Yeah... Apparently Jimmy Sexton thought so but what does he know.
I don't think Sexton is adverse to taking easy money...Your arguement is that Fludd has a good agent therefore he must be a good coach. The fact is Sexton or any agent would represent a monkey as long as the money is right.
No- that's what we have Kyle Flood for. You whine about fans, but not about an HC that commits academic fraud?
Nice try but the two things are not mutually exclusive. Just because Flood's coaching is causing you embarrassment doesn't mean that you're not also being embarrassed by fans behaving stupidly. The only difference is that w/Flood, you have absolutely no control whatsoever whereas with fans behaving stupidly, you can actually choose not to run with the herd.
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Again, if Saban himself came out and openly campaigned for the Rutgers job, you guys claiming this is classless and embarrassing would be falling over yourselves on the way to the nearest ATM.
If A = B and Y = Z, A = Z?
The problem at this point is that Flood has tarnished himself such that any odds of him "making it" are essentially zero at this point. This wasn't sabotage. This was done by Flood himself with the academic issue. Had that not happened, the calls to fire Flood would not be nearly as loud.

Even setting aside the broken rules and tarnished image, the fact that Flood purposely documented his rule breaking is so far beyond the pale.

Flood would have survived 6-6 this year, and probably even 5-7 if not for the academic issue that he created. Now, he can't be saved.

I'm with you here...and frankly the report reads horribly. But the time to pull the trigger has passed. As an alum, it was pretty embarrassing.

However, he is our coach and will almost certainly be our coach next year, so we might as well support him. The recruits and the players also seem to have his back - aside from Hewitt, who we are still in play for, we haven't seen the decommitment crisis of 2013. If the 2016 class holds together, then I think Flood has to be on the sidelines next year.
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Ya think?

Maybe you can point us to how many 36 hour periods the University--with a professional development staff--raised 10k from over 100 unique contributors.

I'm willing to bet sometime around the dawn of never...
I don't care enough to double check the numbers, but again off the top of my head, the last campaign raised a billion over five years right? That's a pace of over $800k per 36 hour period.

I think it's a safe bet that Rutgers has raised more money at a faster pace from more participants literally every time they ever raised money.

Don't flame me, I'm not a Floodtard. Like you said, it was a pretty impressive grassroots effort without RU's team of full time fundraisers and army of student callers. But let's keep things in perspective and not get crazy with the #s.
Mildone: no. I'm saying that people who take the position that it's classless to campaign for Flood's firing would be just fine with it if they were guaranteed a better situation. It's not a "principle" thing like they're portraying it to be.
I don't think Sexton is adverse to taking easy money...Your arguement is that Fludd has a good agent therefore he must be a good coach. The fact is Sexton or any agent would represent a monkey as long as the money is right.

My point is that for a powerful agent to take an interest in a coach, there has to be something other than a paltry commission (which Floods deal pretty much was) - there has to be upside and the prospect of a larger commission down the road. Does Drew Rosenhaus spend a lot of time on undrafted free agents?
Generally speaking, I believe that's true. Unless they earned their money the old fashioned way and inherited it.

Well then they just want to be able to drive their Maserati on the field and around the concourse, while doing cocaine with Paris Hilton of course. They don't really care about the coach.
I'm with you here...and frankly the report reads horribly. But the time to pull the trigger has passed. As an alum, it was pretty embarrassing.

However, he is our coach and will almost certainly be our coach next year, so we might as well support him. The recruits and the players also seem to have his back - aside from Hewitt, who we are still in play for, we haven't seen the decommitment crisis of 2013. If the 2016 class holds together, then I think Flood has to be on the sidelines next year.
I tend to think there is a middle ground here. I don't support Flood because I don't think he's the coach RU needs to become truly competitive in the Big Ten East. But I agree that I think it's likely he'll be back next year. So I still won't support him, but I won't whine about him every spare minute of every day like some ADHD-addled two year old w/Tourette Syndrome.

I want RU to be deliberate about the next coaching hire. The fans can afford to be overly emotional and precipitous about all this because it costs them nothing. RU, OTOH, cannot afford to leap before looking lest they wind up spending a bunch of money for little or no improvement in wins and losses which would put us into a potentially worse situation.

