OT: UNC Scandal... Go Heels!


All American
Aug 27, 2011
As UNC advances in the NCAAs, media reports the school has spent some $18 million to date in "dealing" with their athletic scandal.

Per an AP article yesterday, "The NCAA first charged the school in May 2015, revised the charges in April 2016 then modified them again in December. UNC is due to respond soon, though the school has said that process is hold while the NCAA and UNC consult on a new schedule."

So the Heels "consult" their way into buying (literally) some time during the tourney. Proceedings to resume afterwards.

In the meanwhile...

Raleigh N&O article:

AP article:
NY Post's Phil Mushnick calls it like he sees it... and take CBS's Jim Nance to task for praising Ol' Roy during his coverage of the Heels in this year's NCAAs.

Excerpt: "Nantz knows Roy Williams’ success at North Carolina — including two national titles — to some great extent was predicated on sustained, as in at least 15 years, academic fraud, including no-show classes for his basketball recruits that guaranteed A’s and B’s.

That Williams, UNC’s chicken-fried, countrified “Well, daggum it” coach throughout most of this mess, claimed total ignorance — any big-time coach who blindly presumes that his recruits, when not playing or practicing basketball, are in class or otherwise pursuing a legitimate college education is a fool — would disqualify him from having even two-plus-two wisdom to form and coach championship teams.

Yet Nantz not only avoided mention of this colossal, enabling scandal, he spoke of Williams as if he’s a beloved Eagle Scouts leader."

Conversely, as CBS's Jon Solomon tweets out:

Sign of the times: UNC will play in two Final Fours before a resolution to its NCAA academic fraud case that threatens 2005 & '09 titles.

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What a shame. The basketball program is on the cusp of winning a national championship and the school is embroiled in a fight with the NCAA.
Tom Brennan , the Sirius/XM BB commentator also bring up the Academic fraud and how it is impossible to believe Williams had no Knowledge. He said he thinks the NCAA will strip Williams of his previous wins and Title with UNC.
Brennan is a great listen, he had a lot of success at U of Vermont, and is originally from Phillipsburg NJ and often speaks of his time at P'burg and what a great HS sports town Pburg is.
As UNC advances in the NCAAs, media reports the school has spent some $18 million to date in "dealing" with their athletic scandal.

Per an AP article yesterday, "The NCAA first charged the school in May 2015, revised the charges in April 2016 then modified them again in December. UNC is due to respond soon, though the school has said that process is hold while the NCAA and UNC consult on a new schedule."

So the Heels "consult" their way into buying (literally) some time during the tourney. Proceedings to resume afterwards.

In the meanwhile...

Raleigh N&O article:

AP article:
If Crowder decides to spill the beans they're cooked. I wonder why she is now consenting to be interviewed.
And then there's Ol' Roy's bonuses.

Roy Williams has totaled $1.35 million in bonuses from North Carolina's performances in the NCAA tournament last season and this season.
Per Steve Berkowitz ✔ @ByBerkowitz
If Crowder decides to spill the beans they're cooked. I wonder why she is now consenting to be interviewed.

Crowder is a dedicated minion to UNC MBB. No way she varies from the script she was handed. Only reason she came forward now and contradicted her Wainstein Report input is she is part of the UNC four corners strategy with the NCAA. Her coming forward now forced the NCAA to extend UNC's deadline to respond to the second ANOA, as now the NCAA must interview her.
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Congrats to Unc. Master chess players in the game of winning.

Nothing will ever come of this. It's really time to move on.

Was wondering why it's taken you so long to chime in, Cali. Master player? Make that Grand Master.

But something will come of this.
What will come of it is it's a blue print for how to cheat. If/when you get caught, this is what you do.

But many schools probably aren't unified enough and have the passion and drive to fight the NCAA like this.

Unc already won. It's over.
Watching Kentucky and North Carolina in the region final led me to say this in the office (yes, I work Sundays): So the school that made a mockery out of college basketball is playing the school that made a mockery out of college.


F Williams.

We're not asking for Rhodes scholars and 3.8 GPAs in electrical engineering. But would a 2.0 in American studies be too much to ask? Labor studies? Recreation management?
Obligatory post: UNC Kitty Hawk is so screwed!

Seriously, folks, do you really think the NCAA will harm any storied program? No. Chance. In. Hell.

