RU ranked 9th in 2016 B1G attendance

Did you read @huskersalways post above? NU does not inflate nor do many others who use actual scanned tickets vs tickets sold as "actual attendance". I've been to NU, PSU, tOSU & Michigan. There wasn't a seat to be had in any of those stadiums. They were full & don't need to inflate any numbers.
Sorry this is not true about PSU outside of the white out. They didn't even sell out against MSU when a win won the B1G for them. Lets also not forget Michigan who has more college wins than anyone was giving away tickets with the purchase of a soda 3 years ago.
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It dropped from last year because we were coming off a 4-8 scandal plagued year. Next year will drop because we will be coming off 2-10. Then 2018 will drop a bit because we will be coming off another losing season. 2019 ticket sales will increase again because we'll have gone bowling. For the next 3 years we will hear the stupidest self-loathing reasons as to why attendance is down, instead of using common sense.

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Sorry this is not true about PSU outside of the white out. They didn't even sell out against MSU when a win won the B1G for them. Lets also not forget Michigan who has more college wins than anyone was giving away tickets with the purchase of a soda 3 years ago.
Michigan 100% inflates. Before JH turned them around they always announced over 100K even when photos showed 1000's of empty seats.
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It dropped from last year because we were coming off a 4-8 scandal plagued year. Next year will drop because we will be coming off 2-10. Then 2018 will drop a bit because we will be coming off another losing season. 2019 ticket sales will increase again because we'll have gone bowling. For the next 3 years we will hear the stupidest self-loathing reasons as to why attendance is down, instead of using common sense.
I don't think it changes much. I think we have our base and it won't drop much this year. Plus we will get inflated numbers because of visiting teams
Since the big ten shares a percentage of gate is that public records? Seeibg overall gate take would be a good information that is not going be inflated.
No way Debbie Downer.
Even with the BS home game in Yankee Stadium we won't finish below 9th.
Unless they run some fantastic promos, I fully expect season ticket sales to drop for next year. And if we put up an offensive showing like this past season, overall attendance will drop significantly. We're not that far above Minnesota and Indiana, plus if Maryland continues to improve, their attendance could jump. So it's possible any of those teams could jump us by the end of the season.
I am assuming this is based on tickets sold?
Rutgers has always used turnstye numbers for attendance. This is different than declaring a "sell out". where ticket sales come into play and expected walk-up.

I think people just don't know what 40K looks like in that stadium.

Pre-expansion capacity was 41.5K and now its 52.5K in essentially the same footprint plus the south endzone where kids cram more into sections than other areas do. A 35K game looks empty now where it looked full before.
Rutgers has always used turnstye numbers for attendance. This is different than declaring a "sell out". where ticket sales come into play and expected walk-up.

I think people just don't know what 40K looks like in that stadium.

Pre-expansion capacity was 41.5K and now its 52.5K in essentially the same footprint plus the south endzone where kids cram more into sections than other areas do. A 35K game looks empty now where it looked full before.

no they dont use turnstile all 3 sports, they use sold or, mens basketball and womens hoops all inflated
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That's quite good considering the product on the field this year.Looking forward to 110% in a couple of years.(standing room only,for the math critics)

Totally agree. This was pretty close to the worst I hope to see from us in the Big Ten. Those numbers aren't bad for what transpired at all.
all are inflated, some probably more than others.

if you watched many of the B10 games, even OSU, PSU, Mich, MSU, etc, had decent sized empty sections in the corners and high up against non elite opponents.

as for the RUs, Indianas, PUs of the league, guessing they are even more inflated than the big boys.
Didn't happen. Maybe tickets distributed. Maybe. Next year will be a huge drop off in actual attendance.

If people keep pumping sunshine and pretending this isn't a giant mess. It won't get better.

First step to recovery is to admit you have a problem.
That's quite good considering the product on the field this year.Looking forward to 110% in a couple of years.(standing room only,for the math critics)

I've actually never understood why percentage of capacity is relevant. Is averaging 50,000 in a 60,000 stadium, somehow better than 50,000 in a 70,000 stadium ? I guess if you are at 95+%, you can use this statistic to explain why your attendance is not so good.
Percentage of capacity is a measure of consistency. It means you're not just filling your 75K stadium for the big games (often with opposing fans) and are half empty otherwise.