COVID-19 Pandemic: Transmissions, Deaths, Treatments, Vaccines, Interventions and More...

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Honestly, this isn't a heck of a lot different than Trump not wearing a mask.

Trump wasn’t the breathless advocate caught letting his guard down, he was basically the last person in America to quit saying “they’re a double edged sword; I let people make their own decision; I’m in favor of normalizing; it’s voluntary, I don’t think I’m going to do it.” (All actual quotes)
Was waiting for the usual morons to breathlessly post this picture and/or lambaste Fauci and they didn't disappoint. He was with his wife and one of his best friends and gets tested every day. He actually called the criticisms "mischievous," which was being nice.

In an interview on "America's Newsroom," Fauci told host John Roberts that he had been sitting next to his wife, Dr. Christine Grady, and a very close friend of his.

"I had my mask around my chin. I had taken it down. I was totally dehydrated and I was drinking water trying to rehydrate myself," he explained. "And, by the way, I was negative COVID literally the day before."

"So, I guess people want to make it a big event. I wear a mask all the time when I'm outside. To pull it down to take some sips of water and put it back up again -- I guess if people want to make something about that they can," he said. "But to me, I think that's just mischievous, John."
Excuses, excuses. But there are plenty of safe options:


You said there is no data on it, but there is public polling on it. It's as simple as that.

My comment:

Scientifically, if you are correct, then I'd expect we'd see mainly surges in zip codes that mostly voted for Trump. Is this the case? What neighborhoods are having these flare ups? At least some states are breaking down their cases by zip code so this data should be available.

I'd suggest that isn't what is happening, though I don't know for sure.
Nevertheless, the overall point was that dividing people into groups and playing political blame is for the most part not in full context of circumstances, and doesn't help anything moving forward anyway. If you disagree, that's fine, it's my opinion.
Trump wasn’t the breathless advocate caught letting his guard down, he was basically the last person in America to quit saying “they’re a double edged sword; I let people make their own decision; I’m in favor of normalizing; it’s voluntary, I don’t think I’m going to do it.” (All actual quotes)

Trump failed at this. I didn't say otherwise.

Fauci being on tv without a mask is also unhelpful.
Wow, you can't even get that right. Trump spent months at those press conferences (and visits to hospitals and factories) not distancing properly and didn't wear a mask or strongly support wearing masks until very recently. Fauci was a little late on supporting masks, although that was mostly based on availability issues for health care workers, as he has said many times and has been a staunch supporter of mask wearing for months longer than Trump.

The pitch sucked, of course, but he is 79 - most of us would be happy to have that guy's stamina and energy at 79, working 16 hour days, still.
Not that I can believe you at face value, but Trump has the highest level of medical attention in the country--where did he put anyone at risk? And more of your political hypocrisy is noted:
  • Dr Fauci the top infectious disease scientist in the U.S. was "late on masks" when the chicomvirus was spreading like wildfire--it's ok by you.
  • President Trump ENDORSED wearing masks publicly in late Mar and the CDC posted those guidelines in early April--he is reckless.

*****But ok, I'll admit making fun of the Fauc's "pitch" wasn't really nice. I'll self-mod and take it down since it's so upsetting to you guys.
You don’t understand, if you tell people to wear masks, you can never take your own mask off. Ever see a doctor eat a sausage and drink a beer? Didn’t think so.

5% of America’s Internet users are going to ROAST him for this (and 75% of eastern Ukraine’s)

Plenty of times..and I've seen worse than that.

Where’s the water bottle ? Are you sure Dr. Fauci?
The water bottle is in the picture. Sucks getting old!

Good catch RU85. But Fauci is busy fiddling his "totally dehyrated" fingers and not drinking from said water bottle. Either way, it's bad optics for him as the face of Covid-19. Close friend or not, he is not social distancing and not wearing the mask. This picture sends a message to the public.
Plenty of times..and I've seen worse than that.

Good catch RU85. But Fauci is busy fiddling his "totally dehyrated" fingers and not drinking from said water bottle. Either way, it's bad optics for him as the face of Covid-19. Close friend or not, he is not social distancing and not wearing the mask. This picture sends a message to the public.

Fauci absolutely should have sat a few seats away from his buddy without a mask.
Cabbage could help fight COVID-19, study finds

In the race to beat COVID-19, the winner could be cabbage.

According to a new study from France, foods containing raw and fermented cabbage may be beneficial against the coronavirus by reducing the levels of a compound that helps the virus infect the body, the South China Morning Post reported Monday.

The study found that cabbage — whether raw, pickled in sauerkraut or mixed into coleslaw — as well as cucumbers and kimchi, the Korean delicacy made from pickled cabbage and other vegetables, could help people build up resistance to the virus, which has killed more than 606,000 worldwide and 140,000 in the US.

