Basketball Myles Johnson is in the transfer portal

Nah I don’t think so. We play team defense. Cliff will step up. I trust pike here. My concern is rebounding but maybe knowing myles isn’t there helps us rebound as a team because overall our rebounding wasn’t great this year.
Team defense is team defense when there is a shot blocker that everyone knows is there. Cliff can be a shot blocker, Harrar is not. Having a center that blocks shots like Myles can not be overstated.
Pike has not really re-recruited his own players with much success so I was not anticipating anyone with eligibility coming back.

Cliff will replace Myles no problem next year so I’m not too bothered by this at all. As long as Myles doesn’t go somewhere stupid which there is no reason to believe he would.

Yes - it’s Pikiell’s fault that Sanders wanted to go Pro and Myles is a wiz in the classroom and may want to transfer to a school closer to home and/or for a better masters program.

LOL continuing with your bad takes when it comes to this basketball program.
Cliff needs to develop quite a bit to be an adequate replacement for Myles. He’s not there yet. Not close.

Nah. As an interior defender yeah sure. But that’s not all there is
Yes - it’s Pikiell’s fault that Sanders wanted to go Pro and Myles is a wiz in the classroom and may want to transfer to a school closer to home and/or for a better masters program.

LOL continuing with your bad takes when it comes to this basketball program.

I didn’t say anything was Pikes fault just that he hasn’t had success. Let’s not pretend like this isn’t happening. There’s a track record now.

Anyway like I said Cliff will replace Myles fine
I didn’t say anything was Pikes fault just that he hasn’t had success. Let’s not pretend like this isn’t happening. There’s a track record now.

Anyway like I said Cliff will replace Myles fine

You constantly insinuate or infer things without actually saying them. We’re not stupid - it’s very obvious.

The majority of coaches wouldn’t have been able to keep Sanders from going Pro, Omoruyi from fleeing to Oregon in the middle of the night to chase whatever he was chasing or Myles for wanting to go back West to be closer to his family/get a great masters degree....yet you try to take shots at Pikiell for it. Each of those players decisions had very little to do with Pikiell or his ability to “recruit them” back.

Your takes on basketball are just BAD man. LOL.
Pike has not really re-recruited his own players with much success so I was not anticipating anyone with eligibility coming back.

We’ve lost 2 players to the portal of any substance. Player’s clearly have no respect for him.

It definitely has nothing to do with players only spending time with each other for month after month.

Hell, I haven’t been anywhere near as isolated and even my dog is getting annoyed with me.

Wait and see the divorce rate when the dust settles.

This year has been historical and not in any good way.
I didn’t say anything was Pikes fault just that he hasn’t had success. Let’s not pretend like this isn’t happening. There’s a track record now.

Anyway like I said Cliff will replace Myles fine

I agree Cliff will replace Myles but think it’s going to take more than a year, especially when it comes to defense and rebounding.

Also agree we’ll be fine and it will help other players develop and grow - much like what happened when Sanders and Omoruyi moved on. Which is why it’s silly to even take subtle shots at Pikiell for not recruting them back.
Team defense is team defense when there is a shot blocker that everyone knows is there. Cliff can be a shot blocker, Harrar is not. Having a center that blocks shots like Myles can not be overstated.
Myles was 90th in blocks last year and we were a better defensive team.
Myles helped the team improve into one we can be proud of.
His D and rebounding helped Rutgers become a tourney team.
Even if his O wasn't nothing to write home to mother about,
Myles Johnson was a major reason Rutgers has earned the respect of the college basketball world..
With RHJ, Geo and Young the offensive threats, Myles was the one that was the last line of D most of the time.
Second to Young in the steal department and around 50 more blocks more than the RU player (RHJ) who came in second.
I wish Myles the best and appreciate what he did to help make RUMBB a winner.

Now it's Cliff's time and I hope he proves worthy of Johnson's shoes, maybe even makes them a little bigger SHARP AXE
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I agree Cliff will replace Myles but think it’s going to take more than a year, especially when it comes to defense and rebounding.

Also agree we’ll be fine and it will help other players develop and grow - much like what happened when Sanders and Omoruyi moved on. Which is why it’s silly to even take subtle shots at Pikiell for not recruting them back.

Omoruyi will not do what Johnson has done - he's a different player with a different skillset. We'll be a different team next year both offensively and defensively. We'll adapt to life without Johnson, with Omoruyi as the starting center - and will need to find a suitable backup for ~15 min a game.
Pike has not really re-recruited his own players with much success so I was not anticipating anyone with eligibility coming back.

