Another interesting analysis, also showing a number of things many have been discussing. Bottom line is the virus is spreading rapidly across the country and NY is just out in front and other states/cities are going to catch up when/if they start testing more. We're nowhere near through this yet, as most experts have been saying - and it's also why folks like Gov Cuomo and many other governors now are screaming for more Federal help on PPE/Ventilators and other supplies.
- Lack of testing masking true case rates and making death rates appear worse than they truly are (Italy/Spain); also NY is likely the only state showing "true" case rate increases, since it's the only state doing very aggressive testing. As the article said. "There is a real threat of many more NY-style scenarios unfolding in other U.S. major metro areas, especially since only some of these states have state-wide lockdown orders in place."
- By looking at death counts and backing out what that "should have" correlated to in terms of cases, the first graph below was created. It shows how South Korea has tested enough to actually have a likely 77% of actual cases tested and that the "U.S. is in the middle of the pack with ~15% of cases reported (82K on 3/26). If this analysis is accurate, this means U.S. has AT LEAST 500,000 cases as of today, or approximately 0.2% of population."
- The "true" mortalilty rate (outside of factors like population age, cultural practices like multigenerational families, and hospitals being overwhelmed and not being able to treat everyone) is likely around 1.3%, as that’s what SK has migrated towards and we know they’ve done the most testing per capita.
- The US case rate increases are the worst in the world right now, although the graphs in the link aren't on a per capita basis, so that could be deceiving.
- Cool social distancing map keyed to cell phones (just like traffic).
Yep, the other states are on a 1-3 week lag, just like NY lagged China and Europe.