The European researchers said the abundant antioxidants in the vegetables could explain why countries where cabbage is a key part of the national diet, like Germany and South Korea, had lower fatality rates than hard-hit countries such as the US.
Do you wear a mask when sitting with your wife and best friend outside while drinking water, and right after you have tested negative for Coronavirus?
With his wife is perfectly fine but in a public setting , which we have been told it is imperative to wear a mask in stadiums , stores, businesses etc. , then Dr. Fauci failed in following his set of guidelines. These are now
established protocols.One can change the incident if they so choose . This is a minor infraction but still unacceptable. Practice what you are now preaching Dr Fauci... Play Ball...oh and if someone did the exact at a Rutgers sports game ( in public view) that person could be escorted out very quickly.
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Cabbage could help fight COVID-19, study finds

In the race to beat COVID-19, the winner could be cabbage.

According to a new study from France, foods containing raw and fermented cabbage may be beneficial against the coronavirus by reducing the levels of a compound that helps the virus infect the body, the South China Morning Post reported Monday.

The study found that cabbage — whether raw, pickled in sauerkraut or mixed into coleslaw — as well as cucumbers and kimchi, the Korean delicacy made from pickled cabbage and other vegetables, could help people build up resistance to the virus, which has killed more than 606,000 worldwide and 140,000 in the US.

The European researchers said the abundant antioxidants in the vegetables could explain why countries where cabbage is a key part of the national diet, like Germany and South Korea, had lower fatality rates than hard-hit countries such as the US.

NY Post getting something from the South China Post? Ha!! Sounds fishy to me. I would take anything from either of these Posts with a grain of salt. Anyhow, if true, maybe this news will quiet all the bickering over masks vs. HCQ vs. warm climates vs. social distancing vs. shutdown of the economy, etc in eradicating this virus. All we need to do is eat a s**t ton of coleslaw.
NY Post getting something from the South China Post? Ha!! Sounds fishy to me. I would take anything from either of these Posts with a grain of salt. Anyhow, if true, maybe this news will quiet all the bickering over masks vs. HCQ vs. warm climates vs. social distancing vs. shutdown of the economy, etc in eradicating this virus. All we need to do is eat a s**t ton of coleslaw.

Sauerkraut on hot dogs
Cabbage could help fight COVID-19, study finds

In the race to beat COVID-19, the winner could be cabbage.

According to a new study from France, foods containing raw and fermented cabbage may be beneficial against the coronavirus by reducing the levels of a compound that helps the virus infect the body, the South China Morning Post reported Monday.

The study found that cabbage — whether raw, pickled in sauerkraut or mixed into coleslaw — as well as cucumbers and kimchi, the Korean delicacy made from pickled cabbage and other vegetables, could help people build up resistance to the virus, which has killed more than 606,000 worldwide and 140,000 in the US.

The European researchers said the abundant antioxidants in the vegetables could explain why countries where cabbage is a key part of the national diet, like Germany and South Korea, had lower fatality rates than hard-hit countries such as the US.
So buy cabbage is what I take from this. Going to be a gaseous , noxious next few months. Oh how I miss my Hawaiian Kimchi . Love Korean food.
With his wife is perfectly fine but in a public setting , which we have told it is imperative to wear a mask in stadiums , stores, businesses etc. , then Dr. Fauci failed in following his set of guidelines. These are now
established protocols.One can change the incident if they so choose . This is a minor infraction but still unacceptable. Practice what you are now preaching Dr Fauci... Play Ball...oh and if someone did the exact at a Rutgers sports game ( in public view) that person could be escorted out very quickly.

Don’t think you guys actually know what Fauci is preaching and what social distancing is. Nobody ever said you need to stay 6ft apart from close family and friends in small groups when taking a sip from your drink. That’s ridiculous. Please stop.
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Don’t think you guys actually know what Fauci is preaching and what social distancing is. Nobody ever said you need to stay 6ft apart from close family and friends in small groups when taking a sip from your drink. That’s ridiculous. Please stop.

Except in the pictures there is no drink

I do see a cell phone in his hand in one of the pictures
Don’t think you guys actually know what Fauci is preaching and what social distancing is. Nobody ever said you need to stay 6ft apart from close family and friends in small groups when taking a sip from your drink. That’s ridiculous. Please stop.
People can change the incident, agree to disagree or attempt to convince the reader that “ they don’t understand” . Honestly , for too long now people looked up to Fauci, a renowned epidemiologist, highly educated and a former athlete to boot. Then the shine came off and Dr. Fauci began to like the tv exposure more and more...That is not to say he was in anyway deceptive or negligent but he fell into that cave and once your in , it’s tough to find your way out. So no , I believe we all understand about masks, distance and what is helpful in combating covid19. What was said about Dr. Fauci being in violation and caught on a tv camera is his fault in being a social butterfly per se. It was minor but it does send the wrong impression. I don’t care how many degrees and past accolades he has ... his wife ok ...his friend not so ok.
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I think most would agree testing was an issue. People will certainly disagree about who is to blame with that, but at this point I don't think anyone's mind is changed on placing that blame by further discussing it.

