OT - Dangers of not vaccinating children


Guns and Butter – December 30, 2015
1) Trust in the scientist is a luxury parents of an autistic child don't have.
2)Iron from a vitamin (like mercury from tuna) goes through your digestive system, not injected in your veins. It is easier for your body to eliminate the toxin when digested.
3) How much time do doctors spend in med. school learning about vaccinnes? According to Alan Phillips not much.
I thought this was a pretty informative piece.

Vaccines: Threads of Corruption with Alan Phillips Attorney Alan Phillips, whose practice specializes in vaccine exemption law, lays out the case for legislative activism to counter the wave of coercive state legislation mandating extensive vaccination of children, and the elimination of choice. The 1986 National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act freed the vaccine industry of accountability … Continued


Your response is mostly irrelevant.
Point 1 - doesn't really add anything to the discussion.
Point 2 - is false and betrays a lack of understanding of how the digestive and excretory systems work.
Point 3 - ignores the fact that doctors are constantly being educated after med school. Residency, internship and ongoing reading of literature (NEJM, JAMA, etc) as well as conferences, bulletins, etc.

Last paragraph - we've had a pretty balanced dialogue here on which vaccines should be mandated and which should be optional. There's largely broad agreement that some should be optional - but also agreement that they're pretty important with respect to being a member of a modern society.
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PRH-RU, is mercury based preservative still used in the Flu vaccine? Single dose? Multi dose? Not trying to pick a fight here. Just looking for accurate info. THX.

Mercury in the form of thimersol is used in multidose vials of many vaccines at a percentage of 0.1 mg/ml. Most vaccines now come in PFS verse MDV and do not have thimersol.

Thimersol is metabolised into ethylmercury in the body. Ethylmercury seems to be eliminated from blood rapidly via the stools after parenteral administration of thiomersal in vaccines.

See this: Thimersol

Most issue with mercury in the body is the methyl form that rapidly causes nerve issues.

See this: MethylMercury

Guns and Butter – December 30, 2015
1) Trust in the scientist is a luxury parents of an autistic child don't have.
2)Iron from a vitamin (like mercury from tuna) goes through your digestive system, not injected in your veins. It is easier for your body to eliminate the toxin when digested.
3) How much time do doctors spend in med. school learning about vaccinnes? According to Alan Phillips not much.
I thought this was a pretty informative piece.

Vaccines: Threads of Corruption with Alan Phillips Attorney Alan Phillips, whose practice specializes in vaccine exemption law, lays out the case for legislative activism to counter the wave of coercive state legislation mandating extensive vaccination of children, and the elimination of choice. The 1986 National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act freed the vaccine industry of accountability … Continued

So we are going to trust an ambulance chasing lawyer over health care providers and scientists?[roll]

No offense to my
Lawyer friends
of course, selectively trusting those providers and scientists that agree with our point of view
So we are going to trust an ambulance chasing lawyer over health care providers and scientists?[roll]

No offense to my
Lawyer friends
He sure does have a lot of business though..
A lawyer Suzanne Humphries is not .
Guns and Butter – June 10, 2015

Honesty Versus Policy: Vaccines and the Medical System with Dr. Suzanne Humphries Dr. Humphries experiences with vaccination as a hospital nephrologist; history of vaccination; sick being vaccinated; effects of vaccination on kidney patients; the cancer causing monkey virus SV40 not eliminated; vaccine adjuvants, particularly aluminum; different types of adjuvants; evaluation of safety; reporting requirements; CDC. … Continued

He sure does have a lot of business though..
A lawyer Suzanne Humphries is not .
Guns and Butter – June 10, 2015

Honesty Versus Policy: Vaccines and the Medical System with Dr. Suzanne Humphries Dr. Humphries experiences with vaccination as a hospital nephrologist; history of vaccination; sick being vaccinated; effects of vaccination on kidney patients; the cancer causing monkey virus SV40 not eliminated; vaccine adjuvants, particularly aluminum; different types of adjuvants; evaluation of safety; reporting requirements; CDC. … Continued



Vaccination: Enough to Make You Sick with Dr. Suzanne Humphries We welcome back Dr. Suzanne Humphries for a second interview, Vaccination: Enough to Make You Sick in which she analyzes vaccine effectiveness. We begin with an analysis of the Disneyland measles outbreak; natural immunity versus vaccination; how vaccines are evaluated; immune system very complicated and … Continued
Guns and Butter – June 24, 2015


Dissolving Illusions: Vaccination Past and Present with Dr. Suzanne Humphries and Roman Bystrianyk Co-authors of “Dissolving Illusions: Disease, Vaccines, and the Forgotten History”, Dr. Suzanne Humphries and Roman Bystrianyk, talk in depth about the history of disease and vaccination, primarily in relation to smallpox and polio, and how these diseases actually affect afflicted populations. Paralysis … Continue
To the common folk looking for answers she has a very compelling
I don’t think the problem is vaccines. I think the problem is how many and when. I had a typically developing son, both physically and verbally. At 18 months, he got the vaccines just as the doctor ordered. He came home all zoned out. Days later he started showing symptoms of autism. That’s when the flapping started and life has been hell ever since. For my younger son, we waited until he was three and he started pre-K. That’s when it was mandated he got his vaccines, but he turned out fine.

