They completely miss the point of the page.

We're not going to raise over a million dollars, but we are making our voices hear.

Stop giving us this bs product on the field and in the process price out loyal fans. We've listened to this BS administration tell us how they're going to invest in facilities and how we need to donate more if we want better parking. Well now it's time for them to listen to us. If you want our money, give us a competent coach. I will root for the players every damn Saturday to succeed. I'll never boo the players. But you better believe I will boo the man making a million bucks and the administration that screws everything up.
No statement was needed on their part. You don't tell your fans to be quiet. Even that stupid message by them is a bad PR move. It shows little regard towards the fans. What don't they understand? We're all mad. We created a damn gofundme page to get rid of our coach because we know they are bad a fundraising.
I understand the reasons for their response.

However, I am very disappointed that our University basically told us to go F ourselves.

The next solicitation call they make to me won't be a very cheerful conversation.
who didn't know this would happen--like I said email Julie and RU wants $ but for reasons they find valid they wouldn't take $ for other cause they deem unacceptable and they are right about controls
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Aww, did someone hurt Kyle's feelings?

Now they've turned it into a story. I hope the media runs with this form of censorship.
Our University is a mess. Too proud and stupid to accept donations intended to help rid us of one of the worst representatives of Rutgers University in its 250 year history. There's got to be another way to build a fund raiser for charity while sending the message we want. Any one know how?
They may have actually done us a huge favor by posting this. Now people will donate just to spite them. It's just another painful example of how short-sighted and foolish the people running the show really are. Like one poster said above....they may have stirred the hornets nest by essentially telling us to go pound sand. People around here don't like being told to piss off.
They may have actually done us a huge favor by posting this. Now people will donate just to spite them. It's just another painful example of how short-sighted and foolish the people running the show really are. Like one poster said above....they may have stirred the hornets nest by essentially telling us to go pound sand. People around here don't like being told to piss off.

I suspect that you're right. It appears that the frequency of donations has picked up since Rutgers' short-sighted post.

EDIT TO ADD: Actually, the frequency AND size of donations have increased. Thank you for kicking the hornets' nest, Rutgers!
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I dare anyone from RU to ever ask me for a red cent after turning down my money.

Disgrace!!! Wow I never thought RU would shame me to be an alum but they are trying oh so hard
who didn't know this would happen--like I said email Julie and RU wants $ but for reasons they find valid they wouldn't take $ for other cause they deem unacceptable and they are right about controls

I have emailed her more than once and used my real name to post on the Facebook page.

RU has declared war on alumni for making donations, FOR CARING ABOUT OUR ALMA MATER.

I hope this results in a Mizzou-level insurrection.

RU needs to be taken back from whoever is making these boneheaded calls. We deserve better!
Wow, they don't want the money?
All $5k? To be fair, RU can't support this page. No University would support a fund to fire a coach unless it came from BIG TIME donors behind the scenes. I commend you for doing something because most people would not have but the publicity is the only value of this effort. The money was never going to be raised and Rutgers was never going to accept it.
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Can someone with a Twitter account post something to Chris B. Brown (@smartfootbal). He's a Grantland writer who primarily writes about Xs & Os, but would probably appreciate what we are doing here.
If this is played right. This could swirl into something that actually accomplishes something. Clearly not the firing of Flood. But with enough attention and some medium willing to run with this. I just see a lot of potential. Like what we could do with this money when the time limit runs out and RU makes it abundantly clear they won't accept it. We can fly banners, we can donate to some other charity that would raise eyebrows. We have some time to stew on it because as time goes on, more media will pick this up and it will balloon into a bigger story (maybe). We just can't be refunded and let it all just fade into the darkness. Something good has to come of all this money.
I'm not a statistician (maybe someone can add to this) but I do remember something about polls and fundraising. I believe that for every person that answers a poll, it really represents hundreds that feel the same way as the responder but just not proactive enough to respond. So, if my premise is correct, the 110 or so donors really represent 10,000 or more fans. Please correct me if my premise is wrong.
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If true, certainly shows it ruffled some feathers...and quickly.

As a former PR professional, it really scares me that Rutgers teaches public relations and does stuff like this. The campaign had only been live for maybe 30 hours and they start "helping" its cause by promoting it? This just might be the worst thing they could ever have done. In essence, they've legitimized the campaign.

Looks like the donations are really going to flow now. If RU had stayed quiet, this would be a small story. With them blasting the campaign and rejecting the donations, it becomes a much bigger story.
This is crazy what the foundation is doing. Contact law enforcement? What a bunch of asses. Bet you if I stated a go fund me campaign to raise money in the name of the (insert organization here) they would take it without batting an eye - even if it want authorized.

Would a '#FireFlood' banner be taken down in the stadium?