A coaching change seems obviously necessary. But good things come to those who wait. Patience is a virtue. And all that happy horseshit.
$1.4 million / $4,000 (a day) = 350 days

Sounds about right (with or without
I tend to think there is a middle ground here. I don't support Flood because I don't think he's the coach RU needs to become truly competitive in the Big Ten East. But I agree that I think it's likely he'll be back next year. So I still won't support him, but I won't whine about him every spare minute of every day like some ADHD-addled two year old w/Tourette Syndrome.

I want RU to be deliberate about the next coaching hire. The fans can afford to be overly emotional and precipitous about all this because it costs them nothing. RU, OTOH, cannot afford to leap before looking lest they wind up spending a bunch of money for little or no improvement in wins and losses which would put us into a potentially worse situation.

A coaching change seems obviously necessary. But good things come to those who wait. Patience is a virtue. And all that happy horseshit.

Agreed. After the report, I becam ambivalent on Flood, but I do think we need to give enough time to render a verdict. One good season and one disastrous season that resulted from a combination of youth players off field behavior (I can think of nothing more New Brunswick than fighting over a parking spot). I kind of have buyout fatigue. That's 1.4 mil that could be spent on much better things - that's nearly 10% of the much needed basketball practice facility or enough to fix the roof in the college ave gym.
Armin your a sharp one nothing gets by you. The stupidity of the whole concept is mind boggling. How do any of you think this paints yourselves or Rutgers in a positive light. Your only making this job less desirable than it is now just too stupid to realize it
Keep believing that. The papers picked up on it because they LOVE a circus. Just creating more fodder for them to make Rutgers look like a horses ass school. Keep up the good work. Hey let's fly the Fire Flood Banner as well. Let's see if we can make us look stupider than we look now

Shhhhh .... The adults are talking

This program and administration were a circus far before the Gofundme campaign.....
If you're referring to the #FireFlood GoFundMe campaign, that money has already been promptly refunded to all donors now that the fund has been shut down. As one of those participants, I would be more than happy to contribute my donation and then some to a new coaching staff fund and/or coaching endowment.

But by next month Rutgers has to "put up or shut up", as they say.
That's what I'm saying. Hold onto your money and when the time comes, donate towards a new coaching staff. However, I really don't think it's going to happen this year. I think we're going to have to be patient for at least one more season.
That's what I'm saying. Hold onto your money and when the time comes, donate towards a new coaching staff. However, I really don't think it's going to happen this year. I think we're going to have to be patient for at least one more season.

Exactly. We might as well try to avoid self sabotage..
Mildone: no. I'm saying that people who take the position that it's classless to campaign for Flood's firing would be just fine with it if they were guaranteed a better situation. It's not a "principle" thing like they're portraying it to be.
For what it's worth, I want to say that, although I may disagree w/the specifics of the approach, I still applaud @theRU for the simple fact that instead of just complaining about the situation, he actually did something about it. In my experience, that's a rare and very good thing.

I wish this article got more coverage. I think the points were well made.

theRU - I'd like to hear specifics on how the football program could be redone. Where do you start? Fire Flood - and replace him with who? Is it going to be a proven or unproven coach from the FCS? Who is going to pay for them - will it still be the lowest paid job in the power 5? How are we going to out compete all of the established programs with far deeper pockets (RU is not a destination job, yet)? What's your timeline for the changes to be made - are we going to fix every problem and decades of neglect this offseason? How do you deal with a lame duck president (and probably AD) who has little interest in making a change? Do you have a plan to retain any of the 2016 recruiting class (who seem very committed to Flood)? Will another year of poor recruiting only delay competitiveness another year? What kind of benchmarks do we have in place for the new coaches performance? Will we also pay for top coordinators? Will you be able to convince the BOG to authorize a 3-500% increase in football coach salaries (we clock in around 2-3m a year total, top coordinators are in that neighborhood)?
It could be that I'm being overly influenced by @RU4Real's thoughts on the subject, but I am currently of the opinion that nothing particularly good can happen w/the football program, spending-wise at least, while Barchi is president.