Cliff will replace Myles no problem next year so I’m not too bothered by this at all. As long as Myles doesn’t go somewhere stupid which there is no reason to believe he would.
Correct me if I am wrong but today's seniors are basically Pikes 1st recruiting class
So how many seniors hasn't he re recruted. So far I count one and he graduated, lives on the west coast, has a chance to go to a prestigious school CLOSER TO HOME
But yeah Pike can't re recruit his own kids who want to get on with their livres
I agree Cliff will replace Myles but think it’s going to take more than a year, especially when it comes to defense and rebounding.

Also agree we’ll be fine and it will help other players develop and grow - much like what happened when Sanders and Omoruyi moved on. Which is why it’s silly to even take subtle shots at Pikiell for not recruting them back.

Pikiell did try to re recruit them though it’s an important distinction.

Cliff will need time but his skillset is so strong if allowed to flourish I think he will - at as high a level as Myles if not higher next year - though obviously different stylistically.
You take Young and Myles away from us defensively and we aren’t a good defensive team. We all know we are a bad offensive team

Thank goodness for the portal. I am expecting a 4-5 win B1G season. Cliff is the key to do what Myles did when Eugene left.

Counterpoint. Pikiell took over a team that was #236 in defensive efficiency and a program that was in complete shambles and since then our defensive efficiency has been:


He'll put a good to great defense out there, Myles or no.
Pikiell did try to re recruit them though it’s an important distinction.

Cliff will need time but his skillset is so strong if allowed to flourish I think he will - at as high a level as Myles if not higher next year - though obviously different stylistically.

Huh? What distinction?

What coach in their right mind wouldn’t try to re-recruit them?
This is sad for me, and it will be a challenge.

But it's exciting to see what the new team will look like next year. Every time we've lost someone, someone else has stepped up. I expect some transfers and also development next year. It's not the end of the world. We will plug our gaps and be back. That's college basketball, and college sports in general.
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Greene, what was he in converting layup % ?

Not a chance he goes to Duke unless he wants to watch the games from the student section.
Counterpoint. Pikiell took over a team that was #236 in defensive efficiency and a program that was in complete shambles and since then our defensive efficiency has been:


He'll put a good to great defense out there, Myles or no.
I thought the sky was falling when Eugene left. I didn’t expect Myles to have such an impact.

if our core stays intact I am really worried about our defense next year.
Johnson was #2 in block % in B1G and #1 in defensive rebounding percentage and #4 in offensive rebounding percentage.

Keep in mind who is on the court with him competing for rebounds. Lineup combinations increased McConnells and Myles rebound numbers.

Cliff was only 2% less in defensive rebounding percentage and would fit in at 7th in block %
Our defense was pretty damn good. We were just spoiled by last year.

I take some of these posts with a grain of salt. Many of the same posters said Young would never amout to anything because he didnt do anything at Texas. I'm not worried about Pike's defense regardless of who is out there. I also look forward to the next man up and potential for better offensive production at the 5.
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You constantly insinuate or infer things without actually saying them. We’re not stupid - it’s very obvious.

The majority of coaches wouldn’t have been able to keep Sanders from going Pro, Omoruyi from fleeing to Oregon in the middle of the night to chase whatever he was chasing or Myles for wanting to go back West to be closer to his family/get a great masters degree....yet you try to take shots at Pikiell for it. Each of those players decisions had very little to do with Pikiell or his ability to “recruit them” back.

Your takes on basketball are just BAD man. LOL.

Nothing is insinuated. I said he’s failed to successfully re-recruit existing players. You should stop making a mountain out of a mole hill. It’s happened and he’s been able to plug along.
This is for me a sad day. Myles is a true student athlete and he has done so much for helping RU get to the NCAA. I saw 19 practices last year and got love all of our guys so much. I sat with Myles, dad, mother and sister at several practices and the entire family was so very nice. It is like losing a family member but I am so glad that Myles gave us four years of his life and I wish him nothing but the very best and I hope he does wonders with his life in whichever route he takes.

I think now we definitely need another very good big man and I personally hope that we can get John Harrar to come to RU. I don't think he will disappoint us. He is a stud on the boards and always gives over a 100 % effort. GO RU.
I thought the sky was falling when Eugene left. I didn’t expect Myles to have such an impact.

if our core stays intact I am really worried about our defense next year.

