The medical profession is stable but once again, I do not recommend unless you really want to do it. Don't do it for stability or the money. With 8 years of schooling (undergrad and med school) followed by 3-7 years of residency making minimum wage, you end up sacrificing your 20's and almost half your 30's. You also start your career with over 200K-500K of debt at a later stage in life. (Think about it, you could also be investing your money all this time.)
When comparing law school vs. med school, residency training is probably the biggest reason for choosing law school followed by a job at a top firm over med school. (You start your career 3-7 years earlier and you can then invest this money if money is the only reason.)
I also had a friend who graduated from Columbia with a biomed engineering major. She then went to medical school and became a pediatrician. Her classmates from Columbia all make more money then she does and have less debt. (I am almost certain that she would have made more if she just started working as an engineer with her magna cum laude Columbia degree.)
In short, do not become a doctor for the money.