I would hope not for all concerned but there are plenty of very bad actors out there . I’m more curious to see how many of the “ I’m not putting a foreign substance into my body group” changes their narrative.
Has this been said?If someone said, people with Irish ancestry will have access to the vaccine before anyone else, would that be acceptable?
Substitute Irish for any other group of people based on race, religion, skin color or ancestry, still OK ?
That's unthinkable here in the United States and it's not political, at least it never should be.
Imagine a prominent person heavily involved in vaccine research and funding made such a declaration to the public. I know, it's crazy talk, preposterous.
Has this been said?
With casinos opening I wonder is smoking will be allowed in the designated areas . Maybe tobacco smoke will help kill the virus in indoor settings.
this is why it’s hard to take you seriously. You are surprised that cases are increasing when we have increasing testing and people are no longer hiding under their bed but trying to adapt to a new normal?
I swear some of you are trying to root for an economic implosion in this country just so your boy can be in office. most of this country has excepted the risk that comes with this virus. Hence why people are out without masks. Whether or not you agree with their approach that is the reality.
when these states approach disastrous amount of deaths like New Jersey and New York experienced then you can criticize them otherwise I think I would stop pontificating because NY/NJ Had some of the highest death rates globally.
It’s ALL about politics now and we should ALL realize that ... people laugh, criticize , shame , hate more now than basically anytime in history... this type of model will become more world wide as those groups push their agendas forward... not fighting back is what is troubling but probably expected...If someone said, people with Irish ancestry will have access to the vaccine before anyone else, would that be acceptable?
Substitute Irish for any other group of people based on race, religion, skin color or ancestry, still OK ?
That's unthinkable here in the United States and it's not political, at least it never should be.
Imagine a prominent person heavily involved in vaccine research and funding made such a declaration to the public. I know, it's crazy talk, preposterous.
Don’t they need that arena for NBA games?
That overt racism can’t be right.My cousin mentioned it this morning, thought he was busting my balls.
But sadly he was right.
Melinda Gates said here in the USA, after health care workers, Black people should have access to the vaccine before anyone else.
Yes, that Melinda Gates.
It's insane and evil to make life and death decisions based on skin color
I'd feel the same way if she had said Whites, Yellows or Browns should be front of the line.
Her declaration should NEVER be acceptable in America.
Maybe Russia, NK, Iran or Venuezuala.
This should not be made political, at all.
If anyone agrees with her, maybe this country is not for them.
What you’re seeing in Texas is not an effort to stave off economic meltdown. They thought it was, but then the reality of the virus hit. From the governor’s remarks: “There’s never a reason for you to have to leave your home,” he said. “Unless you do need to go out, the safest place for you is at your home.”
Texas and other places getting hit hard now won’t lockdown for political reasons, but it is likely that personal health decisions alone will cripple business and economic activity in the weeks ahead.
I think back to an interview with Ben Bernanke in March when he was asked about reopening, and he said it’s not a worthwhile topic until the health crisis is effectively managed, because the economic repercussions of chasing people back into their homes out of fear would be far worse than gritting through a longer initial lockdown.
The ‘open to save the economy’ vs ‘close to save lives’ debate was a false dichotomy. In those places where the virus is rampant, economies will suffer...end of story. Nationally, we couldn’t get the sharp decline and deep fall in cases other countries managed to achieve. We’ll see that our ‘reopening’ will be worse off for it.
McKinsey's take on virus control, uncertainty, and economic recovery...
From my "silent partner," very good friend and former office-mate back in the early 90s, who went on to fame and fortune at McKinsey and elsewhere after getting his MBA from Wharton. Great article from McKinsey called, "Crushing Coronavirus Uncertainty: The Big Unlock for Our Economies." Based on interviews with numerous CEOs and scientific/economic thought leaders, it makes the strong case that the best economic recovery is rooted in the best virus control approach, as uncertainty is the enemy of the economy and lack of public confidence in the government's and society's ability to control the virus is what drives uncertainty.
I only hope the people running this country might actually pause and realize that this wasn’t written by wild eyed liberals, but mainly by fairly "conservative" (in the old school sense) economists and MBAs. The "near zero" virus approach is at least thankfully being attempted in the NE US and West Coast (1/3 of the US population), but I do fear the recalcitrant minority who don't buy the risks of the virus is large enough to torpedo the effort by not following mask-wearing and social distancing as we phase in reopening steps.
The first graphic does a great job of summarizing the various paths forward with respect to virus control effectiveness and effectiveness of economic policies towards recoveryi and how that plays out in economic impact, at least qualitatively for each, while the 2nd graphic shows the huge impact in cumulative GDP losses for scenarios with modest virus control with high uncertainty vs. strong virus control with much lower uncertainty. The excerpted concluding remarks below highlight all of this nicely and summarize how near-zero virus control is achievable and good for improving lives and livelihoods.