What is our core? From the day Baker returned from injury, Baker/Young/Johnson have accounted for 43.4% of our minutes. I'd say the three of them were a pretty decent chunk of our "core".

Assuming the seniors all leave, the minutes we have returning from this year are:
863 - Harper
763 - Mulcahy
593 - Mathis
457 - McConnell
343 - Omoruyi
76 - Reiber
70 - Mag
60 - Palmquist
11 - Jones
0 - Miller

Our season will largely live or die on who we can plug into this rotation from the transfer market.
Keep in mind who is on the court with him competing for rebounds. Lineup combinations increased McConnells and Myles rebound numbers.

Cliff was only 2% less in defensive rebounding percentage and would fit in at 7th in block %
His block rate was less than half of Myles. His OREb was half too. DREB the smae
What is our core? From the day Baker returned from injury, Baker/Young/Johnson have accounted for 43.4% of our minutes. I'd say the three of them were a pretty decent chunk of our "core".

Assuming the seniors all leave, the minutes we have returning from this year are:
863 - Harper
763 - Mulcahy
593 - Mathis
457 - McConnell
343 - Omoruyi
76 - Reiber
70 - Mag
60 - Palmquist
11 - Jones
0 - Miller

Our season will largely live or die on who we can plug into this rotation from the transfer market.
Worried about a core player. Singular. No Myles and no Jacob really worried about him.
Listen we all know that Myles was a great defensive player, maybe even one of the best overall defensive big men in the country. BUT he was awful on offense and we can much more easily replace his defensive contributions with Cliff compared to what we are losing with Young leaving. People won't want to hear this but the truth is Myles scored 14 combined points in last the 3 games of the season and his missed dunk and inability to get a defensive rebound late in the game cost us the Houston game. Again he was solid overall but nothing close to the "Rutgers Legend" some are making him out to be
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His block rate was less than half of Myles. His OREb was half too. DREB the smae

Block rate is tricky because for every block you get you miss a few that give up an easy put back you otherwise wouldn’t have.

Offensive rebounding Myles was pretty good at but Myles also can’t play away from the basket like Cliff can.

Of course we’re not considering the disadvantages of Myles v cliff away from the basket when put in PNR etc. Different ways to skin a cat is all and Cliff is enough raw material to make a similar impact right away. Myles was good at what he does and had some holes as well I am not minimizing his contributions just expressing my belief in Cliff and Pike to fill in nicely
Nothing is insinuated. I said he’s failed to successfully re-recruit existing players. You should stop making a mountain out of a mole hill. It’s happened and he’s been able to plug along.

The fact that you even introduce the word “failure” with Pikiell to keep Sanders, Omoruyi and now Myles on the banks is just dumb.
What is our core? From the day Baker returned from injury, Baker/Young/Johnson have accounted for 43.4% of our minutes. I'd say the three of them were a pretty decent chunk of our "core".

Assuming the seniors all leave, the minutes we have returning from this year are:
863 - Harper
763 - Mulcahy
593 - Mathis
457 - McConnell
343 - Omoruyi
76 - Reiber
70 - Mag
60 - Palmquist
11 - Jones
0 - Miller

Our season will largely live or die on who we can plug into this rotation from the transfer market.
Yes... also who we retain. It could be anywhere from a really good team to a really bad team. Likely it will be somewhere in between
FYI, my sister is a big time UCLA fan/donor and is hearing very good things about Myles Johnson heading to UCLA.
Dude, you're lost. What an absurd statement. Unlike just about every other program in the country of the past decade, Pikiell has had very little attrition of contributors. In 5 years, Omoruyi is the only one that had any impact that transferred. Find me one other program in the country that can say that.

ignore RUsojo. “pike not rerecruiting” is a strange nonstop theme from that guy. Like OCD level bad
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Listen we all know that Myles was a great defensive player, maybe even one of the best overall defensive big men in the country. BUT he was awful on offense and we can much more easily replace his defensive contributions with Cliff compared to what we are losing with Young leaving. People won't want to hear this but the truth is Myles scored 14 combined points in last the 3 games of the season and his missed dunk and inability to get a defensive rebound late in the game cost us the Houston game. Again he was solid overall but nothing close to the "Rutgers Legend" some are making him out to be

Not a Rutgers legend? In one post you completely dismiss any of the accomplishments he has had on or off the court for RU and what he has meant to this team and to fans. He has accomplished something here that other teams haven’t done in 30yrs
Just a classless post and Dick move

you are the type of fan that should just go find another team
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