OT: New York Mets 2020-2021 Off Season Thread

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Bryant and Hendricks for JD Davis; Petersen and mid level prospects? Do we have a deal?
Here are the reasons I woldn't do the deal.

1. Bryant and Hendricks add $34 million to the payroll. Bryant is a FA after this season and not a sure bet to re-sign. You could end up with a hole at third after this season. Plus, Scott Boras is Bryant's agent. Boras doesn't give discounts, and Boras' other client (Conforto) is a bigger priority. Hendricks has 3 more years left on his deal ($14 million per season), and he may impact the Mets' ability to re-sign Thor or Stroman to new contracts as long as they perform up to their abilities. You can't pay everyone top dollar.

2. I know everyone wants to trade JD because he stinks at third. It's a flawed perception gaining steam, and my opinion does more to tear the team's fabric apart. It wasn't the young position players who hurt the Mets' chances of winning. BVW moves for old dudes who limited the Mets from getting pitching help, which was always a bigger priority.

3. Why do people want to give up control of players who make peanuts over the next few years for guys who earn a ton and can walk after a season? Unless JD costs the Mets 5 to 10 in the standings because of his defense, why make the trade for players with similar production, especially offensively. 😕

4. I know Hendricks is a solid pitcher but were are back to square one of giving away (Peterson) young players/prospects for older players who may or may not be what they once were.

See my point, trade cheap and young guys for older and well-paid guys doesn't make you instant winners.
Here are the reasons I woldn't do the deal.

1. Bryant and Hendricks add $34 million to the payroll. Bryant is a FA after this season and not a sure bet to re-sign. You could end up with a hole at third after this season. Plus, Scott Boras is Bryant's agent. Boras doesn't give discounts, and Boras' other client (Conforto) is a bigger priority. Hendricks has 3 more years left on his deal ($14 million per season), and he may impact the Mets' ability to re-sign Thor or Stroman to new contracts as long as they perform up to their abilities. You can't pay everyone top dollar.

2. I know everyone wants to trade JD because he stinks at third. It's a flawed perception gaining steam, and my opinion does more to tear the team's fabric apart. It wasn't the young position players who hurt the Mets' chances of winning. BVW moves for old dudes who limited the Mets from getting pitching help, which was always a bigger priority.

3. Why do people want to give up control of players who make peanuts over the next few years for guys who earn a ton and can walk after a season? Unless JD costs the Mets 5 to 10 in the standings because of his defense, why make the trade for players with similar production, especially offensively. 😕

4. I know Hendricks is a solid pitcher but were are back to square one of giving away (Peterson) young players/prospects for older players who may or may not be what they once were.

See my point, trade cheap and young guys for older and well-paid guys doesn't make you instant winners.
100% agree with you on all you stated! Mets have a young core who they can grow with and a nice mix of controllable players.
Here are the reasons I woldn't do the deal.

1. Bryant and Hendricks add $34 million to the payroll. Bryant is a FA after this season and not a sure bet to re-sign. You could end up with a hole at third after this season. Plus, Scott Boras is Bryant's agent. Boras doesn't give discounts, and Boras' other client (Conforto) is a bigger priority. Hendricks has 3 more years left on his deal ($14 million per season), and he may impact the Mets' ability to re-sign Thor or Stroman to new contracts as long as they perform up to their abilities. You can't pay everyone top dollar.

2. I know everyone wants to trade JD because he stinks at third. It's a flawed perception gaining steam, and my opinion does more to tear the team's fabric apart. It wasn't the young position players who hurt the Mets' chances of winning. BVW moves for old dudes who limited the Mets from getting pitching help, which was always a bigger priority.

3. Why do people want to give up control of players who make peanuts over the next few years for guys who earn a ton and can walk after a season? Unless JD costs the Mets 5 to 10 in the standings because of his defense, why make the trade for players with similar production, especially offensively. 😕

4. I know Hendricks is a solid pitcher but were are back to square one of giving away (Peterson) young players/prospects for older players who may or may not be what they once were.

See my point, trade cheap and young guys for older and well-paid guys doesn't make you instant winners.
agree 100%...I also feel that if JD goes into the season as the starting 3B and doesnt have to worry about the OF as well as having a great SS next to him, he will be better than what we saw last year. We have control of this kid for a couple more years, great clubhouse guy, hard nosed baseball player and he can hit. I am 100 % ok with going to battle with JD and Lindor on that side of the infield.
Now, if I am looking long term for the Met's...I hope he can actually get to at least average fielding...If not, I hope he really rakes this year and has a .300 25 HR type year with 1 year of control left...That is when he can bring back a really positive return for the mets. The only way to sustain yourself anymore is to move good players at the right time to reload while paying for your core players. In this case, deGrom, Lindor, Conforto, and maybe Alonso. It may end up being Dom, who knows...
I don't trade Peterson at all- very bright young arm...Kid performed at a high level as a rookie in a tough situation. Let's see what this kid brings to the table this year with much less pressure on him...He is the number 4/5 guy this year and not the number 2.
Right now, let's finish up the offseason with role players and more arms. LAst big move I would make is for a number 3/4 type starter. Paxton or Odorizzi
Here are the reasons I woldn't do the deal.

