I would tweet it, but some of the recruits actually follow me for some does curt taylor.....go figure

I try to never be negative there

And donated
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already starting to circulate among student groups, popping up, and seeing it linked on twitter.

building steam.

share, share, share.
Donated, posted on Twitter and Facebook.

Now cue the music!

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Also i wasn't sure what to write so i kept it short and sweet. Let me know if i should change the language, or if someone can write something more eloquent i'm all for it. I'm in no state to write anything deep at this point.
avg donations just over 50 bucks right now due to some generous donations.

We need 300000 to donate 5 bucks, i think this is manageable.
Rayden Hettig donated $11 "would have made it 11 and a quarter, but thats just wrong"
Screw them. We're sending the administration a message. We need this sent to Julie so she can see just how frustrated we are. As desperate and comical it is to have this page made, it should really speak volume to the administration.

Exactly! Shameful if this thread gets deleted. It's about time we spoke with our dollars.
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Screw them. We're sending the administration a message. We need this sent to Julie so she can see just how frustrated we are. As desperate and comical it is to have this page made, it should really speak volume to the administration.

Agree. -And they can delete it from these boards all they want, but this is out there now and looks to be gaining traction, and there's nothing they can do about that.

If people believe in this and want to donate because they feel it's in RU's best interest to have a change in the football coaching regime, they'll find their way to the funding site in order to make their statement...and they'll make it.
If the option wasn't listed, I wonder if you can email gofundme and have the correct department added

Please please go the extra mile and send the donations to one of the RU Football funds or even RU Athletics. Just post what information the site is requesting and I or others can get it for you.
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If you want this to take off, make flyers with the link on them, and hand them out in the lots before and after Saturday's game. Especially after.
If you want this to take off, make flyers with the link on them, and hand them out in the lots before and after Saturday's game. Especially after.
Social media is way more powerful. If the right people share this it could grow in seconds. Paper flyers would have worked 10
Years ago
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