I always thought that with the late start in taking action and the geographic challenges we have (people going from large cities to other large cities) that at the end of the day we would be right up there with the hardest hit countries from cases per capita perspective.It's just worsening folks.
Way more cases than anticipated
It's highly disturbing and not close to the peak. Several weeks away and its already a disaster
His tweets preceded the announcement by a half hour or so. I think it was either his frustration or a negotiating tactic to increase pressure on GM.
for weeks we've been hearing that were 2 weeks.behind Italy and were going to peak in 2 weeks... Now we're "several weeks away" lol.It's just worsening folks.
Way more cases than anticipated
It's highly disturbing and not close to the peak. Several weeks away and its already a disaster
More stuff from previous posts (easier than retyping) - the Moderna mRNA approach is pretty unproven and my vaccine buddy thinks it's maybe a 10-15% shot to be successful. I know many other companies are working on more traditional weakened/killed virus vaccines, which will take longer, due to the heightened safety concerns (which is why I love the evolution-directed antibody approach).
It’s not really clear if Italy has peaked or not yet.for weeks we've been hearing that were 2 weeks.behind Italy and were going to peak in 2 weeks... Now we're "several weeks away" lol.
for weeks we've been hearing that were 2 weeks.behind Italy and were going to peak in 2 weeks... Now we're "several weeks away" lol.
Sounds like fun. Just a PhD chem E here with interest in all kinds of science and time on my hands post-retirement this past December. Were you involved in any of the PD-1 research associated with Keytruda, Opdivo or others? Amazing what the immunological approach has done for cancer.
If we have no effective treatments in the next month or two, but the serum-antibody approach affords at least some protection, wouldn't you think they'd at least consider it for high risk patients (elderly/underlying conditions) and maybe health care workers and other public-facing workers? It's not hard to do, just time consuming - and I guarantee it's cheaper than any pharmaceutical invention that comes along.
I'm also sure you're familiar with the antibody platform approach from Regeneron and others. Posted about that awhile back (link below). It worked pretty well for Ebola as a treatment (don't think it was used as a preventative "vaccine" especially since the vaccine the Canadians developed and Merck commercialized was already in clinical trials at the time).
And if we don't get an approved vaccine for at least 12 months (I think 12 is doable - have done a bit of vaccine development work at Merck), the antibody approach would probably be tried as a preventative, even if it only gives months of protection.
Would be great to have you post more in this thread...
Wait, how long ago was that? I met Edward Teller when I was a kid. Gotta be close to 40 years ago now, and he was in his 70's then.Chemical engineering - that is some serious stuff. I still start sweating thinking about trying to get through Physical chemistry as a biologist thrown in with a bunch of Chem and Chem E majors. I was like a deer in the headlights, while they calmly read the newspaper during lectures. Prof worked on the Manhattan Project
The whole checkpoint inhibitor field (like anti-PD1) was really thanks to the doggedness of Dr. James Allison, who won the Nobel prize a couple of years ago for his discovery of anti-CTLA4 as treatment (Ipilimumab). Jim's a long time friend, neighbor and colleague (he was my chair for many years). Lots of stories there, but one key one is that it took him 20 years to get FDA approval for ani-CTLA4. Companies like Genetec and BMS would barely even talk to him.
I'm told Regeneron has turned all or least much of its efforts towards solving this virus. The guys in charge of that place are freaking awesome, so that gives me hope.
Wait, how long ago was that? I met Edward Teller when I was a kid. Gotta be close to 40 years ago now, and he was in his 70's then.
I believe the young 25 year old Lacrosse player who was in dire shape this past week is making good progress at U Penn...he was transferred there from JFK Hospital in Edison NJ were they were doing clinical trails with Hydroxychloroquine and I believe Zithromicin in IV form...there are others but this is only the beginnining of many potential drugs...think what would happen if no one got an annual flu shot ...it would possibly be worse...I hope you are wrong also.... Guess we'll find out in a few weeks...
How can a person or small business contribute or support those working in the hospitals? Can you donate to a hospital, and if so what's the likelihood that it'll get eaten up by administrators?
That's the exact response I needed. Do you work in one of these hospitals? What's it cost to buy an entire hospital lunch? How many are working in there?Johnny, that's awesome to think of recognizing these workers. The past 5 days we have been treated to lunch by someone or multiple people. I heard at least 2 of the days, it was donated from outside. Other days it was bought by the administration I think. I heard Starbucks was giving healthcare workers free cups of joe. Awesome and generous is all I can say. Here's a great thought for you or others to accomplish two things at once. First, contact a local community hospital and/or a particular floor you want to say thank you to. When in doubt, call a hospital and ask to speak to a nursing supervisor, they are a good resource tomhelpmget things done. Explain to them you want to recognize and treat the staff of a particular department/floor for their efforts. If you have the $$ treat the whole hospital. When given ok, call a local business and order a shit ton of food. Staff loves food, are typically hungry from busting their asses, and it's nice to be recognized. Plus you are helping local businesses survive. A good overall, net effect for both parties and you will probably feel better knowing you helped those fighting this battle against Covid-19.
The "engineered antibody" approach did work as a treatment for Ebola (Regeneron). We really need a break.Yeah, I completely agree about the mRNA approach. I and the others around me had actually had never even heard that idea before reading about Moderna. DNA "vaccines" have worked for treating melanoma, but unfortunately only in dogs.
Creating a new antibody that neutralizes the virus would also be a revolutionary approach. This type of approach is so much more realistic these days with the advent of next generation sequencing and the massive computational power we now have available. The weakness is that neutralizing a virus likely takes multiple antibodies with different specificities.