Maybe someone should start a crowd-funding effort to influence the BOG to find an athletics-aware president to replace Barchi when he leaves.
theRU, good effort. However, I hope you guys realize now what you are up against. The Kyle Flood propaganda machine is very well entrenched within RU. Been deceiving the RU faithful for four years running. Good news is they are running out material though. The "we have no money for Tressel so let's just keep Flood" argument is a desperate, last ditch effort - similar to what they used back in 2013. They're just recycling material now. Next they'll tell you firing Flood means firing the assistants and we don't have money for that. Then at the end of the season they'll blame the assistants and fire both of them anyway. Just watch.
It could be that I'm being overly influenced by @RU4Real's thoughts on the subject, but I am currently of the opinion that nothing particularly good can happen w/the football program, spending-wise at least, while Barchi is president.

Maybe someone should start a crowd-funding effort to influence the BOG to find an athletics-aware president to replace Barchi when he leaves.

With Greg Brown there, I'm confident we will.
"Flood was considered an up and comer as well. He may still be if we could stop with the stupid nonsense and just let him recruit without sabotaging him."

Did somebody actually write that?

Honestly, I'm amazed by how out of touch some people are with crowdfunding campaigns. People actually think it was a bust based on 35 hours or so LOL. Have any of you ever looked at, or similar sites? This is how money is raised today.
There's no guarantee this campaign would have raised $100,000 or more, but there's no reason it couldn't have. Most campaigns take several weeks to reach a critical mass.

And guess what? That money would have come from an awful lot of people who have never donated to Rutgers before. Somehow I get the feeling that's one of the things that scares people. The game is changing...
People who continue to suggest the money should have been earmarked for Olympic Sports of the B10 Champions fund clearly have no idea what the purpose of the exercise was about.

But I like breaking big rocks into little's a character flaw of mine. So, let's play this out.

Dear Julie,

Enclosed is my check for $1,000 for the B10 Champions fund. As a dedicated fan and alum, I feel it is important to give our student athletes every advantage they need to succeed against our new B10 peers.

Go RU!



PS: If there is anything you can do to get rid of that asshat that coaches the football team, I'd really appreciate it.

PPS: Have you ever heard of crowd funding? I think it's pretty cool and maybe you could check it out.

PPPS: Do you prefer the tuna or roast beef sandwiches in the Audi Lounge?

PPPPS: Bac really isn't as grumpy as he comes across on scarlet nation...

PPPPPS: You ever eat LoBro?

I can hear the moving van coming to the Hale Center to pack up Elmer Fludd's crap as I type this....
In the flurry of posts I completely missed this gem. Good stuff.
I don't care enough to double check the numbers, but again off the top of my head, the last campaign raised a billion over five years right? That's a pace of over $800k per 36 hour period.

I think it's a safe bet that Rutgers has raised more money at a faster pace from more participants literally every time they ever raised money.

Don't flame me, I'm not a Floodtard. Like you said, it was a pretty impressive grassroots effort without RU's team of full time fundraisers and army of student callers. But let's keep things in perspective and not get crazy with the #s.

That's half the story. Now determine how many unique contributors. Even in the event that a handful of people contributed more than once, you still had close to a 110 people go through the effort of attempting to give RU money in a 36 hour period.

I'm still comfortable wagering that the what happened in the last 36 hours, engaging unique contributors, is pretty impressive for RU.

Of course no big donors were going to pledge high 4 or 5 figure donations. Why would they when they can get a benefit from doing it through the department?

But I personally know two people who spend upwards of $20k a year on RU football who also pledged to the campaign. And I wouldn't classify either of them as "stupid" or "children stomping their feet."
This campaign was stupid and accomplished little more than bringing about more negative publicity and provided a few folks with the opportunity to bring attention to themselves. Congrats - just when the negative off the field incidents went away, our "fans" go and create another distraction which undermines recruiting and performance on the field.

Schianos contract was funded by the school, donors and a marketing contract. It also left no room for coordinators to stay more than a year or two - not the kind of lifers you find occupying the coordinator positions at the big schools.

