The mods there get pretty aggressive, which is needed, IMO, as there are yahoos/weenies on there who have limited knowledge and spout all kinds of crap, which is misleading. The wrong info, misused, in rare cases (i.e., a Sandy) could lead to death/injury: anyone recall that yahoo on this board who was a cop, iirc, and who kept pooh-poohing Sandy's potential impacts until the day before landfall?
They even go into "storm mode" over there, where shenanigans are completely not tolerated and people get temporary bans or "5-posted" (can only make 5 posts a day). Unlike here, where the wrong info might lead to wailing, gnashing of teeth and maybe indigestion; hence the lighter moderation policy.
5:00 PM NHC info is out.
The guidance hasn't changed much, although the NHC discussion points out that the models still aren't in agreement, especially beyond 72 hours. Intensity is up (this afternoon's forecast includes the first dropsonde data) and has Joaquin becoming a Cat 1 by Thursday.
WRT the guidance, it should be noted that both the GFS and the Euro keep the storm well offshore. The HWRF and UK models bring it ashore, but those models aren't generally considered strong players in the Atlantic tropical realm.