honestly, averaging $50 to me doesn't sound all that good and when one considers that even now there are over 7000 people on this site ( there are far more in the aggregate) and only 100 in total have made a promise over two days doesn't make enough "noise"--as days pass unless there is a major groundswell , 200-300 in total ,many using phoney or clowning names does little--heck 50000 or more get to the stadium
did you expect 100000 in 24 hours?Come on man. Wait till the losses keep piling up.
I'm amazed at the people who think there should be much more within the first 30 hours or so. I guess you don't follow many crowdfunding campaigns...

The amount of people who know about the campaign RIGHT NOW is maybe 5% of the amount of people that will likely know by the end of the month.
Furthermore, none of us expect the major booster to donate through this campaign. They may donate a small amount to show some support, but if they are in Julie & Barchi's ear already, they dont need this campaign.

This gofundme is for the rest of us who donate from 0-10K probably per year. The ones the admin doesn't care about but should.
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As others have pointed out a number of times, it's not specifically about the dollar amount, it's calling attention to a problem that needs to be addressed. Without the fund, there wouldn't be the articles being written in various publications about the money raising effort and the reasons behind it. -That alone makes it worth it.

if you think about it. The amount is pretty impressive, considering it was done in two days, there are no priority points and most of us donated "spare change". Just imagine if we really decided to GIVE. If we seem the same type of performance saturday, the fund will double, and if anger really escalates, the fund could grow exponentially.

And if this lights a fire under this coach and this team, so much the better. in that case, i hope the money is used to by a UHD flatscreen for the team.
if you think about it. The amount is pretty impressive, considering it was done in two days, there are no priority points and most of us donated "spare change". Just imagine if we really decided to GIVE. If we seem the same type of performance saturday, the fund will double, and if anger really escalates, the fund could grow exponentially.

And if this lights a fire under this coach and this team, so much the better. in that case, i hope the money is used to by a UHD flatscreen for the team.

Absolutely agree. I was simply responding to the thought that the amount wasn't substantial enough.

And like you, I also think it's pretty darn good for the short time the fund has been functioning, and no matter the amount it definitely helps to get the word out. -And if there's another on-field massacre on Saturday with RU as the victim, there's little doubt the fund will pick up additional steam/donations.
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well I kind of think this will be passed off as merely a small bunch of typical fans who always complain and know little--especially with all the dumb names---where's the real "skin in the game"
and as is usual there is always a lack of staying power after first impressions--so let's see but this may not be thought of as the silent majority
well I kind of think this will be passed off as merely a small bunch of typical fans who always complain and know little--especially with all the dumb names---where's the real "skin in the game"

I see. So if there's a strong enough feeling among fans that they initiate a fund to get rid of an incompetent coach, then those fans know little. -But the ones who are willing to put up with the status quo, the losing, the reversion to RU football being regarded as a joke...they're the ones who actually know something. ...Curious line of thought.
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People with funny names have money that's less green than you?

Let this get up to $7,500 or more by Saturday and then get blown out again. It will be $15k by this time next week.

Crowdfunding is about momentum. It can't be looked at in the same way as calling a donor list to get the Hale Center built. The fact that there have been multiple donations per hour since the campaign started is above average for crowd sourcing.

If you raise $100 an hour for 60 days, who cares if people are donating under Benjamin Dover or Dre Boggs?

Does the department have any problems taking my anonymous 50/50 money every week?
We are the die hards. We go to all the home games some away games we love RU football. That being said many of us pay $100 a year to be on the round table but so very few of these people have donated to this fund. Heck some complained to the Mods to keep it off the round table. Multiple times at least 5 times they erased our threads trying to get the round table on board. I could be wrong but I think we are all dick of flood and what he has done to the program. So why do these guys hate this effort so much? They bitch and cry all week long about the state of our program but cry about this Go Fund me account. I love Rutgers and a hundred bucks is nothing to most of us. All of it is going to Rutgers so why be so small time?
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I was on the fence with this all weekend. I actually brought this idea up only a week or so ago on the RT. A way of galvanizing us smaller donors so that we could be heard on a large scale level. Us that are not fortunate enough to have super deep pockets can band together as one and be heard. There's obvious some negative connotation to this, but at this point, I'm just tired of being drug up and down the field every week. So I'm in.
I think you'd be more effective to give your REAL name in an email t or letter o Julie with your name and address
I think you'd be more effective to give your REAL name in an email t or letter o Julie with your name and address

Thats not true at all.

