COVID-19 Pandemic: Transmissions, Deaths, Treatments, Vaccines, Interventions and More...

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Most get it through the nose, but also you’re discounting masks’ role in spreading vs acquiring the virus. In other words, yes it protects me when I inhale, but also I’m protected if a mask-wearer near me is exhaling. This person isn’t going to shoot eye droplets into my eyes.

So why has Murphy shuttered gyms until there is a vaccine
We have a lot of people at my job who wear the visor/face shield instead of a mask. Is there not airflow around that giant gap along the edge of the shield?
Hey moron, he's quoting deaths per capita, which is the most important stat, comparing countries, states, etc., not case fatality rates, which are largely meaningless. Try again.

Well the link opened-up to the observed case-fatality ratio chart page and I assumed the wording "death rate" referred to that stat, there was no "quote" of the per capita rate. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Now, clown, you can go tell the families of those that died in NY/NJ/MI nursing homes that fatality rates are meaningless.
Hey RU848789 my kid brother, who runs a 400 person retirement home in CA, sent me this link. Looks like a pretty good explanation of the virus. Take a look if you get a sec. Had some stuff that was really a surprise to me (although I'm only following this whole thing lightly).

All those things have definitely been discussed, but that article does a fantastic job of summarizing and explaining how the virus gets into the body/cells/organs and all of the varied symptoms/outcomes in one place without too much jargon. Thanks!
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Well the link opened-up to the observed case-fatality ratio chart page and I assumed the wording "death rate" referred to that stat, there was no "quote" of the per capita rate. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Now, clown, you can go tell the families of those that died in NY/NJ/MI nursing homes that fatality rates are meaningless.

I'd suggest you just own your error, especially since the link opened up to a page which has a table of both case fatality rates and deaths per capita, so even that lame excuse can't get you out of this one. You were wrong and now you're doubling down by trying to weasel out of being wrong. Not a good look. And your last sentence is nonsensical, since I've never said anything about fatality rates being meaningless.
We have a lot of people at my job who wear the visor/face shield instead of a mask. Is there not airflow around that giant gap along the edge of the shield?
Yes, there is some evidence faceshields are not as effective as masks. Not being face-fitting is also part of the reason cloth/surgical masks aren't quite as good as N95's.
Actually its random
It's not random and never has been. It's based on science, where there are significantly greater risks in places where people are breathing heavily/shouting/singing etc., as those activities expel more viruses at larger velocities. It doesn't mean ways can't be figured out to make them safe, but there's no doubt that just mask wearing may not be enough for gyms, while it's enough for much lower risk activities, like shopping or even mass transit (unless some moron is screaming).
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It's not random and never has been. It's based on science, where there are significantly greater risks in places where people are breathing heavily/shouting/singing etc., as those activities expel more viruses at larger velocities. It doesn't mean ways can't be figured out to make them safe, but there's no doubt that just mask wearing may not be enough for gyms, while it's enough for much lower risk activities, like shopping or even mass transit (unless some moron is screaming).
Bac screams on message boards a lot.
I'd suggest you just own your error, especially since the link opened up to a page which has a table of both case fatality rates and deaths per capita, so even that lame excuse can't get you out of this one. You were wrong and now you're doubling down by trying to weasel out of being wrong. Not a good look. And your last sentence is nonsensical, since I've never said anything about fatality rates being meaningless.
I'd suggest you stop trying to insult anyone that disagrees with look pretty small. And you're wrong again clown, the first page from the link is fatality rates, you need to click on the other tab to pop-up the per capita rate info.

So it's your turn again to clarify what you mean in your now deleted post (weasel move lol)-but still captured in the reply links:
"... he's quoting deaths per capita, which is the most important stat, comparing countries, states, etc., not case fatality rates, which are largely meaningless." Go!
I'd suggest you stop trying to insult anyone that disagrees with look pretty small. And you're wrong again clown, the first page from the link is fatality rates, you need to click on the other tab to pop-up the per capita rate info.

So it's your turn again to clarify what you mean in your now deleted post (weasel move lol)-but still captured in the reply links:
"... he's quoting deaths per capita, which is the most important stat, comparing countries, states, etc., not case fatality rates, which are largely meaningless." Go!

I like how he did not insult you in that post, and then you go and insult him the very next sentence. :Laughing
I'd suggest you stop trying to insult anyone that disagrees with look pretty small. And you're wrong again clown, the first page from the link is fatality rates, you need to click on the other tab to pop-up the per capita rate info.

So it's your turn again to clarify what you mean in your now deleted post (weasel move lol)-but still captured in the reply links:
"... he's quoting deaths per capita, which is the most important stat, comparing countries, states, etc., not case fatality rates, which are largely meaningless." Go!
Ouch! You won that round with a knockdown. I'm not surprised that he tried to delete the evidence.
It's funny because bac is the most hypocritical, self-centered tool to ever (dis)grace this board and he whines about his beloved gym every day. Literally all he cares about in relation to a fkn pandemic is that he gets to go back to the gym and that those pesky illnesses and deaths don't hurt his hero too much. And he posts absolute barrage of misinformation to argue that agenda. Every day.