But... every chapter in the UNC "story" is a lie. A fairy tale. Verse by verse. Since Dean Smith. The program's ascent was due to cheating. The pressure was brought on by Rams Clubbers who would not play third fiddle to two emerging programs down Tobacco Road: Duke and NC State. Coach K and Coach V came on the scene in the early 80s and the Heel faithful went all in. Had to, you see. While they tarred and feathered V and ran him out of town, they couldn't do the same to that private Yank school in Durm. So they went to work, and the scam began.
So what's the moral to the UNC & Kentucky story regarding academics and Championships?
Just win baby
You're sort of correct. University's with Championship caliber teams play the risk verses reward game. So if indeed UNC paid 18 million fending off the NCAA it's small potatoes compared to what they'll earn from a NC Title. So as long as the Benjamin's keep rolling in, they'll keep recruiting one and done super elite athletes. Sadly this is the very reason why Rutgers will find it difficult if not impossible to win a National Championship in football or basketball.
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You're sort of correct. University's with Championship caliber teams play the risk verses reward game. So if indeed UNC paid 18 million fending off the NCAA it's small potatoes compared to what they'll earn from a NC Title. So as long as the Benjamin's keep rolling in, they'll keep recruiting one and done super elite athletes. Sadly this is the very reason why Rutgers will find it difficult if not impossible to win a National Championship in football or basketball.
Yes Trap it might be like you imply.
Either RU lies, cheats, steals, cover up crimes and put sports success ahead of everything, or they won't be winners.
Sadly it's those like you that make schools know they can do those things and still have people respecting them for winning and not care how they done it.
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I just don't think anything will come of this.

UNC stayed unified and has deep pockets and pushed the NCAA back.

If the NCAA had strong evidence this would have been resolved already.

Instead UNC has been able to delay so much that at worst they have to vacate some wins from a decade or 2 ago or maybe lose a scholarship. No biggie.

There won't be a post season ban or anything like that
Yes Trap it might be like you imply.
Either RU lies, cheats, steals, cover up crimes and put sports success ahead of everything, or they won't be winners.
Sadly it's those like you that make schools know they can do those things and still have people respecting them for winning and not care how they done it.
If you have an issue with the way things are run shut the TV off and don't watch the games!!!!

If you think you're morally above watching young poor kids from inner-cities play for elite universities then shut the DAM TV OFF!!! But you don't shut it off do you. I glance at your long winded, boring and phony posts and it's clear that you watch the games. This makes you a hypocrite. Do us all a favor and go share your sanctimonious BS somewhere else.
NY Post's Phil Mushnick calls it like he sees it... and take CBS's Jim Nance to task for praising Ol' Roy during his coverage of the Heels in this year's NCAAs.

Excerpt: "Nantz knows Roy Williams’ success at North Carolina — including two national titles — to some great extent was predicated on sustained, as in at least 15 years, academic fraud, including no-show classes for his basketball recruits that guaranteed A’s and B’s.

That Williams, UNC’s chicken-fried, countrified “Well, daggum it” coach throughout most of this mess, claimed total ignorance — any big-time coach who blindly presumes that his recruits, when not playing or practicing basketball, are in class or otherwise pursuing a legitimate college education is a fool — would disqualify him from having even two-plus-two wisdom to form and coach championship teams.

Yet Nantz not only avoided mention of this colossal, enabling scandal, he spoke of Williams as if he’s a beloved Eagle Scouts leader."

Conversely, as CBS's Jon Solomon tweets out:

Sign of the times: UNC will play in two Final Fours before a resolution to its NCAA academic fraud case that threatens 2005 & '09 titles.

Post Linky:
Jim Nantz is one of the most ignorant, idiotic and annoying pieces of crap on the planet. The guy is the Brian Williams of sports.
I just don't think anything will come of this.

UNC stayed unified and has deep pockets and pushed the NCAA back.

If the NCAA had strong evidence this would have been resolved already.

Instead UNC has been able to delay so much that at worst they have to vacate some wins from a decade or 2 ago or maybe lose a scholarship. No biggie.

There won't be a post season ban or anything like that

All while winning the national championship right now.
I just don't think anything will come of this.

UNC stayed unified and has deep pockets and pushed the NCAA back.

If the NCAA had strong evidence this would have been resolved already.

Instead UNC has been able to delay so much that at worst they have to vacate some wins from a decade or 2 ago or maybe lose a scholarship. No biggie.