Do you think if i emailed Deadspin or they would post an article about my frustrations? NO!
Would coach flood answer a question about my $100 donation to get him fired if i sent it straight to the school? NO!

But by the 100 of us who banded together so far. We got a response. We are on the radar. I believe this is the right thing to do.
I think you'd be more effective to give your REAL name in an email t or letter o Julie with your name and address


This is 2015, not 1966.

People raise millions on corwdfunding platforms now, much of it anonymously.

The university gets the funds either way.

I'm really having trouble understanding why $100,00 raised by #FreeRetig contributions is less valid than 1,000 checks in paper envelopes with a note on them mailed to the AD's office.
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UPDATE: I got contacted by NJ 101.5 asking for an interview.

absolutely a email to her with your real name means a lot--and giving an interview to that station is like giving an interview to politi its only happening to tear down RU in general and to heap more criticism on RU--ITS A DUMB MOVE
hahahaha did everyone see this?


  • There is an unauthorized GoFundMe campaign (“Fire Coach Kyle Flood”) that purports to be raising money on behalf of Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey.
  • This unauthorized campaign is wholly unrelated to, and not endorsed by, the Rutgers University Foundation.
  • Rutgers University and the Rutgers University Foundation will not accept any money donated to this campaign.
  • The Rutgers University Foundation has advised GoFundMe of the inappropriate nature of the campaign and requested its removal from the site.
  • The campaign organizer does not have the consent of the Rutgers University Foundation to publish its name or Tax ID number for any purpose.
- See more at:
The same NJ 101.5 that wanted our season cancelled because of the arrests?

Its great they contacted you, but they'll do anything for a story..
well I kind of think this will be passed off as merely a small bunch of typical fans who always complain and know little--especially with all the dumb names---where's the real "skin in the game"

We are all registering with our real names. The Rutgers Foundation will see exactly who is donating. Once the masses see this, the % of alumni who donate statistic will increase from the current pitiful 8% and the Foundation will have a list of people to hit up the next fund drive.
hahahaha did everyone see this?


  • There is an unauthorized GoFundMe campaign (“Fire Coach Kyle Flood”) that purports to be raising money on behalf of Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey.
  • This unauthorized campaign is wholly unrelated to, and not endorsed by, the Rutgers University Foundation.
  • Rutgers University and the Rutgers University Foundation will not accept any money donated to this campaign.
  • The Rutgers University Foundation has advised GoFundMe of the inappropriate nature of the campaign and requested its removal from the site.
  • The campaign organizer does not have the consent of the Rutgers University Foundation to publish its name or Tax ID number for any purpose.
- See more at:

Uhhh. wow. Only fvcking Rutgers would turn their nose up at free money. And they've requested it been taken down??? Are they that stupid to give us more ammo?

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Uhhh. wow. Only fvcking Rutgers would turn their nose up at free money. And they've requested it been taken down??? Are they that stupid to give us more ammo?


Seriously the most tone-deaf response you could think of by the school. So dumb. Only at RU!
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hahahaha did everyone see this?


  • There is an unauthorized GoFundMe campaign (“Fire Coach Kyle Flood”) that purports to be raising money on behalf of Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey.
  • This unauthorized campaign is wholly unrelated to, and not endorsed by, the Rutgers University Foundation.
  • Rutgers University and the Rutgers University Foundation will not accept any money donated to this campaign.
  • The Rutgers University Foundation has advised GoFundMe of the inappropriate nature of the campaign and requested its removal from the site.
  • The campaign organizer does not have the consent of the Rutgers University Foundation to publish its name or Tax ID number for any purpose.
- See more at:

Wow, they don't want the money?
Uhhh. wow. Only fvcking Rutgers would turn their nose up at free money. And they've requested it been taken down??? Are they that stupid to give us more ammo?


This x 1,000,000. A saavy university organization would not only accept the money, but also save the list of contributors as people who may very well also care enough to donate again for the university's success in the future.
Uhhh. wow. Only fvcking Rutgers would turn their nose up at free money. And they've requested it been taken down??? Are they that stupid to give us more ammo?

I didnt realize you needed permission to raise money to a charity that is already listed in the gofundme database. LOL
Wow. Less than 48hrs in, fewer than 120 people, and not even 10K and we solicited a formal response from the university.
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so where will the money go if they don't want it?

Very short sighted by the university. All while they are begging alums for money.

My guess is that it will be refunded. can't do anything else, if they won't take it.