An update from McKinsey on choosing the right path to unlock economies of countries, given where they are now with some really good insight on what these means for individuals and companies. As in McKinsey's earlier deep analysis of the situation 6 weeks ago (my post on that is linked below), they repeat the mantra that the surest way back to anything resembling normal is to greatly reduce the uncertainty around the risks of this virus.
This means controlling the virus to as low a level as possible, so people have confidence in returning to some version of a mostly normal life, even if it means universal masking and testing/tracing/isolating to control flareups. Some countries have already done this, either via mostly controls (masks/testing/tracing etc.), like South Korea and Taiwan or via lockdowns and smart reopening, like New Zealand, China, and Switzerland. Others are struggling mightily, like the US and the UK and now many other countries being hit hard in South/Central America and elsewhere.
Lots of other really good insights into things that have been learned both scientifically and socially, such as the incredible worldwide scientific collaborations on understanding the virus and developing treatments and vaccines or how people can approach education and the workplace in different ways that might be better at least in some ways. Worth a read.