It does seem that near-zero-virus outcomes are possible even without running a depression-level economy. With virus spread under control, life can come back. In Hong Kong, for example, restaurants are open again. Yes, they require everyone to wear masks, limit seating to four per table, and maintain a distance between tables of two meters. Yes, there are clear rules—but just thinking about the possibility makes people long for a more normal life. That is exactly how it feels when uncertainty is crushed and confidence returns. But people will only resume their lives when they believe they are safe, not when they merely hope so.
Similarly, the economy cannot be forced to return to normal. People concerned about their safety will not go into their workplaces or flock to their favorite coffee shops and retail stores. We have seen many worker protests demanding PPE before employees would return to their jobs.
In a way, we are saying that lower virus levels are good for protecting lives (for example, you need fewer tests or can detect more with the same number of tests) and good for protecting livelihoods, as it is easier to feel safe “returning to normal.” Of course, there are many potential complications (for example, herd immunity may become the only alternative if a vaccine or better treatments fail to materialize).
The greatest difference achieving a near-zero-virus condition makes, relative to scenarios in which the virus is not fully under control, is that uncertainty is drastically lowered. Near-zero-virus packages and clear communication about the restrictions they require, along with fact-based justifications for them, encourage citizens and leaders alike to make decisions with more confidence. This, in turn, helps unlock economic recovery.
Thanks. And thanks @albanyknight. And thanks to a few dozen other posters who have also been making regular excellent contributions to this thread. 195 pages, wow.I deleted some of the post above. I left the part about the content that numbers has provided in this thread.
And numbers, thank you for posting this great information over the past few months. It has been a huge help and difference maker to me and a lot of other people.
No health care knowledge but just assuming:
The distribution of the vaccine is an actual process that needs to be addressed.
If a certain sect of people are more susceptible (based on age, sex, pre-existing conditions, location) then why wouldn't that be considered?
I doubt it will be "okay we now have enough vaccine for everyone - issue them all at once".
If you're replying to my post make that clear.
What you said has nothing to do what MG said, no reason to end your sentence with a question mark.
I hope that the people making the calls base their decisions on who's susceptible and not their God given skin color. That would be blatant racism and un-American.
You’re welcome, happy to share educated knowledge. Knowing experts is a big plus.Thanks. And thanks @albanyknight. And thanks to a few dozen other posters who have also been making regular excellent contributions to this thread. 195 pages, wow.
Hey as long as those over 65 and healthcare workers are in front of the line we’re good... you must realize the protection of our elected politicians would be a priority no matter what age or ethnicity. It would only be right... and of course their families, associates and big donors... the military definitely needs to be inoculated... and those who can pay extra like celebrities, media... I can’t wait to see after the election no matter who... the infighting should be fun to watch...No health care knowledge but just assuming:
The distribution of the vaccine is an actual process that needs to be addressed.
If a certain sect of people are more susceptible (based on age, sex, pre-existing conditions, location) then why wouldn't that be considered?
I doubt it will be "okay we now have enough vaccine for everyone - issue them all at once".
This would be a great time to ban smoking and vaping in the casinos. Put a memo out explaining how both can aerosolize the virus which will keep it suspended in air and increase the risk for transmission. It's time to ban this harmful and disgusting habit from the casinos.
The main point is to adequately plan and avert a healthcare crisis like our area experienced. With due diligence and taking appropriate precautions, infection rates/hospitalizations/death rates can remain on the lower side. States will be in a difficult position with a wait and see type attitude which might back them into the corner. An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. This rings true so many times in the healthcare setting, but the powers that be many times prefer to be reactive rather than proactive. Reactive, federal response to this pandemic created a healthcare disaster in some areas. AZ, FL, Houston, etc. may be in big trouble very soon.
How many of those were 100% healthy? This virus seems a problem mostly with old or immune compromised.A fever. What? Plenty of people who survive this who are hospitalized have lung damage that might be life-long. A fever lol.
The counter is usually...”Well who’s 100% healthy anyway? Everybody’s got something.”How many of those were 100% healthy? This virus seems a problem mostly with old or immune compromised.
Quick question, should a person's skin color decide if they have access to a potential vaccine sooner than others with a different skin color here in the United States?
Serious question.
I know it sounds crazy and out of a bad sci-fi flick. Can't possibly be serious conversation... Right?
I post this with a bit of trepidation as Chris Martenson can be wacky at times but the point about the virus mutating has me really worried.
Can some of the subject matter experts on the board please comment?
