OT: R U Installing Windows 10 Tomorrow?

Speaking of Chome OS, I kind of like it. I don't do much of anything outside of work that I need a real OS for. My files are hosted and I can edit them online, I can use Citrix to get into work and I can post on Rivals. I'm pretty much all set ;)

Honestly I can't imagine the choice of OS meaning much of anything in the future.
Upgraded a laptop to Win10 and installed an SSD to replace a HD... issues..

If you want (or need in my case) to do a clean install as your upgrade, you must first go through the upgrade process with your old HD so it sees the previous version of windows. Doing that will insure that your generated serial-key for Win 10 is "activated". Then you can safely do a clean install off of a Win10 media USB.

The media USB devices is also a way to no wait for your turn to upgrade. You use the Windows 10 Media Creation Tool to make that.

So far, so good. Other than the minor stuff mentioned above, my only issue is not OS related, but my stupid HP laptop doesn't seem to have AHCI mode for SATA in the BIOS. Got to find a way around that for the SSD to preform its best.
Win 10 defaults to sharing a lot of personal info with Microsoft. Here's a link to change that.

Windows 10 shares a lot of personal data with Microsoft, but you can turn most of it off
+ 1000 on this. Never do a default Install. Always custom. You don't have to change a thing if you don't want to but you will be prompted to ok things as you go. I answered quite a few no. If you are not sure about something look it up before saying yes. There is no rush when protecting your privacy.