RU ranked 9th in 2016 B1G attendance

remember these are not actual numbers, RU inflated attendance several times this year....I dont know if other schools count actual or real, every school seems to do something different
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remember these are not actual numbers, RU inflated attendance several times this year....I dont know if other schools count actual or real, every school seems to do something different
I can't recall anytime, anywhere in the history of the world (except maybe the '06 Louisville game) where people speculated that attendance numbers were under-counted. I think it is safe to assume that others inflate as well.
remember these are not actual numbers, RU inflated attendance several times this year....I dont know if other schools count actual or real, every school seems to do something different
I wonder if any of the other B1G schools that don't have a full house do the same to inflate their attendance figures.
I do not know I know that we do and our standards have fallen if you think attendance was not bad this year. Yeah PSU and Michigan were full, the other games no and Iowa attendance was poor considering RU was 2-1 and it was against a program coming in for the first time who had an excellent season the year before
Wait until next year: bet we drop down to 11th or 12th.
remember these are not actual numbers, RU inflated attendance several times this year..


BTW - Iowa, unfortunately, was our 3rd consecutive noon start. Put that game a week earlier, or later in the day, and attendance is MUCH better for that game.
it doesn't really matter if the numbers are inflated or not - those numbers are getting published and are considered legit by the press and that's all that counts as far as perception is concerned.
So let's set this against the backdrop of the adage, "Offense puts people in seats, special teams wins games, and defense wins championships."

I'm guessing we had the highest attendance rate per point scored.
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So let's set this against the backdrop of the adage, "Offense puts people in seats, special teams wins games, and defense wins championships."

I'm guessing we had the highest attendance rate per point scored.
We also paid the 4th most in the country for each win I read today. Virginia paid nearly 3.25 million per win this year was the worst
Our counters at the gate must have been hacked. These numbers are not real based on what I saw on TV.
remember these are not actual numbers, RU inflated attendance several times this year....I dont know if other schools count actual or real, every school seems to do something different

At NU everybody that enters is scanned in, just like most schools. If you go out you are scanned out and can return as long as it is prior to the fourth quarter starting. At the end of the 3rd quarter is when the attendance is counted. If you leave at halftime or whenever before the end of the 3rd quarter and don't return then you don't count as attending.

A lot of schools will just use tickets sold if it makes them look better and some use actual attendance. By using the number of sold tickets schools don't have to worry about trying to get an actual count which cuts down on technology cost and probably some man power cost.
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Averaging 85% filling of stadium capacity seems damn good considering Rutgers recent football travails. It tells me we have a loyal fan base. Now Ash needs to get the program back on a winning track.
Interesting that we beat EVERY G5 school. I know this sounds like faint praise, but I do not mean it to be so. The highest G5 was East Carolina at 44.1K.
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Interesting that we beat EVERY G5 school. I know this sounds like faint praise, but I do not mean it to be so. The highest G5 was East Carolina at 44.1K.

At least their attendance is REAL as opposed to those 37K+/game reported by USF and SDSU or the 28K/game by Temple.
44,804/52,454 (85.4%)
The best RU can do is finish 8th due to stadium size. So finishing 9th with a 2-10 record isn't bad.
The same can be said for finishing 51st nationally. Maybe if we had 52,500 each game, the best we could end up is 35th so it's a relative stat anyhow.
Wouldn't even matter if we did a bread bowl promo on a really cold night like the PSU game.
At least their attendance is REAL as opposed to those 37K+/game reported by USF and SDSU or the 28K/game by Temple.
I assume all numbers are "real" in the sense that they are not made up. The question is what metric do they use. I suspect RU uses tickets distributed (which includes comps, not the same as tickets sold) and that others do as well. That said, I recognize that the definition of "distributed" can be broad.
When you consider number of attendees per games won we are probably first or close.

Those numbers are great for a 2 win team.
45,000 seems about right. That's about 7,000 empty seats per game. BOTH upper decks together equal 10,000 seats, so from my view in the endzone most of the season and visualizing the crowds I remember, that seems about right (given Mich and PSU were much larger, and others much smaller).
It dropped from last year because we were coming off a 4-8 scandal plagued year. Next year will drop because we will be coming off 2-10. Then 2018 will drop a bit because we will be coming off another losing season. 2019 ticket sales will increase again because we'll have gone bowling. For the next 3 years we will hear the stupidest self-loathing reasons as to why attendance is down, instead of using common sense.
Every school inflates.

Did you read @huskersalways post above? NU does not inflate nor do many others who use actual scanned tickets vs tickets sold as "actual attendance". I've been to NU, PSU, tOSU & Michigan. There wasn't a seat to be had in any of those stadiums. They were full & don't need to inflate any numbers.
Next year will drop because we will be coming off 2-10. Then 2018 will drop a bit because we will be coming off another losing season. 2019 ticket sales will increase again because we'll have gone bowling.
This is the season I'm eyeing our groups hostile takeover of lower bowl 50 yd. line seats. That section needs some new blood in it. You would think they hit up the local morgue to fill up that section with the way they cheer. There's always a bright side to every down turn.
There is no reason for the icon programs to pad any attendance records. I also agree that we should be pretty happy with the results when you consider how bad the team was.