Flood was considered an up and comer as well. He may still be if we could stop with the stupid nonsense and just let him recruit without sabotaging him.

And no disrespect to the coaches there, with the exception of Montgomery, none of them are power 5. I'd rather wait a year or two and hire someone with power 5 experience. Once the new coach struggles, we'll be back here calling for his replacement and starting more ill-advised crowd funding efforts.

Not sure what is more frightening...that you believe this or that 2 people (as of 11:12 PM) liked it.

And how does one draw attention to themselves in an anonymous fund raising effort?
theRU - I'd like to hear specifics on how the football program could be redone. Where do you start? Fire Flood - and replace him with who? Is it going to be a proven or unproven coach from the FCS? Who is going to pay for them - will it still be the lowest paid job in the power 5? How are we going to out compete all of the established programs with far deeper pockets (RU is not a destination job, yet)? What's your timeline for the changes to be made - are we going to fix every problem and decades of neglect this offseason? How do you deal with a lame duck president (and probably AD) who has little interest in making a change? Do you have a plan to retain any of the 2016 recruiting class (who seem very committed to Flood)? Will another year of poor recruiting only delay competitiveness another year? What kind of benchmarks do we have in place for the new coaches performance? Will we also pay for top coordinators? Will you be able to convince the BOG to authorize a 3-500% increase in football coach salaries (we clock in around 2-3m a year total, top coordinators are in that neighborhood)?

I dont know where she got "redone" what i said was that we should invest now against the future big 10 income. You get what you pay for sort of thing... We can't afford to sit back and wait 5 more years for additional revenue.
That's half the story. Now determine how many unique contributors. Even in the event that a handful of people contributed more than once, you still had close to a 110 people go through the effort of attempting to give RU money in a 36 hour period.

I'm still comfortable wagering that the what happened in the last 36 hours, engaging unique contributors, is pretty impressive for RU.

Of course no big donors were going to pledge high 4 or 5 figure donations. Why would they when they can get a benefit from doing it through the department?

But I personally know two people who spend upwards of $20k a year on RU football who also pledged to the campaign. And I wouldn't classify either of them as "stupid" or "children stomping their feet."

And of those, about 100 or so only gave 10-15 bucks a piece. I'll assume you can do the math there and figure how many it would take to get to 1.4 mil.
I have to admit that a Jason Pierre Paul handful of people I have a lot of respect for are really surprising with their reaction to the last few day's events.

Oh well...can't predict them all.
Not sure if I'm in JPP's hand or not, but I have a ton of respect for you and I've been pretty surprised by your reaction to the same events. Hell, I even reconsidered where I stood on all this based on some of your arguments. Not to mention that you and #s seem fairly aligned in your thinking on this subject (any grammar errors notwithstanding). Which gave me pause for thought since he's not entirely un-clever himself.

But even after further consideration, I'm still where I was at much earlier in the year which is that I think the focus should be on who we can bring in to replace Flood instead of how we get rid of Flood. That places more emphasis on funding and timing. Firing Flood is not the problem.

IMO, all this noise about firing Flood does nothing to help us on our quest to bring in a great coaching staff to replace Flood. At best it's a distraction. Screaming for Flood's head might make people feel good, but it's a lot like impulse purchasing using a nearly maxed out credit card w/out having the income to pay off the card at the end of the month.
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Diddy: the campaign had the chance to go viral. Even the RU administration knew that and took steps they deemed necessary to prevent that from happening.
I dont know where she got "redone" what i said was that we should invest now against the future big 10 income. You get what you pay for sort of thing... We can't afford to sit back and wait 5 more years for additional revenue.

Totally agree with you here. It's a question of where to start and having a plan - which is something I've been very critical of Barchi and Herman on. Given finite resources, even with borrowing, I think Flood is on the lower end of problems right now. We need to address basketball and baseball first. They need adequate facilities, they're embarrassing in their current state. I think football will get better. I think MSUs cycle has come to an end and we'll be competitive with them and Penn State and Maryland for a while. I think once things stabilize, we make the necessary coaching changes to take us to the next level.