For those who are so angry at anyone like me who wants to hold off on the shots because I suspect there is a problem with the way we’re doing shots today as opposed to the way they were done up until 1987, why don’t you vaccinate your child at birth instead of waiting a year? Because it wouldn’t be safe, right? Then how did we figure out 15 to 18 months is safe? Isn’t it possible it’s not safe for some as in 1 out of every 35 boys in NJ?
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Your response is mostly irrelevant.
Point 1 - doesn't really add anything to the discussion.
Point 2 - is false and betrays a lack of understanding of how the digestive and excretory systems work.
Point 3 - ignores the fact that doctors are constantly being educated after med school. Residency, internship and ongoing reading of literature (NEJM, JAMA, etc) as well as conferences, bulletins, etc.

Last paragraph - we've had a pretty balanced dialogue here on which vaccines should be mandated and which should be optional. There's largely broad agreement that some should be optional - but also agreement that they're pretty important with respect to being a member of a modern society.
1) If we did not have an explosion of autism in this country,were not having this conversation.
Your Immune System, How It Works And How Vaccines Damage It
"Chronic illnesses are now so common, having a sick child seems to be the “new normal.”Children are supposed to be vibrant, healthy, free of disease." - Janet Levatin MD, Pediatrician.

The Theory
Medical theory is that if your child is exposed to a weakened version of the disease, he will produce antibodies to that disease and become ‘immune’, so that he will never contract the illness.
At first glance, this sounds like a solid principle, BUT it only focuses on one small aspect of the immune system, the antibodies, and fails to look at all the other functions responsible for protecting your child’s health.
So, how does the immune system work?
The immune system is also made up of the skin, mucous membranes in the nose and throat, ears and eyes, nasal hairs, saliva, the spleen, intestines, tonsils, the thymus gland and even the brain. All of these parts work together in a holistic way to bring about a whole body immunity, which is only in part to do with antibodies.
• The skin acts as a barrier to prevent bacteria entering the body. It also filters out toxins through fever, which is the purpose of a fever when your child is ill.
• The nasal hairs prevent foreign particles from travelling up the nose, and the mucous membranes excrete a substance which is anti-bacterial.
• Tonsils help prevent respiratory diseases and illnesses such as Polio, and saliva contains substances which destroy and neutralise microbes.
• The spleen and intestines, among other organs, deposit fats and vitamins around the body and protect against viral and bacterial invasion.
• The thymus gland produces thymus cells, known as ‘T’ cells, which are antibodies to infection.
• There are various glands (nodes) in the body that drain it of toxins and useless material. For instance, the cervical nodes drain the head, neck and chest.
• The pituitary gland in the brain directs all of the systems above, so if the brain goes wrong, so does the immune system. It sends electrical impulses to all areas of the body, stimulating cell re-generation and muscle growth. These electrical impulses also stimulate the thymus gland – the centre of immune function.
What effect does vaccination have on this immune function?
Vaccination – the act of artificially acquiring a disease so as to become immune to it – is flawed in a number of ways.
Firstly, a vaccine contains many hazardous chemicals and not just the viruses to immunise against. These each have their own toxic affect on the body. Secondly, the route of entry is different to a naturally occurring disease. Most natural diseases would enter through the mouth or the nasal cavity, not the skin.
Vaccination breaks the skin with a needle and injects foreign matter into the blood supply.
This bypasses the skin’s role in immune function, as well as the tonsils, the mucous membranes, and so on.
Normally, the body produces extra antibodies after being primed by the tonsils that there is impending infection. Therefore, if the infection takes hold, there will be an army of white blood cells, ready to neutralise the infection.
In the case of vaccination, this infection goes straight to the blood, with no prior build up for the body, and there are no extra immune cells to deal with it.
Also, with vaccination there is more than one disease present (e.g. measles, mumps, rubella all in one), whereas naturally a child would never contract 3 diseases at the same time. This puts additional strain on the immune system
3) True I did ignore continuing education the doctors might have recieved.
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1) If we did not have an explosion of autism in this country,were not having this conversation.
Your Immune System, How It Works And How Vaccines Damage It
"Chronic illnesses are now so common, having a sick child seems to be the “new normal.”Children are supposed to be vibrant, healthy, free of disease." - Janet Levatin MD, Pediatrician.