There won't be a post season ban or anything like that

Strong evidence? Seriously? Evidence is overwhelming and documented. And reported ad nauseum. Not a question of what occurred. Rather the issue is UNC telling the NCAA that it has no jurisdiction in academics. Further, UNC is of the view that some sort of statute of limitations has expired. Anyway, it's all on the NCAA at this point.
Of the four remaining teams I believe UNC will be the toughest to beat. Not saying Oregon is going to lay down. On the other side I'll be rooting for Gonzaga, but I think this South Carolina team has the edge. Can anyone ask for a better more exciting tournament up until now? I love college BB & FB.
But... every chapter in the UNC "story" is a lie. A fairy tale. Verse by verse. Since Dean Smith. The program's ascent was due to cheating. The pressure was brought on by Rams Clubbers who would not play third fiddle to two emerging programs down Tobacco Road: Duke and NC State. Coach K and Coach V came on the scene in the early 80s and the Heel faithful went all in. Had to, you see. While they tarred and feathered V and ran him out of town, they couldn't do the same to that private Yank school in Durm. So they went to work, and the scam began.
Maybe, but the NCAA won't do harm to them in any way. Will be interesting to see what they do to us on the transgressions we reported. I am bracing for what likely will be a double standard.
What a shame. The basketball program is on the cusp of winning a national championship and the school is embroiled in a fight with the NCAA.
Hope this is sarcasm, since the school shouldn't even be allowed to be playing Div. 1 basketball for the foreseeable future. Hard to understand why the bulk of member schools in the NCAA don't just revolt and throw them to the curb.
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Hope this is sarcasm, since the school shouldn't even be allowed to be playing Div. 1 basketball for the foreseeable future. Hard to understand why the bulk of member schools in the NCAA don't just revolt and throw them to the curb.
C'mon - you know why. Its all about the Benjamins.
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If you have an issue with the way things are run shut the TV off and don't watch the games!!!!

If you think you're morally above watching young poor kids from inner-cities play for elite universities then shut the DAM TV OFF!!! But you don't shut it off do you. I glance at your long winded, boring and phony posts and it's clear that you watch the games. This makes you a hypocrite. Do us all a favor and go share your sanctimonious BS somewhere else.
I'm above wanting RU to win no matter what the cost and covering up for a child molester is one . So I do feel morally superior to you and those like you.
I also feel most Scarlet Nation members are the same .
Also I'm all for giving talented kids ( no matter where they're from) scholarships but want to see the programs they go to make an effort to educate them and make sure they are doing the right thing along with instilling the right values by them watching the way their coaches and university officials conduct themselves .
Not have them learn winning is the only thing and the way you do is secondary.

As for turning off TV, if you never read my opinion on watching games , you missed out on me posting: I refuse to watch teams I don't like just to root against them. I'll watch them play a team I like, but not against a school I don't like or dislike.
If you have read one of those posts and conveniently ignored it to prove a point, that shows honesty is not part of your agenda when discussing an issue.
SIAP (this link). But this is horsesh**!!! If this was Rutgers, Temple, West Virginia, etc, the Death Penalty would've been flung at them 6 years ago.
"It’s long been a matter of when, not if, the NCAA levies some form of heavy penalty against the UNC athletic department. The case is widely considered the most egregious academic fraud scandal in NCAA history, so concerning to the Committee on Infractions that at one point last year the judges essentially sent the file back to the prosecutors to make a stronger case."

I recently talked to someone who went to UNC. She took one of the bogus classes, and she is adamant that since these classes were available to all students, the NCAA should not have a say in this matter.
"It’s long been a matter of when, not if, the NCAA levies some form of heavy penalty against the UNC athletic department. The case is widely considered the most egregious academic fraud scandal in NCAA history, so concerning to the Committee on Infractions that at one point last year the judges essentially sent the file back to the prosecutors to make a stronger case."

I recently talked to someone who went to UNC. She took one of the bogus classes, and she is adamant that since these classes were available to all students, the NCAA should not have a say in this matter.

She should sue UNC for a fraudulent education. More than likely she is a liar.
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She should sue UNC for a fraudulent education. More than likely she is a liar.
I was going off on Penn State and UNC and saying how UNC did what Penn State did- lawyered up and fought, but the difference was that what UNC did was far worse in the eyes of the NCAA because this is right in their wheelhouse. She laid into me, and insisted Penn State was far more evil. I don't disagree, but I can see the cult's point that the Sandusky thing was a criminal matter (except that it was entangled within the football department and the locker room for goodness sake). In the end, they are both disgusting bad actors that fail to recognize their bad acts.