Florida will likely have about 40-50% of NY/NJ's per capita death rate when wave 2 is over - and would be even higher if FL didn't have such a huge and growing gap between counted COVID deaths and actual excess deaths (4200 as of 8/1 vs. 7000 recorded COVID deaths). FL should also get no "credit" for having a death rate per capita during wave 2 which is significantly lower than what we had here, since that's largely due to significantly improved pharmaceutical treatments and medical procedures and has very little to do with what they've done (apart from doing better, so far, in protecting the elderly, which one would hope they would do better at given so much more warning).
They simply got "lucky" they didn't get hit hard in wave 1, meaning their lockdown was even more effective, since they didn't have a huge % of their population infected before testing was available to reveal it. But then, despite knowing what happened in the NE US, DeSantis reopened FL well before they achieved CDC targets for reopening, leading to a 2nd wave which has had a bit more cases than we had, but only about half the hospitalizations (due to younger/milder cases, given much better available testing) and maybe 1/3 the death rate. So, no "credit" from me for getting lucky on timing, being foolish on reopening and then getting lucky again on having much better procedures/treatments available many months later.