The point is, the notion that "right wing" or "conservative" people won't wear masks and are the root of the current problem is not really supported by data, is an over simplification, and ignores many factors. It appears that you recognize this. While people may disagree about the scope and size of the problem, the one thing that is clear is that we are collectively in this with our neighbors, whether they are young, old, political, or agnostic. Moreover, unlike many other countries, the U.S. has about the farthest thing from a homogeneous population as you can get. I would guess that is not the case in any of these countries used for comparison. Those population differences are beneficial in many ways, but having a group that just goes with the official flow, no matter who is calling the shots, is not one of them. The sooner we accept this reality instead of playing a political blame game ("things are bad because those people that support the other political party are just so stupid") the better off we will all be.

Testing was not only an issue, it was the issue, at least for the first wave. Our playbook focuses a lot on how important surveillance data (testing) are - flying blind into a pandemic is not the way to do it. And I don't know anyone who doesn't know that developing and deploying infectious disease testing is a Federal Government responsibility. Sure, the states eventually own it, but in Feb/March, the states were screaming for working test kits as they feared what was coming and all they got was delay after delay. Five months in, I would imagine testing is jointly owned, so the problems we're still having likely depend on the state - just not sure on that.

With regard to right wing/conservative people, though, it's clear that R's are far less likely to wear masks than D's, as per the Pew Research poll I posted about a week ago (pic below) and since transmission is a numbers game, less mask wearing in any group is going to result in more infections in that group, especially if they're congregating with other like-minded people, which would be expected. It certainly doesn't mean all R's are "bad" and all C's are "good" with regard to masks, but the numbers do matter. I'd also rather not even have this be an issue, but the POTUS made it an issue by repeatedly mocking mask wearers and refusing to wear a mask - if he had said what he said this week about masks for the last 3.5 months, my guess is we wouldn't have a divide in opinions on masks and we'd have signficantly fewer 2nd wave cases and deaths.

More vids of protesters dancing without masks appearing today...but again we know protesters don't spread

Hey guess what? the biggest current spread is among young people..hey guess what young people generally arent conservative

And once again bringing Trump into the discussion

Your insistence along with msm on highlighting sides is pure political yet you keep doing it
I missed your posts on the the spread from restaurants, bars, day cares, and parties. I wonder why.

They spread too..guess what..its a pandemic. Everyone is spreading it..blacks white browns libs rednecks etc

The usual suspects will try to lecture to us who is. And lets always remember the 3 states topping the death list as shots continue to be taken at two states in the south
Honestly, this isn't a heck of a lot different than Trump not wearing a mask. Fauci was well within reason to not wear one. He should have worn one because he is supposed to promote mask wearing. He's a public figure. Unfortunately, public relations because what is I'm guessing an unwanted part of his job in 2020. While he's got a lot more of an excuse than Trump does for not doing great at it, by this point, July, he should know better too.

They should all be wearing a mask in public because they're asking others to take on the burden of doing so. If it is too much of a burden, then perhaps don't do the extra activity in public where you don't think you need one, instead of doing it without a mask.

The fact that you thought "usual morons" would use this as an example is in fact the exact reason why Fauci should know better.

This is fair. I'll concede that Fauci should have known better and expected people to photograph him at the game and that some would criticize him for not wearing a mask, even if only for the symbolism. However, in his defense, he's only been in the limelight a short time, so my guess is he simply wasn't even thinking about it, since he implied strongly that he's "safe" with his wife and very good friend - I'm guessing the three of them probably don't wear masks at all when they're together off camera, which is ok.

He also knew that the first pitch would be highly covered by the media and knew he could've not worn a mask being 6+ feet away, but for the cameras he knew the symbolism was important, so he wore the mask. And I agree completely that a minor slip-up when one thinks he's off-camera is far different from the POTUS actively mocking mask-wearers and refusing to wear a mask for months in public, both of which certainly has played a role in so many of his loyal followers feeling like wearing masks is unnecessary.
Testing was not only an issue, it was the issue, at least for the first wave. Our playbook focuses a lot on how important surveillance data (testing) are - flying blind into a pandemic is not the way to do it. And I don't know anyone who doesn't know that developing and deploying infectious disease testing is a Federal Government responsibility. Sure, the states eventually own it, but in Feb/March, the states were screaming for working test kits as they feared what was coming and all they got was delay after delay. Five months in, I would imagine testing is jointly owned, so the problems we're still having likely depend on the state - just not sure on that.

