OT: Walking Dead


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Jul 26, 2001
Piscataway, NJ
Best episode in a long time. Well done! I love the juxtaposition of Carol and Paula. Great dialog between those two.

Oh snap! I just had a Magic Garden flashback. All we needed was Sherlock and the Chuckle Patch
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I thought the opposite. Very slow compared to last few weeks.
Liked it a lot

Liked the fact there were so many women involved. Intereting dialog and was wondering the background of each, and if it could have worked out somehow that they all unite against Neegan.
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Liked it a lot

Liked the fact there were so many women involved. Intereting dialog and was wondering the background of each, and if it could have world out somehow that they all unite against Neegan.

I'm still wondering about the possibility of other Savior camps.
For a few minutes there I thought the cigarette smoking Molls, was actually Patti from the leftovers wandering into the wrong set!

Carol is very deceptive. Didn't think it was best or worst. I Guess the motto from the first season "We don't kill the living" is long forgotten......The barbeque of those guys last night in "The kill room" was good, but you figure people being cooked would scream a bit more? So maybe burning people is a bit over the top yeh?
Wasn't a fan of the episode either and I agree with another poster that there are other savior camps. That guy wasn't neegan either.

That guy wasn't Negan either? Really? We already know who that guy was. Of course he wasn't Negan. Haha. Although when the group finds out who Negan is, they'll wish that previous guy WAS Negan.

I enjoyed the episode. Still a lot of action. I appreciated the female-centric episode. Still a bit confused why neither Maggie nor Carol died (or at least came close).
Knowing that Carol was going to be on Talking Dead made me wonder if she was going to make it through the episode.

Also looks like Paula was right thinking Rick's group was close considering there was less static on the the walkie talkies. Smart woman (wasn't she the daughter on "Cybil"?)
Good episode. Slow at first, then it picked up. First episode the wife also sorta watched - she didn't seem impressed though.
Throwaway episode. Nothing happened to advance the plot. An hour of character development for a character who didn't last the whole episode. Every season we get these filler episodes just because they insist on a 16 episode season. Probably will get another one with Tara and Heath's scouting trip, which has been alluded to several times.

Although I do like Alicia Witt. She played Wendy Crowe on Justified.
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This episode went exactly like I said it would in last week's thread. These last two episodes were the "Star Wars:A New Hope" of WD where the good guys win the first round and things are looking good. "The Empire Strikes Back" is right around the corner. Hold onto your butts.
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Throwaway episode. Nothing happened to advance the plot.

It sounds as if the only thing that would get your approval is if the real Negan showed up.

The plot got advanced because Carol and Maggie went from being kidnapped to escaping.

Yes, it was a filler episode. But they're building up for Negan (in this episode by trying to build up Maggie, who's character had fallen by the wayside a bit). She needs to be an interesting character for when her husband meets his end soon.
Alicia Witt is awesome. She also played Delores Pasternak on "Two and a Half Men". Great role.
This ep helped push Maggie towards her future role in the comics, if they decided to go in that direction on the TV show.
It sounds as if the only thing that would get your approval is if the real Negan showed up.

The plot got advanced because Carol and Maggie went from being kidnapped to escaping.

Yes, it was a filler episode. But they're building up for Negan (in this episode by trying to build up Maggie, who's character had fallen by the wayside a bit). She needs to be an interesting character for when her husband meets his end soon.

Going from kidnapped to escaping does nothing that hasn't already been done. It's another example of TWD hitting us over the head with foreshadowing. We know that Negan is coming with a vengeance. We knew that after Daryl took out group 1. We knew it again when they massacred the entire group 2 last week, and we know it again after group 3 went down this week. All with no casualties because our favorite characters will wear their plot armor until the season finale.

As for Maggie, they've had 5 seasons to develop her character. They basically had her do nothing for 4 seasons except cry for "Glinn" and then awkwardly thrust her into a leadership role a couple of weeks back to make what's coming more impactful. Plus, I really don't think this episode was meant to develop Maggie as much as set up what may be coming for Carol. Typically, when someone starts to question the brutality of it all, as they've now spent several episodes with Carol, it puts a target on them. But again, these are rehashed plot points from past weeks.

No offense to anyone who loved the episode. I enjoy TWD, especially the past couple of weeks. But I watch with a more critical eye than others, I guess. One of my major issues with this show is too many bottle episodes since the split season of 16 episodes was introduced.
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Carol developing a moral compass = next one to die.