I think rather than a fire flood campaign, we should focus on our state senators. Support state senators who are pro-RU. Let them know that RU alums and fans are educated and we vote. Is there a Rutgers PAC? We should get that going if not.
You get what you pay for sort of thing... We can't afford to sit back and wait 5 more years for additional revenue.
We will get what we pay for. Which is why a push to fire Flood w/out the resources to hire a significantly better staff is counter-productive. I agree we can't wait 5 years. But I think we can wait a year or two, if necessary. OTOH, if Julie has the funding and can line up some serious coaching talent for next season, then I suspect that Flood will be let go at the end of the season, even if we somehow managed to win out.

I'm repeating myself, but I just don't see the firing of Flood as the impediment to success here. We can fire him at any time. Firing him is easy. Bringing in a staff that can produce wins in the Big Ten East is what we should be aiming for - that's the hard part and that's where funding efforts should go.
My point is that for a powerful agent to take an interest in a coach, there has to be something other than a paltry commission (which Floods deal pretty much was) - there has to be upside and the prospect of a larger commission down the road. Does Drew Rosenhaus spend a lot of time on undrafted free agents?
"Hi, Mr. Sexton? This is Kyle Flood. My boss said if I found someone to pay for my extension I could have it. I have a high school buddy who has agreed to pay it. Would you like to pick up an easy $75,000 for about 10 minutes worth of work?"
We will get what we pay for. Which is why a push to fire Flood w/out the resources to hire a significantly better staff is counter-productive. I agree we can't wait 5 years. But I think we can wait a year or two, if necessary. OTOH, if Julie has the funding and can line up some serious coaching talent for next season, then I suspect that Flood will be let go at the end of the season, even if we somehow managed to win out.

I'm repeating myself, but I just don't see the firing of Flood as the impediment to success here. We can fire him at any time. Firing him is easy. Bringing in a staff that can produce wins in the Big Ten East is what we should be aiming for - that's the hard part and that's where funding efforts should go.

100% agree. You stated my point far more eloquently.
Totally agree with you here. It's a question of where to start and having a plan - which is something I've been very critical of Barchi and Herman on. Given finite resources, even with borrowing, I think Flood is on the lower end of problems right now. We need to address basketball and baseball first. They need adequate facilities, they're embarrassing in their current state. I think football will get better. I think MSUs cycle has come to an end and we'll be competitive with them and Penn State and Maryland for a while. I think once things stabilize, we make the necessary coaching changes to take us to the next level.

I think rather than a fire flood campaign, we should focus on our state senators. Support state senators who are pro-RU. Let them know that RU alums and fans are educated and we vote. Is there a Rutgers PAC? We should get that going if not.
Disagree on a couple points. I think football has to be the primary focus as it has the most potential revenue-wise. I also don't think we're going to be competitive with MSU or PSU while the current staff remains.
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Totally agree with you here. It's a question of where to start and having a plan - which is something I've been very critical of Barchi and Herman on. Given finite resources, even with borrowing, I think Flood is on the lower end of problems right now. We need to address basketball and baseball first. They need adequate facilities, they're embarrassing in their current state. I think football will get better. I think MSUs cycle has come to an end and we'll be competitive with them and Penn State and Maryland for a while. I think once things stabilize, we make the necessary coaching changes to take us to the next level.

I think rather than a fire flood campaign, we should focus on our state senators. Support state senators who are pro-RU. Let them know that RU alums and fans are educated and we vote. Is there a Rutgers PAC? We should get that going if not.

Did you just write that we should address the baseball program first?

They need a new pitch back? The foul poles crooked?

Holy mother of God...
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"Hi, Mr. Sexton? This is Kyle Flood. My boss said if I found someone to pay for my extension I could have it. I have a high school buddy who has agreed to pay it. Would you like to pick up an easy $75,000 for about 10 minutes worth of work?"

I think it went more like...

Hey, Jimmy. This is Kyle...Kyle Flood...F L O O D...the head coach at Rutgers? Yeah, of course I'm still at Rutgers...Yeah, in New Jersey....

Jimmy...Jimmy? You There?