Except Washington U is in St. Louis. Take UW every day of the week. Top notch public U, especially in computer science, with great career opportunities at Amazon, Microsoft, and others.Oh, you're right! I misread the Wilkipedia piece. 7-6 was Lake's record in two years of coaching -- he was 3-1 during the 2020 Covid season. This is what comes of posting at 7 a.m.!
OK, so the question then becomes. . "why was DeBoer able to do so much?" The only answer I can suggest is that U. Washington has had a lot of past success. They were able to pay Chris Petersen, coach from 2014 to 2019, almost $5 million a year with revenue and gifts.
BTW, I have been told that U. Washington (located in Seattle, with marvelous views of the mountains and bays) is a great place to go to college. (Don't confuse it with Washington University -- which I'm also told is a great place to college to college -- in St. Louis.)