COVID-19 Pandemic: Transmissions, Deaths, Treatments, Vaccines, Interventions and More...

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Trash article. the United States = under 5 percent of the world's population but it has around 25 percent of worldwide deaths from Coronavirus. Why? We don't know for sure the answer to that question, but evidence suggests it could be related to policies such as 15 cases soon to be zero, it all just magically disappear, the heat in April will kill it, not allowing any states to test anyone besides those who came back from China, not stopping travel from Europe, not giving China our PPE, and waiting months to use the DPA to order more, saying nothing to worry about it here, it will magically go away, refusing to wear a mask, promoting medicines that do not work, and refusing to take the virus seriously because of an election coming up.

^^^^^POLITICAL ^^^^^
Dr. Marc Siegel was interviewed by Tucker tonight and he seemed extremely optimistic about a vaccine by the end of the year. Everything changes so quickly though so we'll see.
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Quick note about Middlesex County CoVid testing.. as I mentioned earlier the process is to register days ahead (like Friday for Tuesday for the drive-up in Piscataway) and other days for the walk-up in New Brunswick. Been over a month since my last test so I thought I'd schedule again.. and in the mail today comes the paper form telling me I was negative on June 8. Now that's a nearly worthless piece of paper. They called me a couple days after (I had to call back) to get results.

So.. if anyone wants paper evidence of being CoVid negative.. this might not be what you are looking for.. maybe an urgentcare site.
Gotta think one of them will be ready, for at least at risk people, by year end. Add antibody treatments and we’ll be ready for Football by March.
Tailgating in March could be really rough sledding.
Larry Levitt, executive vice president for health policy at the Kaiser Family Foundation,

"I think in the next week, the pattern of increasing deaths is going to become clear," he said. "And it will no longer be possible to claim that the declining mortality is somehow a success."

Agreed. As I predicted on 6/30, we're now seeing deaths increasing this week (I said it would take 2-4 weeks from the mid-June start to the significant case acceleration seen in many states around then) and there's no reason to believe deaths won't continue to increase. I had also predicted we'd see per capita death rates of 1/2 to 2/3 of what we saw in NY/NJ, given more younger people infected, less serious infections being discovered (since there's a ton more testing now than when our outbreak was peaking), and improved medical procedures and treatments. That was a bit of an educated guess and have no idea if it will be right, but I think it'll be directionally correct, at least. Won't know for a few more weeks.

One wild card in all of this is how high do cases go? With the US shattering another daily new case record today (68K vs. 60K yesterday), with Georgia, Utah, Montana, North Carolina, Iowa and Ohio all seeing single-day records for new cases, if cases go up a lot more than anticipated, that could cancel out death rate "improvements" I've been thinking we'll see, since I was kind of assuming their case peaks would be similar to ours in NY/NJ, per capita (there could still be significant death improvements per case, but not per capita, if a lot more cases per capita). Even Dr. Birx today said she expected to see mortality rates climb: "We have not seen this result in increased mortality, but that is expected as the disease continues to spread in some of our large metro areas where co-morbidities exist.”
Not really new but something that should be studied further.

Air conditioning use seems to fit the pattern of infections that are currently happening in the West and South. Combine that with the latest updates on air borne spread. Then also note the use of Air conditioning in the Europe vs. the United States. All seem to fit.
Trash article. the United States = under 5 percent of the world's population but it has around 25 percent of worldwide deaths from Coronavirus. Why? We don't know for sure the answer to that question, but evidence suggests it could be related to policies such as 15 cases soon to be zero, it all just magically disappear, the heat in April will kill it, not allowing any states to test anyone besides those who came back from China, not stopping travel from Europe, not giving China our PPE, and waiting months to use the DPA to order more, saying nothing to worry about it here, it will magically go away, refusing to wear a mask, promoting medicines that do not work, and refusing to take the virus seriously because of an election coming up.
If we don’t trust the data from other countries how do we know our percentage is so high lmao.
Quick note about Middlesex County CoVid testing.. as I mentioned earlier the process is to register days ahead (like Friday for Tuesday for the drive-up in Piscataway) and other days for the walk-up in New Brunswick. Been over a month since my last test so I thought I'd schedule again.. and in the mail today comes the paper form telling me I was negative on June 8. Now that's a nearly worthless piece of paper. They called me a couple days after (I had to call back) to get results.

So.. if anyone wants paper evidence of being CoVid negative.. this might not be what you are looking for.. maybe an urgentcare site.
Wonder what % of NJ Covid tests are repeats? i.e. not first timers.
3 States Account for 42 Percent of All COVID-19 Deaths in America. Why?

Why have New York, New Jersey, and Massachusetts suffered so much more than other US states? We don’t yet know the answer to that question, but evidence suggests it could be policy related.

That actually sounds like a fairly normal distribution to me.

I’m not a mathematician, but shouldn’t we expect when all is said and done that 10 states make up roughly 80% of all cases? And in a normal distribution even that 80% would have a high concentration at the top of the top 10. That would be a pretty normal population distribution.