1. Bryant and Hendricks add $34 million to the payroll. Bryant is a FA after this season and not a sure bet to re-sign. You could end up with a hole at third after this season. Plus, Scott Boras is Bryant's agent. Boras doesn't give discounts, and Boras' other client (Conforto) is a bigger priority. Hendricks has 3 more years left on his deal ($14 million per season), and he may impact the Mets' ability to re-sign Thor or Stroman to new contracts as long as they perform up to their abilities. You can't pay everyone top dollar.

2. I know everyone wants to trade JD because he stinks at third. It's a flawed perception gaining steam, and my opinion does more to tear the team's fabric apart. It wasn't the young position players who hurt the Mets' chances of winning. BVW moves for old dudes who limited the Mets from getting pitching help, which was always a bigger priority.

3. Why do people want to give up control of players who make peanuts over the next few years for guys who earn a ton and can walk after a season? Unless JD costs the Mets 5 to 10 in the standings because of his defense, why make the trade for players with similar production, especially offensively. 😕

4. I know Hendricks is a solid pitcher but were are back to square one of giving away (Peterson) young players/prospects for older players who may or may not be what they once were.

See my point, trade cheap and young guys for older and well-paid guys doesn't make you instant winners.
Then why such love for the Lindor deal? Mets traded young cheap controllable players for a free agent to be in Lindor and an older pitcher In Carrasco? I get Davis being a great clubhouse guy but Sandy is intent on having another 3b and if you can get a younger solid pitcher in Hendricks with several years of control - can’t see how you say no to the proposed deal. Maybe just maybe Boras understands the wealth of Cohen and sees a future business “partner”.
agree 100%...I also feel that if JD goes into the season as the starting 3B and doesnt have to worry about the OF as well as having a great SS next to him, he will be better than what we saw last year. We have control of this kid for a couple more years, great clubhouse guy, hard nosed baseball player and he can hit. I am 100 % ok with going to battle with JD and Lindor on that side of the infield.
Now, if I am looking long term for the Met's...I hope he can actually get to at least average fielding...If not, I hope he really rakes this year and has a .300 25 HR type year with 1 year of control left...That is when he can bring back a really positive return for the mets. The only way to sustain yourself anymore is to move good players at the right time to reload while paying for your core players. In this case, deGrom, Lindor, Conforto, and maybe Alonso. It may end up being Dom, who knows...
I don't trade Peterson at all- very bright young arm...Kid performed at a high level as a rookie in a tough situation. Let's see what this kid brings to the table this year with much less pressure on him...He is the number 4/5 guy this year and not the number 2.
Right now, let's finish up the offseason with role players and more arms. LAst big move I would make is for a number 3/4 type starter. Paxton or Odorizzi
I may be in the minority but I’d prefer Paxton. See my post above on the trade proposal. Let me know your thoughts. Don’t see how proposal differs from Lindor deal which everyone loved.
I may be in the minority but I’d prefer Paxton. See my post above on the trade proposal. Let me know your thoughts. Don’t see how proposal differs from Lindor deal which everyone loved.
Your proposal in a vacuum is not unreasonable. But let’s be clear- 2 most important players on the Mets to give 9 figure deals to are Lindor and Conforto. If we give 400+ to those 2 going forward, then we are not going to give Bryant a 20+ per year deal so he will be a 1 year rental. Plus, The 2 SS’s we gave up are never going to be top line players.
JD will most likely still be in the league 10 years from now and a solid to good hitter throughout it. Peterson has MLB success and could be a good pitcher for years.
I take Lindor as a rental and 300 over Bryant and 100 any day of the year. Even if both end up FA’s next year.
IF...Mets had not already made the Lindor trade, then the Bryant/Hendricks would make sense. But can’t make two moves like that in one year.
I may be in the minority but I’d prefer Paxton. See my post above on the trade proposal. Let me know your thoughts. Don’t see how proposal differs from Lindor deal which everyone loved.
Paxton would be the guy I go after too..,
I would love to go into the season with deGrom, Stroman, Carasco , Paxton, Peterson or Luchasi and Noah back in June. That is about as solid 1-5 as you could possibly ask for.
As of right now. the opening day bullpen has only three certainties: Diaz, May, and Loup. There's also Familia and Betances, but the Mets are trying to unload either or both. So there are three to five vacancies at the moment.

There is no shortage of internal candidates. Jacob Barnes, Jerry Blevins, Miguel Castro, Robert Gsellman, Drew Smith, Stephen Tarpley, Arodys Vizcaino, Daniel Zamora. That's eight with significant major league experience, including a few with closing experience. There are also some candidates for the fifth starting job who could wind up in the pen. Plus a bunch of rookies.

