Hospitalizations in NJ just under 3k for the first time in right weeks. That's down 25% in nine days. We were just under 4k on May 14. The justification for continued closures is evaporating.
This would be nice if it happens.
It happen with SARS, right? Why not Covid19?With 3-5% of the world likely infected, based on a bunch of antibody population sampling, and many/most countries practicing some to a lot of mask-wearing and social distancing (even after they "open up"), it's hard to imagine coming anywhere close to 54-82% infections (herd immunity depending on the R0 transmission rates that have been published) by the fall. The only way that happens is either: i) stopping all interventions, which simply won't happen or ii) if, somehow, there are a lot of people who have some cross-reactive immunity to this virus from antibodies from previous virus exposures (we know some have antiobodies and T cells active towards CV2, but we don't know if they confer any actual immunity - would be the best news ever if they did). Do you have a link to the actual study?
I love seeing single occupant cars and the drivers wearing masks. It gives my wife and me a good chuckle.
higher R-naught than SARSIt happen with SARS, right? Why not Covid19?
They seem to cover the themselves pretty good here:This has got to be one of the worst articles ever written and coming from the Post that says something.
Gaiter baby. ;)Happy to give you and your wife a good chuckle, because I do it often. You should follow me around, you could laugh all day.
As some others have said, if you have multiple stops on the same day, it is just easier to leave it on.
The article doesn't name the scientists, doesn't source the report, doesn't explain how the model works, and gives a caveat about the "results." Yikes.They seem to cover the themselves pretty good here:
Scientists at the university cautioned that their results are continually evolving and inexact– and that the predictions should not lead to hasty ends of lockdowns around the world.
Over-optimism based on some predicted end dates is dangerous because it may loosen our disciplines and controls and cause the turnaround of the virus,” they said.
Tabloid journalism at its best. ;)The article doesn't name the scientists, doesn't source the report, doesn't explain how the model works, and gives a caveat about the "results." Yikes.
It happen with SARS, right? Why not Covid19?
The Erin Bromage piece was posted, but I don't think the Nature one was posted - fantastic article, thanks! Thought the section below was especially insightful. Had never really thought about the part in bold, but it really makes sense when comparing SARS-CoV-2 vs. the original SARS.
The virus’s ability to infect and actively reproduce in the upper respiratory tract was something of a surprise, given that its close genetic relative, SARS-CoV, lacks that ability. Last month, Wendtner published results8 of experiments in which his team was able to culture virus from the throats of nine people with COVID-19, showing that the virus is actively reproducing and infectious there. That explains a crucial difference between the close relatives. SARS-CoV-2 can shed viral particles from the throat into saliva even before symptoms start, and these can then pass easily from person to person. SARS-CoV was much less effective at making that jump, passing only when symptoms were full-blown, making it easier to contain.
These differences have led to some confusion about the lethality of SARS-CoV-2. Some experts and media reports describe it as less deadly than SARS-CoV because it kills about 1% of the people it infects, whereas SARS-CoV killed at roughly ten times that rate. But Perlman says that’s the wrong way to look at it. SARS-CoV-2 is much better at infecting people, but many of the infections don’t progress to the lungs. “Once it gets down in the lungs, it’s probably just as deadly,” he says.
You should understand that HCQ is the one treatment that nobody is gonna get rich off of. It’s been around for 40 years and is widely available as a much money do you have invested in HCQ??
Unfortunately this has been very common with this virus all around the country."More than 40% of the coronavirus deaths in the state have been tied to long-term care settings — a staggering toll that includes the elderly, decorated soldiers, patients with dementia. Based on the state’s own numbers, that means roughly 1 in 13 people who were in long-term care when the pandemic started in New Jersey are now dead — 5,368 to date. Scores of nursing home employees died as well."
You should understand that HCQ is the one treatment that nobody is gonna get rich off of. It’s been around for 40 years and is widely available as a generic.
Many people have a financial interest in HCQ not proving effective. Big pharma would love for HCQ to be debunked.
Consider this when you see all the slanted studies that show HCQ as not effective and or dangerous. Someone wants you to believe that.
Unfortunately this has been very common with this virus all around the country.
Read the article. Damning critique of Murphy by the liberal this has been very common with this virus all around the country.
this guy is obsessed with it, and posts about it everyday despite no evidence it works. There must be some angle. He is tied to it like an anchor to a boat.You should understand that HCQ is the one treatment that nobody is gonna get rich off of. It’s been around for 40 years and is widely available as a generic.
