6K of us donating 5K gets us a BB practice facility

Originally posted by Scarlet Shack:

The method is there

The leaders are afraid to show the balls to do what needs to be done

They should build a take a lesson from bob mulchay who had the balls to expand the stadium bexause he knew James Delany was watching closely
The environment was much different then, then it is now. McCormick was a huge fan of Rutgers Sports, especially football. What worked in the past is simply a no go at this point. We can hope that changes but I'm not going to hold my breathe.

Wasn't aware you had to be " family " to post. I probably attend more RU Hoop games than many that post here-----also make 2-3 football games a year since I retired.

It's the job of an AD to Fund Raise. It's a shame that it's gotten to that but it's just reality. Borrowing a huge sum of money when you're already in the red is not in the best interests of the University simply because in the arms race of today in college athletics what looks great in Year 2 is outmoded by Year 5. Then you have to borrow again because the facility becomes antiquated. That goes for all sports.

I'm on a fund raising committe and while it isn't easy Rutgers does have some built in advantages. It has a ton of grads in the tri state area and it's a very high income per capita region. These are advantages that a number of schools that have pulled it off don't have. JH needs to cultivate that dynamic on both the individual and the corporate side.

It's doable-----hard but doable.

I agree with Scharf-----a practice facility isn't going to mean HS AA's start showing up here. An exciting product on the floor will do alot more for recruiting than a practice facility. We don't have one at ND and we put a good program on the floor most years and our women's team is top shelf. That's being done when if you took the 100 best male HS players in the country we couldn't get 10 of them through admissions even if they wanted to come------which most don't.

Basically I think that we have to support the current HC and hope he's making good decisions on the recruiting trail along with developing the guys that are here.
I feel exactly the same way.
After 20+ years I am not sure I will renew.
There has to be some plan going forward announced between now and next seasons renewal.
I am not counting on it.
Originally posted by Knight_Light:

Originally posted by bac2therac:
Because Rutgers is the only school in the power 5 to not have an athletic cannot compare it schools who have been doing this for 100 years...this is akin to Uconn moving from 1AA to 1A
How about comparing what RU has/hasn't been able to do while mostly being a member of the Big East and now in the Big Ten...with dozens and dozens of programs that are in smaller, much poorer conferences like AAC, CUSA, Missouri Valley, A-10, MWC, which seem to have been able to raise $$$$ for their own basketball practice facilities.

That's what so alarming...its not that RU is woefully behind other Big Ten programs...its that RU Hoops is woefully behind scores of teams from much smaller conferences...yet their administrators have been successful raising $$$, coming up with detailed plans to get $$$ rolling thru their programs so their hoop programs can improve their facilities.

The lack of foresight/planning by Julie is a major strike against her she has the power and mic to lead the charge.

This post was edited on 2/18 7:48 AM by Knight_Light
RU has worse infrastructure for basketball than all those midmajor schools and conferences you mention. The difference is that they are allowed to spend money on their basketball program. What are you missing here? They spend as much as their peers do...when that happens and the school shows its willing to support its basketball program, I would gather its much easier to get donations. At RU you have a situation where RU spends less money than every other power 5 school on basketball, has done so for years, and has a recruiting budget greater for womens hoops than mens

When a school BOG and Presidents have shown for twenty years that they do not support the basketball program than why on earth as a donor would I be willing to spend. Please don't lay this on Julies lack of vision...that nonsense....she has been handed a job which is extremely difficult because she gets no help, hamstrung from the beginning but it does not have to be that way.
Shack, my friend, we ARE NOT borrowing. Period. I've been telling you this for over a year now. It sucks, it can be considered "short-sighted," too, but it's how it is, for now, and probably for a long time to come. Doesn't matter if it makes sense - IT DOES - we're simply not going to be allowed to do so right now.
Originally posted by bac2therac:
Originally posted by Knight_Light:

Originally posted by bac2therac:
Because Rutgers is the only school in the power 5 to not have an athletic cannot compare it schools who have been doing this for 100 years...this is akin to Uconn moving from 1AA to 1A
How about comparing what RU has/hasn't been able to do while mostly being a member of the Big East and now in the Big Ten...with dozens and dozens of programs that are in smaller, much poorer conferences like AAC, CUSA, Missouri Valley, A-10, MWC, which seem to have been able to raise $$$$ for their own basketball practice facilities.