So yeah, pretty funny.

You really need a timeout, go for a walk.

BAC is renting a condo in your head
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That's like asking how many troops came home from WW2 or Vietnam and ignoring the number of deaths. Completely discounting the amount of loss that people are having to deal with. Discounting what long term effects this disease may have. What a heartless, soulless response.
Some of you are simply focused on the negative. To you the % of recovery is irrelevant. Bad way to live your life.
I don't remember ever saying what I thought about the Ford study. Could be age related...but I usually just link something without much commentary.

However, there have been a few real bad hack jobs like the VA study and the Lancet retraction that were complete horseshit. Those I do take the time to critique because I have a very different reaction to intentionally misleading studies vs a weak/poorly designed study. Most studies have limitations but ones that are fraudulent, etc have no place being published.

BTW, I still stand by my statement that evaluating HCQ alone kind of ignores all of the ANECDOTAL, yes it is only anecdotal, evidence from Drs such as Cardillo, Zelenko, Fareed, Raoult and many more.

If you have a free hour or so watch the Friston video I posted this afternoon. Quite informative. I felt bad for him in the Q&A as I too could not understand half of the questions being asked due to poor english.

The Lancet study clearly ended up being crap, but Raoult's original study was also crap, as was the Ford study, but I don't see you excoriating those. And Zelenko's is crap, too, or at least very misleading - how can one not publish any details about "controls?" Without those details, he should have only published his data and I'm nearly certain no reputable journal will publish this current paper.

I'm also still puzzled why you complimented both the Ford paper and the Springer paper (NYC), both of which used HCQ, but neither of which used zinc, as that goes completely against what you've said multiple times about zinc being a must. Since we don't have any RCTs on HCQ/Az/Zn that I know of, it's theoretically possible the combo could work, but I do not want to see us do what we did with HCQ where doctors just start prescribing it based on anecdotal evidence.

Will watch the Friston video when I have more time - agree he's got some interesting theories, which we talked about in the last thread.
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It's funny because bac is the most hypocritical, self-centered tool to ever (dis)grace this board and he whines about his beloved gym every day. Literally all he cares about in relation to a fkn pandemic is that he gets to go back to the gym and that those pesky illnesses and deaths don't hurt his hero too much. And he posts absolute barrage of misinformation to argue that agenda. Every day.

So yeah, pretty funny.
So true.
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It's funny because bac is the most hypocritical, self-centered tool to ever (dis)grace this board and he whines about his beloved gym every day. Literally all he cares about in relation to a fkn pandemic is that he gets to go back to the gym and that those pesky illnesses and deaths don't hurt his hero too much. And he posts absolute barrage of misinformation to argue that agenda. Every day.

So yeah, pretty funny.
How is he hypocritical?
It’s remarkable all of the folks in ICUs and on ventilators in Florida, Texas, Arizona and California from the plethora of motorcycle accidents.

I work in a hardware store... But someone who is supposed to be a medical examiner ruled a motrorcycle accident as Covid19 death cuz someone who crashed.. had tested positive months earlier... I am not trying to downplay this virus... But C'MON MAN!!! a Motorcycle accident in July WAS NOT CAUSED BY COVID19 in MARCH!!! If someone who has cancer dies the same way... would they rule that a cancer death???? just sayin...
I work in a hardware store... But someone who is supposed to be a medical examiner ruled a motrorcycle accident as Covid19 death cuz someone who crashed.. had tested positive months earlier... I am not trying to downplay this virus... But C'MON MAN!!! a Motorcycle accident in July WAS NOT CAUSED BY COVID19 in MARCH!!! If someone who has cancer dies the same way... would they rule that a cancer death???? just sayin...

Yup. America's hospitals, big pharma and the shadow government are all in on this big Covid scam. The goal seems to be to destroy the US economy so we can make you wear a mask.
I'd suggest you stop trying to insult anyone that disagrees with look pretty small. And you're wrong again clown, the first page from the link is fatality rates, you need to click on the other tab to pop-up the per capita rate info.

So it's your turn again to clarify what you mean in your now deleted post (weasel move lol)-but still captured in the reply links:
"... he's quoting deaths per capita, which is the most important stat, comparing countries, states, etc., not case fatality rates, which are largely meaningless." Go!
Or don't own your error, I don't really care, but you were completely wrong on Denmark, which was the only point of the exchange. Looks like some posts were deleted - I'm not able to do that - only mods can. If I deleted something, the post would still be there with some text. This will be my last response on this, since this is the kind of useless arguing that pisses most posters off.
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