Many people have a financial interest in HCQ not proving effective. Big pharma would love for HCQ to be debunked.
Consider this when you see all the slanted studies that show HCQ as not effective and or dangerous. Someone wants you to believe that.
Great news?Great news still coming from GA, FL, and TX. Something we all should be thrilled with!
No coronavirus catastrophes following reopenings of Georgia, Florida and Texas
Stop cherry picking daily #'s and citing # of cases (which is very dependent on testing). Look at trends with hospitalizations and deaths. Great news in all 3 states.Great news?
"Deaths, meanwhile, rose by 78, marking the most since the same number was reached on April 27 and bringing the total toll to 1,775."
"Also Thursday, Kemp said he’d ordered an official review into how the state was compiling its numbers, following the revelation that the Department of Public Health included the results of 57,000 antibody tests in its data “since early April.”
The snafu produced potentially misleading information because antibody tests can only confirm previous exposure to the coronavirus, not an active infection.
“We’re not perfect. We make mistakes,” Kemp said."
"The bungle followed at least three others involving Georgia’s coronavirus information, including a since-corrected chart that wrongly showed steady declines in new cases because the dates weren’t listed in chronological order."
"In neighboring Florida, which this month saw some beaches abruptly closed after being swarmed by sun-worshippers, the Department of Health on Thursday confirmed 1,204 new cases among the state’s population of 29.5 million, bringing the total to 48,675, according to the Miami Herald."
^^Highest new case total in a month.^^
"The seven-day average of new cases rose fairly steadily from around 1,000 on May 1, when Gov. Greg Abbott began lifting the lockdown he ordered March 19, but began dipping on Sunday and is now around 1,250, according to a chart prepared by the Tribune."
The title I'd say is accurate, there has been no catastrophe, but the article is not painting a rosy picture either. Not great news imo. News we can live with in light of the situation? OK.
Read the article. Damning critique of Murphy by the liberal
"Despite the governor’s criticism of nursing home operators, the long-term care facility in New Jersey with the most deaths is the state-run Veterans Memorial Home in Paramus, which as of Monday reported 79 dead and 283 residents testing positive for COVID-19."
Long piece, but worth it if you are interested in the truth.
"The seven-day average of new cases rose fairly steadily from around 1,000 on May 1, when Gov. Greg Abbott began lifting the lockdown he ordered March 19, but began dipping on Sunday and is now around 1,250, according to a chart prepared by the Tribune."Stop cherry picking daily #'s and citing # of cases (which is very dependent on testing). Look at trends with hospitalizations and deaths. Great news in all 3 states.
New cases in FL popped for 1 day and then immediately dropped back into the 700's. Let's stick with the facts. Thanks!
I love seeing single occupant cars and the drivers wearing masks. It gives my wife and me a good chuckle.
And that includes some of the employees too.It has. There have been failures in preventing spread inside LTCs, which as you point out is widespread throughout the country. There's the additional fact that there are no perfectly healthy people in nursing homes. It's a ready-made recipe for disaster.
Not just the country other parts of the world too.Unfortunately this has been very common with this virus all around the country.
The article shines a light on his (and his team's) gross incompetence. Add to this his policy of sending corona+ patients back to nursing homes, there will be much more coming out on this scandal. And hold onto your hats for the lawsuits.I read it. And I'm not saying Murphy has handled the LTC situation well at all, but I also know he was put in an impossible situation.
He's forced to decide who get's PPE. Hospitals or LTC's. It's a no win situation.
What Murphy has going against him which other Governors do not is that outside of NYC no state has been hit as hard as NJ. But the %'s of deaths from LTC's is high all across the country.
Poor job trolling. FL has over twice the pop of NJ and 5 times less LTC deaths. Any questions?
"Coronavirus has ravaged long-term care centers across the state, with about 46 percent of deaths tied to the facilities, according to state data. As of Friday, 1,043 deaths in the state were from these centers. In Tampa Bay, about 61 percent of the area’s deaths are from long-term care facilities"
Great News!!!
I hate to troll, but since it's allowed, I'd like to push back a bit against a certain narrative.
Second stylist at the same salon tested positive and was working with mild symptoms and may have exposed 56 more clients.Interesting to see how many if any additional cases come from this hair salon in Missouri where a symptomatic hair stylist worked for 8 days exposing 91 people. Reported that all were wearing masks, interesting to see how much that may have helped or not in limiting spread. Supposedly she kept meticulous records which helped contact tracing.