That’s what *appears* to have happened. More infectious, less deadly.The virus has and will continue to display mutations likely within the confines of what other coronaviruses have historically shown.
But I would say it would be unlikely that a virus as deadly as SARS-CoV-2 would mutate into a significantly more deadly form as that would go against the virus' own goal of self preservation.
Some virologists anticipate it potentially mutating into a somewhat more infectious form that is less potent overall. On a long enough timeline this would most likely evolve to be a severe cold if not something less severe than even that.
Joe Piscopo is going to tear Murphy a new one on his show tomorrow morning.He almost did so today.Joe is a Retro Fitness owner who was pleading on behalf of less wealthy gym owners.How can casinos-loaded with sickly people- be safer than the loaded with healthy people gyms?
Perhaps Joe will have to pony up a little scarole to get the GATES unlocked.
I think this shows the importance of mass testing as we are catching those with the virus much earlier.Nurse from LI says Florida COVID-19 surge is less severe than New York's crisis
“The patients are less sick; the cases are milder for sure,” Layton Ferreira said of her recent work in the emergency room at St. Anthony’s Hospital in downtown St. Petersburg. “I’m seeing a lot of positive cases, but we’re sending them home to self-isolate.”
Over the past five weeks, Layton Ferreira said she only had one patient who needed to be intubated.
“And he was actually COVID negative. He had a lot of other comorbidities,” she added.
But Layton Ferreira, a travel nurse, said she saw much worse in New York.
“I was at NYU Langone a few months ago, and those patients were super, super sick,” she said. “At the beginning, it was much worse.”
In related news, they just cancelled the Hajj Pilgrimage to Mecca. For the first time in modern history. Pubs in Ireland! are still closed. So for anyone thinking that an increase in testing has anti-Trump roots, it’s getting harder and harder to make that case.
Hearing more and more reports about the downgrade of Covid severity. In two weeks or so we’ll know if true. Death rates continue to drop week over week last 6 weeks. It might very well be true and a big start to get rolling again.Nurse from LI says Florida COVID-19 surge is less severe than New York's crisis
“The patients are less sick; the cases are milder for sure,” Layton Ferreira said of her recent work in the emergency room at St. Anthony’s Hospital in downtown St. Petersburg. “I’m seeing a lot of positive cases, but we’re sending them home to self-isolate.”
Over the past five weeks, Layton Ferreira said she only had one patient who needed to be intubated.
“And he was actually COVID negative. He had a lot of other comorbidities,” she added.
But Layton Ferreira, a travel nurse, said she saw much worse in New York.
“I was at NYU Langone a few months ago, and those patients were super, super sick,” she said. “At the beginning, it was much worse.”
Nurse from LI says Florida COVID-19 surge is less severe than New York's crisis
“The patients are less sick; the cases are milder for sure,” Layton Ferreira said of her recent work in the emergency room at St. Anthony’s Hospital in downtown St. Petersburg. “I’m seeing a lot of positive cases, but we’re sending them home to self-isolate.”
Over the past five weeks, Layton Ferreira said she only had one patient who needed to be intubated.
“And he was actually COVID negative. He had a lot of other comorbidities,” she added.
But Layton Ferreira, a travel nurse, said she saw much worse in New York.
“I was at NYU Langone a few months ago, and those patients were super, super sick,” she said. “At the beginning, it was much worse.”
Hearing more and more reports about the downgrade of Covid severity. In two weeks or so we’ll know if true. Death rates continue to drop week over week last 6 weeks. It might very well be true and a big start to get rolling again.
Nurse from LI says Florida COVID-19 surge is less severe than New York's crisis
“The patients are less sick; the cases are milder for sure,” Layton Ferreira said of her recent work in the emergency room at St. Anthony’s Hospital in downtown St. Petersburg. “I’m seeing a lot of positive cases, but we’re sending them home to self-isolate.”
Over the past five weeks, Layton Ferreira said she only had one patient who needed to be intubated.
“And he was actually COVID negative. He had a lot of other comorbidities,” she added.
But Layton Ferreira, a travel nurse, said she saw much worse in New York.
“I was at NYU Langone a few months ago, and those patients were super, super sick,” she said. “At the beginning, it was much worse.”
When are people going to realize there are some very unscrupulous individuals with ultra money and power who see this as something different. It is a political agenda of which Gates and others are very much aligned with. There are more than a few countries and not just China, Russia, Iran , North Korea or say Cuba who are doing all they can to wreck havoc and discord in the USA. Conspiracy perhaps ...Reality more likely.My cousin mentioned it this morning, thought he was busting my balls.
But sadly he was right.
Melinda Gates said here in the USA, after health care workers, Black people should have access to the vaccine before anyone else.