With regard to right wing/conservative people, though, it's clear that R's are far less likely to wear masks than D's, as per the Pew Research poll I posted about a week ago (pic below) and since transmission is a numbers game, less mask wearing in any group is going to result in more infections in that group, especially if they're congregating with other like-minded people, which would be expected. It certainly doesn't mean all R's are "bad" and all C's are "good" with regard to masks, but the numbers do matter. I'd also rather not even have this be an issue, but the POTUS made it an issue by repeatedly mocking mask wearers and refusing to wear a mask - if he had said what he said this week about masks for the last 3.5 months, my guess is we wouldn't have a divide in opinions on masks and we'd have signficantly fewer 2nd wave cases and deaths.


I think the present rise in covid prevalence suggests that testing was not the only issue. There is sure a lot of testing now. Also, this poll, like everything else, needs to be put in context. If it is true that "Rs" are not wearing masks enough, I'm sure the outbreaks would be more prevalent in their communities. Are they? I suppose the 86% of "Dem/Lean Dem" must not have included enough people in the ~18-26 age range that are driving the current spread; either that or that age group suddenly turned Republican. Even beyond the obvious, the date of this poll is also probably the low point for covid in the past five months. The media had been ignoring covid for weeks almost giving the impression that it was over.

Anyway, I know you know all of these caveats. This reads like a bad HCQ study that you'd chastise others for using, but since it confirms your already set view point it seems more valid to you. Your mind is made up and that's fine. Many people feel better when there's somebody to blame. The factors I identified earlier are a huge part of this (you agreed), and have nothing to do with political party.
They spread too..guess what..its a pandemic. Everyone is spreading it..blacks white browns libs rednecks etc

The usual suspects will try to lecture to us who is. And lets always remember the 3 states topping the death list as shots continue to be taken at two states in the south

But you were the one lecturing us about who is. So you're a "usual suspect?"

Fwiw, would have been quicker to just type "I'll" (lecture who is).
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Cabbage could help fight COVID-19, study finds

In the race to beat COVID-19, the winner could be cabbage.

According to a new study from France, foods containing raw and fermented cabbage may be beneficial against the coronavirus by reducing the levels of a compound that helps the virus infect the body, the South China Morning Post reported Monday.

The study found that cabbage — whether raw, pickled in sauerkraut or mixed into coleslaw — as well as cucumbers and kimchi, the Korean delicacy made from pickled cabbage and other vegetables, could help people build up resistance to the virus, which has killed more than 606,000 worldwide and 140,000 in the US.

The European researchers said the abundant antioxidants in the vegetables could explain why countries where cabbage is a key part of the national diet, like Germany and South Korea, had lower fatality rates than hard-hit countries such as the US.

In the U.S., we've been preparing for the pandemic prevented by eating bacon fat. When that hits we are going to be all set.

Wouldn't it be great if something like this was actually true though? It would almost be worth it just to see the same people coming out of the store in early March with pallets of toilet paper to have carts full of cabbage.
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The usual suspects will try to lecture to us who is. And lets always remember the 3 states topping the death list as shots continue to be taken at two states in the south

Seems like the months of March and April were pretty focused on the NY/NJ area. I didn't hear much about Texas and Florida.
Given the current situation doesn't it seem appropriate to spend more time talking about Texas, Florida, Georgia, California, etc than NY/NJ?
Was waiting for the usual morons to breathlessly post this picture and/or lambaste Fauci and they didn't disappoint. He was with his wife and one of his best friends and gets tested every day. He actually called the criticisms "mischievous," which was being nice.

In an interview on "America's Newsroom," Fauci told host John Roberts that he had been sitting next to his wife, Dr. Christine Grady, and a very close friend of his.

"I had my mask around my chin. I had taken it down. I was totally dehydrated and I was drinking water trying to rehydrate myself," he explained. "And, by the way, I was negative COVID literally the day before."

"So, I guess people want to make it a big event. I wear a mask all the time when I'm outside. To pull it down to take some sips of water and put it back up again -- I guess if people want to make something about that they can," he said. "But to me, I think that's just mischievous, John."
Must be nice to get test results back in 24 hours.
A few troubling trends below the headline increases in AZ, Cali, FL and Texas. The absolute numbers won’t startle, but the trend continues to demonstrate that rising cases is subsequently followed by rising deaths:

Georgia’s 7 day moving average was 12 as recently as July 9th (basically two weeks ago). That had tripled as of yesterday, and today they posted 82 deaths — their third time over 75 this week. Prior to this week they hadn’t eclipsed 50 since June 9th.

As of July 15th, South Carolina’s worst day was 40 deaths on April 29th. Since July 15th, they’ve topped that number four times, including again today.

Alabama eclipsed 40 deaths for the fourth time of this crisis today, all four occasions occurring in the last 10 days.

As of now we are at 933 deaths for the day; if we end up over 1,000, it will be our first time with four consecutive days over that mark since May 27-30th.

Update: more reporting came in, and we’re over 1k now
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