I'm with Cali on this one. And I find it amusing that this is the thread that broke the camel's back and got me to reactivate my account after lurking for so long. But nevertheless, here it goes.
Fat isn't fit. Fat isn't sexy. Fat is, by and large, not attractive to men. Yes, there are outliers in this regard, but outliers do not make the rule. Beauty standards in both genders are for the most part not subjective; statements to that effect are the sorts of things that unattractive people say to feel better about themselves. People across cultures and throughout history overwhelmingly find and have found the same sorts of basic physical features attractive. There is an abundance of scientific literature that for all intents and purposes proves that this is the case. And guess what? Ashley Graham's body is not physically attractive, and she will not be considered sexually attractive by most men.
Putting her on the cover is just another example of PC culture run amok, and frankly the underlying motivation for doing so is a bit underhanded and sinister. This video takes a scalpel to the whole phenomenon of shoehorning token heffers into "sexy" publications :
Granted, the example discussed in the video is a bit more extreme than Ashley Graham, but the principle is the same. Besides, is anyone with any testosterone left seriously advocating for this sort of thing? After looking into this SI Swimsuit thing, the world needs way more Hailey Clausons and Rose Bertrams, not more Ashley Grahams. The latter type surrounds us in our every day lives everywhere we go.