No, we won't if we have nearly universal mask wearing. Also, if it were that easily aerosolized, such that it was spread by HVAC systems, we'd have far more people infected. Several countries have shown that universal masking/distancing are nearly enough to stop transmissions.
In addition, it's just as plausible that during a day, one person infects 10 and several of them infect 5-10 more and pretty quickly one can get to 500 and there have also been the occasional superspreaders who have infected 25-50 people, almost all in large indoor gatherings involving a lot of close contact (i.e., the HVAC was not suspected); the only large outdoor spreading event I know of is the UEFA soccer match featuring Bergamo from Northern Italy, which many think seeded the huge outbreak there after many fans caught the virus there and spread it in Italy - others at soccer matches are suspected, which is a big part of why European soccer leagues have no fans at the game.