That's what so alarming...its not that RU is woefully behind other Big Ten programs...its that RU Hoops is woefully behind scores of teams from much smaller conferences...yet their administrators have been successful raising $$$, coming up with detailed plans to get $$$ rolling thru their programs so their hoop programs can improve their facilities.

The lack of foresight/planning by Julie is a major strike against her she has the power and mic to lead the charge.

This post was edited on 2/18 7:48 AM by Knight_Light
RU has worse infrastructure for basketball than all those midmajor schools and conferences you mention. The difference is that they are allowed to spend money on their basketball program.
Who do you think believes the BS what you just posted?

Just look at a few:

ECU Basketball plans in a dark den gym built in 1968...a program thats been to just 2 NCAA Appearances in 80 years....yet that school, with about 1/4 the alumni base and ZERO tradition just built/opened a new $17 Million 48,000 sq ft practice facility, all funded by PRIVATE GIFTS, including naming rights.

From their new basketball practice facility website:

Named in honor of principal donors Harry and Tammy Smith and Walter and Marie Williams, the center has a total project cost of $17 million that was funded entirely through private gifts.[/B] The Smith's commitment of $1 million toward the Step Up To The Highest Level Campaign in December 2011, coupled with leadership gifts from the Williams family and contributions of numerous other donors enabled the construction of the facility.



The list of similar programs like the above goes on and on and on and on....and every single one of these programs, some which are located in the middle of nowhere (like ECU), are able to secure private funding entirely from their "tiny" alumni and/or support base...yet RU, with over 460,000 alumni...located in the largest and in much it, one of the most prosperous areas of the country, can't even begin a campaign to match what lil ECU has done?

NOTE: Naming Rights for ECU's facility was paid for by a 1992 alum from ECU, who is Chairman of the Board and Chief Executive Officer of Flanders Corp., one of the largest manufacturers of air filters and related products in the United States.

This post was edited on 2/18 11:47 AM by Knight_Light
Originally posted by AreYouNUTS:
Shack, my friend, we ARE NOT borrowing. Period. I've been telling you this for over a year now. It sucks, it can be considered "short-sighted," too, but it's how it is, for now, and probably for a long time to come. Doesn't matter if it makes sense - IT DOES - we're simply not going to be allowed to do so right now.
then its goodbye basketball program for the next 5 years....might be time to shut it disgusting actually. We will have under 1K season ticket holders by then. People have dropped like droves, I am dropping one of mine next years, I have heard others say they will drop 1 or 2. This is happening. Basketball fans are fed up with an administration that does not care. We DO NOT belong in the Big 10 pulling the shit....hopefully Uncle Jim Delaney steps up and makes demands. Poor Julie its not her fault at all she has to deal with this. She will try for sure to do more with less but until 2022 I see this basketball program dormant
At some point you have to wonder why no one will make private donations, mainly for the basketball program. We're in the B1G and that's good marketing and you're playing with the big boys.

Baseball/softball had a $3M goal and golf had a similar number.

So yeah Rutgers needs 5 times that at least, but is there no one willing to donate at least $1M to the cause of all the wealthy millionaire and billionaires?

Why are we in the B1G again? lol
well others will disagree with me but football is a big factor. Many of the same faces I see at basketball are also there for football. We don't have basketball only fans. The basketball fans are HUGE supporters of football. Therein lies the problem..these fans or donors have been generally concentrating or courted for football purposes despite knowing that bball made need it more. Julie and Sarah need to get a shift going but that's hard to do because football drives the bus. You think Geoff Brown is donating $2.5 million to basketball or is he saving it to donate for a new Hale Center. Julie is going to need to find basketballs Towers. A guy that might have nothing to do with RU basketball but is willing to be a power broker, of course with that comes we really want another John DuPont ala Villanova wrestling and their basketball arena
Originally posted by bac2therac:

well others will disagree with me but football is a big factor. Many of the same faces I see at basketball are also there for football. We don't have basketball only fans. The basketball fans are HUGE supporters of football. Therein lies the problem..
You don't think thats the same for most other programs with football/basketball programs?