It will be easy to kill off Carol at this stage in the show only because in the comics she died very early on.
Usually not a fan of these 1-2 character focused eps but this didn't feel like filler to me. I dont think carol was faking it as much as it was everything really just catching up to her (love her response to Paula's "are you going to kill me?" Carol... "I hope not"). It's a brutal world where you don't think twice about killing the living anymore because when you let them go, they will come back and kill you. Carol has been on killer auto pilot, but now her and pregnant Maggie are captured and will almost certainly be killed. Makes ya think.

Liked the ep.
We are Groot.. I mean Negan... we're all Negan. Is it an acronym? N.E.G.A.N. ? Or a nickname.. like Vegan?

great episode... but I do hope eliminating the Saviors wasn't that easy. There has to be more to this.. some price for their arrogance... we'll just take em out.

I suppose it could mean that they are not the "good guys" anymore... that could be the bigger meaning. The blowed-up bikers.. Paula said they were probably "showing off" or something... meaning they are not the bad guys they seemed to be in that encounter? That it was all bluster? That the guy wasn't going to shoot Abraham.. interesting stuff. But that can't be it.. it really looked like they were willing to kill Maggie and Carol.
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We are Groot.. I mean Negan... we're all Negan. Is it an acronym? N.E.G.A.N. ? Or a nickname.. like Vegan?

great episode... but I do hope eliminating the Saviors wasn't that easy. There has to be more to this.. some price for their arrogance... we'll just take em out.

I suppose it could mean that they are not the "good guys" anymore... that could be the bigger meaning. The blowed-up bikers.. Paula said they were probably "showing off" or something... meaning they are not the bad guys they seemed to be in that encounter? That it was all bluster? That the guy wasn't going to shoot Abraham.. interesting stuff. But that can't be it.. it really looked like they were willing to kill Maggie and Carol.

I think the story of the 16 year old kid boy from the Hilltop who was killed by Negan and the pictures on the wall of the people who's heads they bashed with the baseball bat were enough evidence that these Saviors are probably the worse bad guys to date on the show. They're building up to what they will eventually do to Rick's group.
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also remember that during yesterday's episode, when she agreed to the trade with Rick, she said she thought Rick would attack, because that is something they would do.
Carol opining that she should have killed the guy initially was interesting
Carol was reluctant to kill Paula when she should have (before Paula attacked her and with Maggie telling her to shoot her), so it looks like Carol is softening up a bit and may be on her way out.....

They are starting to look a bit more like the Governors group - one of em even has an eye patch!
I think the story of the 16 year old kid boy from the Hilltop who was killed by Negan and the pictures on the wall of the people who's heads they bashed with the baseball bat were enough evidence that these Saviors are probably the worse bad guys to date on the show. They're building up to what they will eventually do to Rick's group.

remember the ep that was all a flashback about psychopath?

This show is very heavy handed when it comes to foreshadowing things.

Unlike Game of Thrones which only give you tiny hints and clues that are very easy to miss.
TWD has jumped the shark for me. Fan favorite cast members such as Maggie, Glen, Darryl and Carol have now become indestructible. Not for one second did I think any of them will die. The writers have sold out to the female viewing audience who want strong and heroic female leads who are emotionally vulnerable. This formula mirrors the C.I.S. type shows that are saturating prime time television and which appeal to women viewers.
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IMO, the biggest flaw in this episode was that Rick neglected to tell the group to move their clocks ahead by one hour.

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TWD has jumped the shark for me. Fan favorite cast members such as Maggie, Glen, Darryl and Carol have now become indestructible. Not for one second did I think any of them will die. The writers have sold out to the female viewing audience who want strong and heroic female leads who are emotionally vulnerable. This formula mirrors the C.I.S. type shows that are saturating prime time television and which appeal to women viewers.
Not the first time you jumped in a walking dead thread to say how much you dislike the show and how it jumped the shark. Why do you bother?
Throwaway episode. Nothing happened to advance the plot. An hour of character development for a character who didn't last the whole episode. Every season we get these filler episodes just because they insist on a 16 episode season. Probably will get another one with Tara and Heath's scouting trip, which has been alluded to several times.

Although I do like Alicia Witt. She played Wendy Crowe on Justified.

Or did it...?

Let's just say Negan has a very particular relationship with the women of his community... and well, 3 of them just died, and one hinted a pregnancy. Would not be surprised if this comes back later.
Not the first time you jumped in a walking dead thread to say how much you dislike the show and how it jumped the shark. Why do you bother?