My guess is that we will need to get lucky with the traditional approaches. We (me and three other faculty) are trying to get funding to extend our studies in which we engineer the antigen (the virus protein that we want antibodies against) to make it better at causing an immune response. We have used model antigens and show that this works - we get both higher affinity antibodies and a much broader response. If we could have had funding 4 years ago, we would already know if it would work. Frustrating.
The "engineered antibody" approach did work as a treatment for Ebola (Regeneron). We really need a break.
Chemical engineering - that is some serious stuff. I still start sweating thinking about trying to get through Physical chemistry as a biologist thrown in with a bunch of Chem and Chem E majors. I was like a deer in the headlights, while they calmly read the newspaper during lectures. Prof worked on the Manhattan Project
The whole checkpoint inhibitor field (like anti-PD1) was really thanks to the doggedness of Dr. James Allison, who won the Nobel prize a couple of years ago for his discovery of anti-CTLA4 as treatment (Ipilimumab). Jim's a long time friend, neighbor and colleague (he was my chair for many years). Lots of stories there, but one key one is that it took him 20 years to get FDA approval for ani-CTLA4. Companies like Genetec and BMS would barely even talk to him.
I'm told Regeneron has turned all or least much of its efforts towards solving this virus. The guys in charge of that place are freaking awesome, so that gives me hope.
Doesn't say what the drug is, but I know you're a remdesivir guy, so is that it?https://www.linkedin.com/posts/gord...ng-together-activity-6649065261703970816-Ljbl
One victory at a time ........
Doesn't say what the drug is, but I know you're a remdesivir guy, so is that it?
There will not be one peak. It will peak in one area one day and then in another area another day. And so on. And then it will come back again in the fall.
statistically it looks like NYC will peak around April 4th, give or take 5 days. Northern NJ, about 3 - 10 days after.
That doesn't mean it will stop.
We may catch a break with climate but it looks like the temp and relative humidity that mitigates spreading of this will not be in the tri state until late June/July - Aug.
The video in my link to this talks about all of this. Regeneron originally wanted to use it as a "vaccine," but the Canada/Merck vaccine was in a big trial and worked, so I think that's why they only used it as treatment for infected people. But many think it could work as a prophylactic, at least for months, as a bridge to when we have a true vaccine.After I wrote this, I asked my wife (she's also an immunologist) and she told me about the Ebola antibody. That success, plus the ability of companies to produce huge amounts of highly concentrated mAbs (Humira is 100mg/ml, which is just crazy) make this promising. I wonder if it could be given prophylactically to frontline workers?
Excellent, thanks - 4/3 unblinding right? Next week...
Excellent, thanks - 4/3 unblinding right? Next week...
Wow, thanks!! On the discs, I think it was the yessir guy who wanted to buy the discs. I have my originals, which I actually still use.Cleaning the garage today, I found the box of Midnight Flyers that you are interested in. There are 2 80C mold almost minty but the others are used, 1 80 mold, a 50 mold, blue and black 100D molds and a 100E.
U can have any single disc that you want, if you can get in touch with me.
Ur posts on the C19 are GOAT.
That's the exact response I needed. Do you work in one of these hospitals? What's it cost to buy an entire hospital lunch? How many are working in there?
NY Times article that just came out. Haven't had time to digest it, but the message is that NYC Metro and other US cities are on trajectories worse than Wuhan and Lombardy, at least with regard to cases per 1000 people and that "flattening the curve" when comparing where each city was with similar numbers of infections (to try to normalize the data), is likely not working as well as it worked in those locations. That would not be good.
Two caveats however. I have never believed the Wuhan data – they’ve been lying about the outbreak from day 1 and there’s no way they only had 0.05% infected and they just said that they haven’t been counting asymptomatic people who tested positive, which could be 30-40% of all positives, based on data from many locations (including the Diamond Princess, the "gold standard" of data).
Secondly, I’m confused by their case growth for NYC metro, which is the 20MM people in NY/NJ/PA/CT. There should be no way the growth rates overall there (which the graph shows as 30-40% growth the past few days) are greater than in NYC proper (9MM), which they are, as NYC proper is seeing 15-20% day over day growth the past few days and NYC is the most densely populated area in the country and in theory should have the greatest growth rate all else being equal (more “collisions” and subways and crowds and such). I’m not saying it’s wrong or the message is wrong, but that bothers me.
NY Times article that just came out. Haven't had time to digest it, but the message is that NYC Metro and other US cities are on trajectories worse than Wuhan and Lombardy, at least with regard to cases per 1000 people and that "flattening the curve" when comparing where each city was with similar numbers of infections (to try to normalize the data), is likely not working as well as it worked in those locations. That would not be good.
Two caveats however. I have never believed the Wuhan data – they’ve been lying about the outbreak from day 1 and there’s no way they only had 0.05% infected and they just said that they haven’t been counting asymptomatic people who tested positive, which could be 30-40% of all positives, based on data from many locations (including the Diamond Princess, the "gold standard" of data).
Secondly, I’m confused by their case growth for NYC metro, which is the 20MM people in NY/NJ/PA/CT. There should be no way the growth rates overall there (which the graph shows as 30-40% growth the past few days) are greater than in NYC proper (9MM), which they are, as NYC proper is seeing 15-20% day over day growth the past few days and NYC is the most densely populated area in the country and in theory should have the greatest growth rate all else being equal (more “collisions” and subways and crowds and such). I’m not saying it’s wrong or the message is wrong, but that bothers me.
In case anyone doubts that the Chinese have been lying about their data, see the link (way more urns than deaths reported). I've been assuming they undereported by 10X, especially in Hubei. That would mean roughly 30K deaths and 800K positive cases, which is where we're likely headed (or worse if we don't start doing better with containment/social distancing across the country).