In a lot of distributions, the second highest total is half of the highest, the third about a third of the highest, and so on. There’s evidence of a similar pattern here: New York 30ish, NJ at 15ish, Mass 8ish (should be closer to 10), Illinois 7ish (should be closer to 8), then it gets into a cluster of states tied for fifth at 6ish, and so on. These things aren’t perfect—and this is a live developing distribution, but these patterns do tend to play out over time, and in such a distribution you end up with a concentration at the top.
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Wonder what % of NJ Covid tests are repeats? i.e. not first timers.
well.. the first time I did it I was a bit worried about a nagging, but infrequent, productive cough.. which is extremely rare for me. I tend toward a dry sneeze/cough. And I got the appointment just after midnight, very early Friday AM. I had no idea how quickly the bookings go. But this time I was late Friday afternoon.. so maybe the demand is not there. I would have been fine had the appoints been gone.. but they were not... lots of time slots available.
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Arizona Cardinals owner Michael Bidwell (age 55 - fwiw), is hospitalized with COVID. Statement said he is doing well and expected to be out this week.
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3 States Account for 42 Percent of All COVID-19 Deaths in America. Why?

Why have New York, New Jersey, and Massachusetts suffered so much more than other US states? We don’t yet know the answer to that question, but evidence suggests it could be policy related.
Gotta love this part:

the actual number of nursing home deaths in New York is difficult to know, since New York changed its reporting so that nursing home residents who die of COVID-19 are not counted as a nursing home death if they die at a hospital.
Seeing the press conferences.. it seemed to me that NJ Gov Murphy was following Cuomo's lead on everything. Anyone agree with that? But if that was the case.. perhaps Massachusetts did the same thing.. in any case, the nursing home deaths seem to be the main factor.. and clearly, New York's change in the way they count the deaths seems to be related to criticism of Cuomo for nursing home deaths..

... change the way you count the deaths.. make New York's number look better compared to New Jersey.. and Cuomo dodges some heat. But really.. he probably killed a lot of old people... in New York and New Jersey if Murphy followed his lead... and Murphy shares in that.
849 deaths yesterday — up 35% from 626 last Friday. 7 day moving average has spiked from 516 to 657; 27%. The numbers are still dwarfed by the spring, but if these growth rates sustain, they will obviously get uglier quickly.

Most alarming, we smashed our case record: 70k+ cases.
Exactly my point.
Sick of people using generalizations to try and make a point. It’s counterproductive and inflammatory.
So because the number of young people who have died isn't exactly 0, should we not open schools?
So because the number of young people who have died isn't exactly 0, should we not open schools?
3 teachers taught summer school together and took necessary precautions. 1 passed away from Covid.

Oh, and how about the 82 campers and staff who tested positive.
I realize none have died, but my school has 1000 students and 80 staff. There is no way to keep students 6 feet apart, and having them all wear masks appropriately all day is a pipe dream.
Every teacher I know WANTS to be back in school for our students. But we don't think going back in as normal is safe. There is no right answer. Go in 2 days a week? Kids are desperate for normalcy and safe socialization, but I would still be exposed to over 500 people.
3 teachers taught summer school together and took necessary precautions. 1 passed away from Covid.

Oh, and how about the 82 campers and staff who tested positive.
I realize none have died, but my school has 1000 students and 80 staff. There is no way to keep students 6 feet apart, and having them all wear masks appropriately all day is a pipe dream.
Every teacher I know WANTS to be back in school for our students. But we don't think going back in as normal is safe. There is no right answer. Go in 2 days a week? Kids are desperate for normalcy and safe socialization, but I would still be exposed to over 500 people.
How many kids went to that camp? How long was the camp? Over what duration did those positives occur?
Somewhat interesting- NJ's moving average for daily tests administered has been under 20k/day for the past few days, lowest testing level since last week of May.
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3 teachers taught summer school together and took necessary precautions. 1 passed away from Covid.

Oh, and how about the 82 campers and staff who tested positive.
I realize none have died, but my school has 1000 students and 80 staff. There is no way to keep students 6 feet apart, and having them all wear masks appropriately all day is a pipe dream.
Every teacher I know WANTS to be back in school for our students. But we don't think going back in as normal is safe. There is no right answer. Go in 2 days a week? Kids are desperate for normalcy and safe socialization, but I would still be exposed to over 500 people.
Just for clarity - if you read the article there were no children present in the summer school classroom. The 3 teachers were remote teaching from the same classroom. So they did not get it from a student. One either gave it to the others or they caught it somewhere else.
Just for clarity - if you read the article there were no children present in the summer school classroom. The 3 teachers were remote teaching from the same classroom. So they did not get it from a student. One either gave it to the others or they caught it somewhere else.
Good catch. I have reading comprehension issues lol.
3 teachers taught summer school together and took necessary precautions. 1 passed away from Covid.

Oh, and how about the 82 campers and staff who tested positive.
I realize none have died, but my school has 1000 students and 80 staff. There is no way to keep students 6 feet apart, and having them all wear masks appropriately all day is a pipe dream.
Every teacher I know WANTS to be back in school for our students. But we don't think going back in as normal is safe. There is no right answer. Go in 2 days a week? Kids are desperate for normalcy and safe socialization, but I would still be exposed to over 500 people.
It’s a tough call for teachers. They don’t get paid too much unless they are admins and now they may be forced to take pay cuts if students don’t go back to school. Many may lose their jobs if home schooling catches on. On the other hand my taxes will go down.
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When looking at the recent spike don’t forget we had the Holiday weekend which was reported too low. It is definitely a shift upward but we had a slightly smaller spike after the Memorial Day weekend. Deaths are in no way spiking like the cases are spiking.

We have one side who are rooting for more deaths, looting, rioting, destroying what was built and blaming the good guys who just want to live our lives and have a nice world to live in. Tale as old as time.
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We have one side who are rooting for more deaths, looting, rioting, destroying what was built and blaming the good guys who just want to live our lives and have a nice world to live in. Tale as old as time.
^^^^^ THIS isn't political ?
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