He’s a kid. He made a dumb mistake and could have killed people so I’m not excusing, but he also is a human that needs a support system to recover. He’s very lucky no one died and I don’t want to say no harm no foul but his life will be better with support instead of punishment. When it becomes repeated behavior is when you step in and play hardball.
He’s a kid. He made a dumb mistake and could have killed people so I’m not excusing, but he also is a human that needs a support system to recover. He’s very lucky no one died and I don’t want to say no harm no foul but his life will be better with support instead of punishment. When it becomes repeated behavior is when you step in and play hardball.
This kids been a hot dog ever since he stepped foot on Oklahoma State's campus. He taunts other wrestlers on the mat, tries to humiliate lesser competition, and an instance like this was bound to happen. I'm sorry I'm not as forgiving as you. I'm very glad that he's okay though. No parent should ever lose their child. If kids aren't taught lessons and harsh ones they think they get a pass on behavior like this.
It’s entirely possible spending a few days or weeks in a hospital in addition to missing the rest of the season would do just as much to teach him a lesson as kicking him off the team.

People respond differently to different things. For some, taking away his scholarship and booting him off the team could be a wake up call. For others, it can send their life into a tailspin. I think the seriousness of the injuries should serve enough of the purpose. No need to take it a step further unless it becomes a trend.

The showboating should have nothing to do with it.
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This kids been a hot dog ever since he stepped foot on Oklahoma State's campus. He taunts other wrestlers on the mat, tries to humiliate lesser competition, and an instance like this was bound to happen. I'm sorry I'm not as forgiving as you. I'm very glad that he's okay though. No parent should ever lose their child. If kids aren't taught lessons and harsh ones they think they get a pass on behavior like this.
I am in agreement with you here. Same thing happened with Steveson from MN with disrespect on the mat. Then he got into a little trouble which pretty quietly disappeared/was resolved. Steveson has grown up a little but still has his ways. Perhaps AJ matures after this as well.
The showboating should have nothing to do with it.
But it does. It helps paint a picture and people will read into it however they want. In AJs case, I see the the level of disrespect and bravado on the mat carrying over into his decisions made in that car (and that was disrespect for the law and bravado passing cars where no person in their right mind should be passing cars)... which fortunately didnt kill anyone.
Kinner wrestled tough and kept it close against Rivera and today did the same thing against Nick Lee. He might be finding his groove finally.

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I am in agreement with you here. Same thing happened with Steveson from MN with disrespect on the mat. Then he got into a little trouble which pretty quietly disappeared/was resolved. Steveson has grown up a little but still has his ways. Perhaps AJ matures after this as well.

But it does. It helps paint a picture and people will read into it however they want. In AJs case, I see the the level of disrespect and bravado on the mat carrying over into his decisions made in that car (and that was disrespect for the law and bravado passing cars where no person in their right mind should be passing cars)... which fortunately didnt kill anyone.
it was hard for me to root for this kid. it was the show boating, and taunting that really irked see a lot of kids today after a victory with the strong man pose. i get it,we are living in a different world today, bombarded with social media...talentless people becoming you tube stars.....i'm an old school guy....a living in the past geezer who's clinging to memories of the sixties when qb's were open targets for d-linemen....when scoring a td wasn't a broadway production in the end zone. and, even recently a four time undefeated champ who humbly accepted his achievement (cael sanderson).......i hope divine intervention was the cause of this unfortunate incident. and aj ferrari sees the error of his ways and, becomes the cael sanderson of the 2020's .
Let's talk Iowa/Nebraska from yesterday. Those refs had no control over the match and should've penalized Iowa multiple times for the late BS outbounds and well after the whistle by Eierman and Turk. Not to mention Turk wound up and swung at Lovett several times hand fighting and was never even warned. 🗑️
Did we ever get clarity on what Alvarez’ situation is? Is he done wrestling for the year? Done at Rutgers altogether? I really hope we get him back.
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Tom Brands contract extension 😲:

Brands' annual salary for this new deal starts $550,000 for the 2022-23 season. It jumps every year thereafter:

  • $625,000 for the '23-24 season
  • $700,000 for '24-25
  • $725,000 for '25-26
  • $750,000 for '26-27
  • $775,000 for '27-28
  • $800,000 for '28-29
This is a sizable salary increase for Brands, whose annual salary for both the 2020-21 and 2021-22 seasons was $350,000, according to a previous contract amendment.

it was hard for me to root for this kid. it was the show boating, and taunting that really irked see a lot of kids today after a victory with the strong man pose. i get it,we are living in a different world today, bombarded with social media...talentless people becoming you tube stars.....i'm an old school guy....a living in the past geezer who's clinging to memories of the sixties when qb's were open targets for d-linemen....when scoring a td wasn't a broadway production in the end zone. and, even recently a four time undefeated champ who humbly accepted his achievement (cael sanderson).......i hope divine intervention was the cause of this unfortunate incident. and aj ferrari sees the error of his ways and, becomes the cael sanderson of the 2020's .
My friend, hitting the big 60 ( sometime back) was not pretty. Glory days, just glory days behind us. Whoever said 60 was the new 40, needs their head examined.