The article shines light on our lack of PPE, testing, and overall preparedness as a nation.The article shines a light on his (and his team's) gross incompetence. Add to this his policy of sending corona+ patients back to nursing homes, there will be much more coming out on this scandal. And hold onto your hats for the lawsuits.
The study is either fraudulent or the PSM techniques they used created extreme bias. How can I tell? Simple data analysis. I will err on the conservative side. Of the multiple collections of hospital data I have read, it is suggested that 25-30% end up in ICU and 80-85% of those in ICU needed mechanical vents for the period of time being studied here (12/19 to early 4/20). Just for confirmation, look at NJ's hospital data here:
Peak hospitalizations roughly 8000
Peak ICU 2000
Peak Vents 1700
So I will err of conservative side and use 25% of hospitalizations go to ICU and 80% ICU need vents which comes to 20% of all hospitalized need vents.
Take a look at treated groups in this study: 21.6, 21.5, 20.4 and 20. Hey roughly 20% just like expected. Now look at the control of over 80,000!!!!!!!! 7.7%
I hope you quickly realize that statistically there is no way you can randomly select 80,000 patients to be representative of a larger population that has 20% of something and get 7.7%. The control is not representative of real world data and is SIGNIFICANTLY different from the overall case population. Very questionable as their PSM routine created extreme bias. Hope it wasn't intentional.
If Trump wasn't still strolling around in early March as if this was nothing to be worried about then maybe NYC and NJ would not have been hit so hard.Poor job trolling. FL has over twice the pop of NJ and 5 times less LTC deaths. Any questions?
If Trump wasn't still strolling around in early March as if this was nothing to be worried about then maybe NYC and NJ would not have been hit so hard.
But he's still acting like this is not that big a deal, so I guess Murphy should have known from the beginning that the president was completely derelict?
Whataboutism? Nah, more like a sequence of events or cause and effect type situation.![]()
Nice try. Murphy screwed up due to poor decisions and dangerous policies. Murphy failed to take action even after NYC was starting to blow up.
Name the virus that was 24/7 365.Completely different viruses and especially completely different evolutions in the body, including quite different transmission profiles, with CV2 being much more infectious earlier in infection evolution, including while being asymptomatic. This is why many think the R0 for CV2 could be as high as 5.7, but even if it's not, the fact that it's more transmissible during the first several days of infection is why we now have millions infected vs. tens of thousands with SARS.
It's called accountability. Murphy screwed the pooch. Cuomo started off by doing an awful job, but has learned and gotten better. This reflects in how both states are doing.Whataboutism? Nah, more like a sequence of events or cause and effect type situation.
But hey you've already admitted you don't take this subject seriously, so I get it.
NJ percent of state deaths in nursing homes from covid compared to overall is just at the national average. Facts matter.Read the article. Damning critique of Murphy by the liberal
"Despite the governor’s criticism of nursing home operators, the long-term care facility in New Jersey with the most deaths is the state-run Veterans Memorial Home in Paramus, which as of Monday reported 79 dead and 283 residents testing positive for COVID-19."
Long piece, but worth it if you are interested in the truth.
Wrong Murphy shut down the state and you screamed it's just the flu bro, everyone is a chicken little, hysteria. Me and my family are still flying to Florida next month. Can't wait for the empty planes because of the fear.![]()
Nice try. Murphy screwed up due to poor decisions and dangerous policies. Murphy failed to take action even after NYC was starting to blow up.
he screamed hysteria when Murphy shut down the state, and called him chicken little. Everything murphy does bad to this twit.Whataboutism? Nah, more like a sequence of events or cause and effect type situation.
But hey you've already admitted you don't take this subject seriously, so I get it.
ya and how did trump do??? 15 cases soon to be zero, thank you president XI for your transparency, it will magically go away, 1 person from China that's all, you'll see in April it will magically disappear, sent our PPE to China. Explain it please. We know you can't.It's called accountability. Murphy screwed the pooch. Cuomo started off by doing an awful job, but has learned and gotten better. This reflects in how both states are doing.
It all starts at the top. Remember Trump was calling this the Democrats new hoax on Feb 28th, saying "it's going to go away" on March 12th. So when that proved to be completely false, and Trump had no ability to deal with the matter, it fell into the governors laps. Unfortunately for NY and NJ, they were more susceptible to infection, due to international travel, then the rest of the country.It's called accountability. Murphy screwed the pooch. Cuomo started off by doing an awful job, but has learned and gotten better. This reflects in how both states are doing.