I used to really enjoy TWD. I saw hope for a renewal of my enjoyment of TWD at various times last season. However, it's gotten too predictable for me this season. Last night's episode was the show's Waterloo for me. Maybe my tastes have changed but I see no point in investing my time in watching it any longer.
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I used to really enjoy TWD. I saw hope for a renewal of my enjoyment of TWD at various times last season. However, it's gotten too predictable for me this season. Last night's episode was the show's Waterloo for me. Maybe my tastes have changed but I see no point in investing my time in watching it any longer.

I think settling in Alexandria has cost the show some of its excitement. I'd like a change of scenery.
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I really believe the term "Jumped the Shark" has jumped the shark. People love being the 1st person to decide something isn't worth watching. You think they would just stop watching if they were getting no enjoyment out of it. Every week in the TWD thread someone says the same thing. Who will it be next week? Stay tuned.
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I really believe the term "Jumped the Shark" has jumped the shark. People love being the 1st person to decide something isn't worth watching. You think they would just stop watching if they were getting no enjoyment out of it. Every week in the TWD thread someone says the same thing. Who will it be next week? Stay tuned.

I think the criticisms now being lodged against the show can be applied to any season, any episode. Its just that we were learning about the characters and the "rules" of this world back then.

It was never a "great" show. It can be fun and interesting and visceral at times. But the whole appeal of this type of thing is a "what would you do" kinda felling about the problems the group encounters.

However, I will say the farther we get away from the original plotted path of the story.. the easier it seems for the writers to take BS shortcuts. A couple weeks ago I suggested the need to appease fans with the "Rickshonne" happening resulted in some very bad writing of the deaths of porchd***s family. Not a good sign.

imo, the writers problem is that we all know about walkers and we all believe the group can handle any number of them. Now they have to write what is, essentially, a western. That is, there is no law... people have to make it up as they go and enforce it themselves. Not sure the writers are up to making that interesting. We'll see. They should steal from any number of good westerns or even real life stories.
New episode started to feel like transition and more development for just development sake.

Great finish though. Two episodes left this season.
I don't clearly understand the whole thing about Carol leaving. I get the setup, I understood what she was saying in her letter, but it doesn't really make sense.
TWD has jumped the shark for me. Fan favorite cast members such as Maggie, Glen, Darryl and Carol have now become indestructible. Not for one second did I think any of them will die. The writers have sold out to the female viewing audience who want strong and heroic female leads who are emotionally vulnerable. This formula mirrors the C.I.S. type shows that are saturating prime time television and which appeal to women viewers.
The pattern seems to be to establish a new character for a while then have them die, but not any of the original core group.... Last night it was the pretend lady Doctor, in the future it could be anybody who has emerged over the past couple of seasons.
this ep's death was taken straight from the comic book, the difference being that it was that it happen to a different character.
Best episode in a long time. Well done! I love the juxtaposition of Carol and Paula. Great dialog between those two.

Oh snap! I just had a Magic Garden flashback. All we needed was Sherlock and the Chuckle Patch
That show is so corny
The "problem" that the show has is the following:

1. The source, aka the comics are not meaty enough so there seems to be a lot of filter in each season to make up for it or they would run out of comics. This is also why the season get cut in half.

2. The TV show decided that they wanted the TV show to spoiler free so that even if you read all of the comics, you wouldn't know what would happen. However, this has cause many of the problems you are seeing now. A lot of the stuff that doesn't make sense anymore on the TV show would have make sense if they just stayed true to the comic books.

It is still a fun show.
this ep's death was taken straight from the comic book, the difference being that it was that it happen to a different character.

Do you know the timing of TV Show vs Comic? In other words, was this death written into the comic BEFORE there was a TV Show?

We have seen where "Rickshonne" was not in the comic, but was done for TV because of fan interest... so I have to wonder if this will work its way into the comic... will choices in the comic be made because of things in the TV show?

I wonder the same about GRRM's Game of Thrones series. The TV and Books have diverged from the beginning, largely because of format I would assume. But now the TV show is surpassing the books' timeline. So, I assume, GRRM provides some overall guidance.. but I also assume that if something works really well in the TV show that GRRM will seem to be forced into using it. Then again, he is famous for hating fan fiction, so maybe he will switch things up just to reassert his ownership of the written words.