The Theory
Medical theory is that if your child is exposed to a weakened version of the disease, he will produce antibodies to that disease and become ‘immune’, so that he will never contract the illness.
At first glance, this sounds like a solid principle, BUT it only focuses on one small aspect of the immune system, the antibodies, and fails to look at all the other functions responsible for protecting your child’s health.
So, how does the immune system work?
The immune system is also made up of the skin, mucous membranes in the nose and throat, ears and eyes, nasal hairs, saliva, the spleen, intestines, tonsils, the thymus gland and even the brain. All of these parts work together in a holistic way to bring about a whole body immunity, which is only in part to do with antibodies.
• The skin acts as a barrier to prevent bacteria entering the body. It also filters out toxins through fever, which is the purpose of a fever when your child is ill.
• The nasal hairs prevent foreign particles from travelling up the nose, and the mucous membranes excrete a substance which is anti-bacterial.
• Tonsils help prevent respiratory diseases and illnesses such as Polio, and saliva contains substances which destroy and neutralise microbes.
• The spleen and intestines, among other organs, deposit fats and vitamins around the body and protect against viral and bacterial invasion.
• The thymus gland produces thymus cells, known as ‘T’ cells, which are antibodies to infection.
• There are various glands (nodes) in the body that drain it of toxins and useless material. For instance, the cervical nodes drain the head, neck and chest.
• The pituitary gland in the brain directs all of the systems above, so if the brain goes wrong, so does the immune system. It sends electrical impulses to all areas of the body, stimulating cell re-generation and muscle growth. These electrical impulses also stimulate the thymus gland – the centre of immune function.
What effect does vaccination have on this immune function?
Vaccination – the act of artificially acquiring a disease so as to become immune to it – is flawed in a number of ways. Firstly, a vaccine contains many hazardous chemicals and not just the viruses to immunise against. These each have their own toxic affect on the body. Secondly, the route of entry is different to a naturally occurring disease. Most natural diseases would enter through the mouth or the nasal cavity, not the skin.
Vaccination breaks the skin with a needle and injects foreign matter into the blood supply.
This bypasses the skin’s role in immune function, as well as the tonsils, the mucous membranes, and so on.
Normally, the body produces extra antibodies after being primed by the tonsils that there is impending infection. Therefore, if the infection takes hold, there will be an army of white blood cells, ready to neutralise the infection.
In the case of vaccination, this infection goes straight to the blood, with no prior build up for the body, and there are no extra immune cells to deal with it.
Also, with vaccination there is more than one disease present (e.g. measles, mumps, rubella all in one), whereas naturally a child would never contract 3 diseases at the same time. This puts additional strain on the immune system
3) True I did ignore continuing education the doctors might have recieved.

You actually read this stuff or just copy and paste it? Pretty sure most of those infected by polio and spent their lives paralyzed had tonsils.
From her Bio:

"Dr. Janet researched many integrative modalities and ultimately settled on homeopathy as her primary treatment modality. She has been certified as a Homeopathic Master Clinician for over 10 years, and also incorporates herbs, common-sense nutrition, and supplements into her therapeutic regimens. She has expertise in detoxing your diet and your personal care and household products, and is passionate about educating people on these subject"

So she is a MD...but i am not how much weight that carries
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From her Bio:

"Dr. Janet researched many integrative modalities and ultimately settled on homeopathy as her primary treatment modality. She has been certified as a Homeopathic Master Clinician for over 10 years, and also incorporates herbs, common-sense nutrition, and supplements into her therapeutic regimens. She has expertise in detoxing your diet and your personal care and household products, and is passionate about educating people on these subject"

So she is a MD...but i am not how much weight that carries

WTF! Homeopathy? Talk about the ultimate in quackery. Right up there with supplements, probiotics and chiropractic methods.

You've done well, PRH_RU to bring science and reasoning to the vaccine debate. Much appreciated!
I like your post Mike...predictability is comforting--now probiotics is on your hit list--good choice
Knight177 thanks for sharing that
I like your post Mike...predictability is comforting--now probiotics is on your hit list--good choice
Knight177 thanks for sharing that
Can you point to any large clinical study that shows the benefits of supplements, probiotics, homeopathic remedies or even chiropractic techniques? It's all a sales gimmick. I know you like to trot out all those small scale studies posted through PubMed - surveys really, because there are often no controls established to actually benchmark any efficacy or benefit. Those studies all contain conclusions that state, "we believe this is what the data says, but we need more studies to verify our results". Follow up studies often do not confirm these initial findings.
Ha...same old, same old from you
you know nothing about me--another opinion about something you know nothing about