Yes, that Melinda Gates.
It's insane and evil to make life and death decisions based on skin color
I'd feel the same way if she had said Whites, Yellows or Browns should be front of the line.
Her declaration should NEVER be acceptable in America.
Maybe Russia, NK, Iran or Venuezuala.
This should not be made political, at all.
If anyone agrees with her, maybe this country is not for them.
When are people going to realize there are some very unscrupulous individuals with ultra money and power who see this as something different. It is a political agenda of which Gates and others are very much aligned with. There are more than a few countries and not just China, Russia, Iran , North Korea or say Cuba who are doing all they can to wreck havoc and discord in the USA. Conspiracy perhaps ...Reality more likely.
I can just see some on here trying to counter this with some stupid spin! I've been saying this for a few months. Asked the usual suspects about deaths in the South compared to the NE just last night. None of them responded to the question. Instead paragraphs of excuses and nonsense that had nothing to do with my question.Nurse from LI says Florida COVID-19 surge is less severe than New York's crisis
“The patients are less sick; the cases are milder for sure,” Layton Ferreira said of her recent work in the emergency room at St. Anthony’s Hospital in downtown St. Petersburg. “I’m seeing a lot of positive cases, but we’re sending them home to self-isolate.”
Over the past five weeks, Layton Ferreira said she only had one patient who needed to be intubated.
“And he was actually COVID negative. He had a lot of other comorbidities,” she added.
But Layton Ferreira, a travel nurse, said she saw much worse in New York.
“I was at NYU Langone a few months ago, and those patients were super, super sick,” she said. “At the beginning, it was much worse.”
No not Bill... Melinda Gates ... has I’ll intents...My biggest problem with conspiracy theories like these are that they rob / liberate the United States and it’s policy makers of / from agency and responsibility.
Our current issue, a persistently virus and struggle to get an economy back on the rails in its midst, is not something totally out of our control. The actions of our leaders, the actions of our communities, the actions of ourselves, all dictate the course of this thing.
Blaming others for our failures and dismissing the virus’ severity has been our most consistent policy approach. Even if you think Bill Gates has ill intent (he doesn’t), he’s simply filling a void that our federal agencies refused to fill: advocating scientific methods and approaches for getting this under control.
I hear you, but as always I am not really sure what you are advocating for. Are you saying we should just go back to normal completely? I think all most people are saying is we should open back up. Wear masks indoors and wear masks outdoors in large crowds. Are you advocating for something different?I can just see some on here trying to counter this with some stupid spin! I've been saying this for a few months. Asked the usual suspects about deaths in the South compared to the NE just last night. None of them responded to the question. Instead paragraphs of excuses and nonsense that had nothing to do with my question.
I post this with a bit of trepidation as Chris Martenson can be wacky at times but the point about the virus mutating has me really worried.
Can some of the subject matter experts on the board please comment?
Well, this isn't great news with regard to the virus, as a new preprint paper (2nd link) just came out from the Scripps Institute showing that the strain of the virus which has been predominant in Europe and the NE US has a mutation that appears to make the virus more stable and significantly more transmissible, at least in cell culture tests (using "psuedo-viruses" built to mimic the coronavirus, but not dangerous versions). The authors feel that this is why this strain has become the predominant strain in the world. The difference in the two strains is just one amino acid substitution.
https://www.scripps.edu/_files/pdfs/news-and-events/The D614G mutation in the SARS-CoV-2 spike protein reduces S1.pdf
Not all experts agree on the increased transmission effect, though, as per the Times article below, as some feel the predominance of this strain is due to the "founder effect" which simply states that whatever version seeded the infections early on in key, densely populated locations like northern Italy and NYC naturally became the predominant strain as it spread rapidly. More work needs to be done here, clearly, to confirm the laboratory findings truly result in greater person to person transmission. Clearly, however, nobody is seriously talking about the virus weakening (even though that is possible).
The one piece of good news from the study was that the original strain (from Wuhan, which is what infected most on the US West Coast) and this strain both respond well to neutralizing antibodies obtained from survivors' plasma, indicating that convalescent plasma, engineered antibodies and vaccines would very likely work for both strains. There is also no indication that either strain exhibits different patient impacts.
This is all potentially the result of a mutation in just a single amino acid residue at position #614 (substituting a glycine for an aspartic acid) on the viral spike protein on the S1 domain, which mediates receptor binding and fusion of the viral and cellular membrane at the interface of the spike protein and the ACE-2 receptor sites on human lung/endothelial cells, allowing the virus to gain entry into these cells and take over the genetic machinery of such cells, turning out boatloads of new viruses to continue the infection. See the pic below.