RU is like your grandma who doesn't know how to work the DVR. Of course they would be like, WTF is lol.
Not getting behind and actively opposing are two different things.This is probably exactly why the school isn't getting behind it...raisi
I will give this money to RU one way or the other. And the $1025 donation was made before I knew RU claimed they wouldn't take it. Don't be such a pessimist. Tho I guess that does come with the territory in the N.E. lollike I said now the heavy hitters come out---take my money please , ok , give it back then--this will look even sillier since the $ going no where
who gets to keep all those credit card numbers?
can someone reply to that knuckleheadShe posted on the gofundme page.
Not getting behind and actively opposing are two different things.
She posted on the gofundme page.
This is a raving success. Barely 24 hours and...
- This campaign got multiple media outlets to cover, and more growing by the hour.
- This got a direct response from the coach, which he made himself look even worse.
- This got a direct response from the university, which made them look even worse.
She posted on the gofundme page.
I'm not a statistician (maybe someone can add to this) but I do remember something about polls and fundraising. I believe that for every person that answers a poll, it really represents hundreds that feel the same way as the responder but just not proactive enough to respond. So, if my premise is correct, the 110 or so donors really represent 10,000 or more fans. Please correct me if my premise is wrong.
True..either way..
All I've heard is the admin is 100% behind Flood for any campaign raising money to fire him...they'd actively oppose. Just my opinion.
Our administration sucks, but it is what it is.
Money is not going to a complete stranger. It is going to the Rutgers Foundation.
It's not that simple. Many polls are not statistically accurate. You have to have a lot of factors met for a poll to be considered representative of a large body of people. So no the 110 donors only represent themselves (not 10,000 people) in this case - in terms of reliable scientific polling.
Well, if she is an RU prof. as was suggested earlier, she isn't exactly hittin' the ball out of park in terms of opinions on "RateMyProfessor", or whatever that site's called. She's gotten 5 ratings; 3 were poor, 1 average, and 1 good, for a "C" average.
incorrect it's not. It is going to someone on the internet that "promises" it will go to the Foundation.
Can you post that info in response to her on the gofundme page?
Students said she's no help for office hours.
I'm amazed anyone is surprised by the university's response. This is an unauthorized use of Rutgers' name to raise money with a vague promise it is going to the Rutgers Foundation. Every school would react the same way. You have to act firmly to protect your name and reputation. You can't let random people set up crowdfunding pages in your name with no authorization.
Well, if she is an RU prof. as was suggested earlier, she isn't exactly hittin' the ball out of park in terms of opinions on "RateMyProfessor", or whatever that site's called. She's gotten 5 ratings; 3 were poor, 1 average, and 1 good, for a "C" average.
I'm amazed anyone is surprised by the university's response. This is an unauthorized use of Rutgers' name to raise money with a vague promise it is going to the Rutgers Foundation. Every school would react the same way. You have to act firmly to protect your name and reputation. You can't let random people set up crowdfunding pages in your name with no authorization.
The fact that it is also done so to attack a university employee is secondary to the larger issue.
I don't think that is her. Both comments are likely from rutgers PR department to make the campaign seem nefarious when it is fairly straghtforward. RU PR is now using smear tactics.
Can you post that info in response to her on the gofundme page?
Students said she's no help for office hours.
She's a history grad student, not a tenure track prof.
And here is a shock, one of her academic areas of expertise is Women and Gender Studies...
Is this just a warning or do you actually see people doing that? I agree though it is better PR to take the high road always.****DO NOT DISPARAGE EITHER OF THEM ON THE GO FUND ME SITE*****
that would be bad strategy
just donated $1000.00could use your donation sir.