We do not lack for quantity. Quality? Remains to be seen. I'll feel a bit better if Justin Wilson is re-signed.
Your proposal in a vacuum is not unreasonable. But let’s be clear- 2 most important players on the Mets to give 9 figure deals to are Lindor and Conforto. If we give 400+ to those 2 going forward, then we are not going to give Bryant a 20+ per year deal so he will be a 1 year rental. Plus, The 2 SS’s we gave up are never going to be top line players.
JD will most likely still be in the league 10 years from now and a solid to good hitter throughout it. Peterson has MLB success and could be a good pitcher for years.
I take Lindor as a rental and 300 over Bryant and 100 any day of the year. Even if both end up FA’s next year.
IF...Mets had not already made the Lindor trade, then the Bryant/Hendricks would make sense. But can’t make two moves like that in one year.
Conforto ironically is probably the more important extension given the surplus of free agent SS s next year with Story; Correa and Seager etc let alone Lindor. My understanding is there are not too many OFs next year for free agency.
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Non roster invitees this year include all our big prospects so that's cool. Get to see some of Allan, Mauricio, Alvarez, Vientos, Baty, and PCA.

Why Tebow is still a thing I have no idea.

Then why such love for the Lindor deal? Mets traded young cheap controllable players for a free agent to be in Lindor and an older pitcher In Carrasco? I get Davis being a great clubhouse guy but Sandy is intent on having another 3b and if you can get a younger solid pitcher in Hendricks with several years of control - can’t see how you say no to the proposed deal. Maybe just maybe Boras understands the wealth of Cohen and sees a future business “partner”.
Lindor is a top 5 player, and Bryant is what?

Lindor is younger and better than Bryant across the board. Lindor is entering his prime while Bryant had his glory already. You re-sign Lindor, and you control him through his best years.

Carrasco and Hendricks are a wash. Similar numbers and both over 30.

Since the Lindor and Carrasco deal was completed first no need to repeat a similar move with Bryant and Hendricks, which cost as much but provides less production and drains more young talent from the organization.

And stop it with Boras sees Cohen as a future business partner. Boras works for his clients, and the owners are not his friends when securing his clients' financial future.
Lindor is a top 5 player, and Bryant is what?

Lindor is younger and better than Bryant across the board. Lindor is entering his prime while Bryant had his glory already. You re-sign Lindor, and you control him through his best years.

Carrasco and Hendricks are a wash. Similar numbers and both over 30.

Since the Lindor and Carrasco deal was completed first no need to repeat a similar move with Bryant and Hendricks, which cost as much but provides less production and drains more young talent from the organization.

And stop it with Boras sees Cohen as a future business partner. Boras works for his clients, and the owners are not his friends when securing his clients' financial future.
Tell that to the Steinbrenner’s who Boras would kiss ass to knowing money is rarely an issue.
Bryant and Hendricks could be impact players. Davis and Peterson not so much.
You never have enough pitching depth as evidenced by lugo injury today. This is why I would strongly prefer Hendricks over Peterson especially with Noah uncertain status and Stroman probably not returning next year.
Financially, how much would Bryant extension cost ($20 mil a year for several years). This isn’t a monster mega deal such as Lindor at $300m plus.
The Mets training camp roster has been posted. 28 non-roster invitees, which is a lot. It includes:
  • A few guys (most notably Jerry Blevins) with a legitimate shot to make the team.
  • A bunch of organizational depth guys.
  • Several top prospects who are there to get a taste of big league competition.
  • And one "That guy's still here???" I leave for you to figure out who that is.
The Mets training camp roster has been posted. 28 non-roster invitees, which is a lot. It includes:
  • A few guys (most notably Jerry Blevins) with a legitimate shot to make the team.
  • A bunch of organizational depth guys.
  • Several top prospects who are there to get a taste of big league competition.
  • And one "That guy's still here???" I leave for you to figure out who that is.
3 non roster guys I’m very interested in are : Eichoff; Mallex Smith and Drury.
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Lindor is a top 5 player, and Bryant is what?

Lindor is younger and better than Bryant across the board. Lindor is entering his prime while Bryant had his glory already. You re-sign Lindor, and you control him through his best years.

Carrasco and Hendricks are a wash. Similar numbers and both over 30.

Since the Lindor and Carrasco deal was completed first no need to repeat a similar move with Bryant and Hendricks, which cost as much but provides less production and drains more young talent from the organization.

And stop it with Boras sees Cohen as a future business partner. Boras works for his clients, and the owners are not his friends when securing his clients' financial future.
Your argument falls apart from the start. These are one year players. Who cares who is younger? You are assuming its a lock the Mets resign Lindor. Lindor will be a free agent.
3 non roster guys I’m very interested in are : Eichoff; Mallex Smith and Drury.
I think that barring injury, Almora and Villar took the roster spots of Smith and Drury. That said, there are always injuries, just a question of to whom.

Agree about Eickhoff!
Paxton going back to Seattle. We're asleep at the wheel all of a sudden unless something bigger is in the works.
Your argument falls apart from the start. These are one year players. Who cares who is younger? You are assuming its a lock the Mets resign Lindor. Lindor will be a free agent.

the real argument is that Mets already did this type of deal for Lindor/Carasco wouldn’t make sense to do it again for a possible rental.
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