Donors end up donating to hoop (and other sports facilities) because there is almost no way in heck that they will get their name on the football stadium or field but they still want to leave a lasting legacy landmark on campus, inside the sports program.
Originally posted by bac2therac:

Originally posted by AreYouNUTS:
Shack, my friend, we ARE NOT borrowing. Period. I've been telling you this for over a year now. It sucks, it can be considered "short-sighted," too, but it's how it is, for now, and probably for a long time to come. Doesn't matter if it makes sense - IT DOES - we're simply not going to be allowed to do so right now.
then its goodbye basketball program for the next 5 years....might be time to shut it disgusting actually. We will have under 1K season ticket holders by then. People have dropped like droves, I am dropping one of mine next years, I have heard others say they will drop 1 or 2. This is happening. Basketball fans are fed up with an administration that does not care. We DO NOT belong in the Big 10 pulling the shit....hopefully Uncle Jim Delaney steps up and makes demands. Poor Julie its not her fault at all she has to deal with this. She will try for sure to do more with less but until 2022 I see this basketball program dormant
1) uhm, I'm not saying anything new, or that hasn't been posted in both this thread, and Al's, right? Not sure why you're getting so upset NOW lol.

2) we're not "shutting down" anything...the B1G new our issues, going in, and know damn well how long it's going to take us to remedy them, so this IS NOT nearly the issue that some here want to think it is. Yes, they want us to upgrade ALL of our facilities, and the sooner the better, but they understand our situation and do see that we're doing whatever we can, where and whenever we can, and I'd think they appreciate those things and know that we want the same things they want.
its not new but there was no good news from the court club meeting. If anything the average basketball fan should be less optimistic...we do not want to wait until 2022
I used to attend EVERY home game. I might make 1 game this season. Trust me, BAC, I "get it" and, with 2 Row A seats in my family, believe me, I want this thing turned around as fast as you or anyone else. It's awful, no doubt, no questions.
The sad reality is that after 24 years of futility the mens basketball program might be in worse shape now performance wise,in financial backing and perception with recruits.In other words the program has no relevance in college basketball .Kicking the can down the road at least another five years just proves that point.
Originally posted by RU85inFla:
Originally posted by TDIrish1:
Bac I have to disagree with that premise.
Spending money you don't have when you're taking the amount of dollars Rutgers Athletics is taking from the General Fund is IMO bad policy. This is a university not an NBA Franchise. If JH went out and raised half of the 25-30 million she would need to build the facility then there's a case to be made for it. But to go out and borrow 25 to 30 million for a facility that basically serves 30 athletes is IMO folly-------and would be viewed as such by the entire university system not to mention the media and the politicos.
I actually think this is the only compromise position. We need to raise at least enough to expect incremental revenues from basketball would pay off the rest in a short period of time 5-7 years. You can't borrow for everything but you can if incremental profits will pay for it.
I agree that this could work.


thx for for volunteering for the fundraising committee.

As nuts said above..we
Aren't borrowing funds

And we aren't having the school guarantee a loan based on fundraising pledges

It's money in hand before shovel

It is so beyond disgusting that it appalls me to no end

We have no leadership with any backbone to do what needs to be done anyways

Stupid stupid stupid ...making the same mistakes AGAIN

Stupid stupid stupid
I think Rutgers is stupid in not trying to find any sports through bond offerings right now. Interest rates are so low and will only go higher. Now is the time to invest in the future and pay them back with future earnings. The investment will return so much value. By not investing now you set the program back another decade and will lose all support. It is fathomable!

That would also put the hook on the athletic dept and not the University as the loans would fall under the AD.

I maul for donating strictly to bball for a cause but I have never been approached on anything. I always donate my amounts across my interests. I think the school has to sell a vision and campaign against it if they want to raise funds, otherwise, people can't buy in
without reading through this thread, I would wager that more season ticket holders are considering giving up their tickets as opposed to sinking $5000 into the program....the true be that even if RU
had a practice facility it probably would not turn our fortunes around.
Originally posted by wheezer:

....the true be that even if RU
had a practice facility it probably would not turn our fortunes around. every single Div I program that has a dedicated basketball practice facility (most have men's and women facilities), ALL of them using it on the recruiting trail....because it WORKS.

Remember in Basketball, it only takes 1 or 2 players in one class to turn a program around 180 degrees, let alone if you do that in back-to-back-to-back-to-back years.

Since almost every P5, AAC, MWC plus others in A-10 and CUSA programs have or are currently building new basketball facilities...if you don't have one, let alone don't even have plans for one (to show recruits that its coming), no clue how you can compete against all of those teams, let alone those in the Big Ten.
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