like I said now the heavy hitters come out---take my money please , ok , give it back then--this will look even sillier since the $ going no where
I will give this money to RU one way or the other. And the $1025 donation was made before I knew RU claimed they wouldn't take it. Don't be such a pessimist. Tho I guess that does come with the territory in the N.E. lol
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theRU, the only good move they've made is to try and scare you.


These fire coach campaigns happen all the time. Kyle Flood is a public figure, and a state employee. And perhaps most importantly, a criticism campaign is even more justified because the subject was proven through an independent investigation to be unethical.

In the SEC, they would have gone nuclear on Flood a long time ago.
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Not getting behind and actively opposing are two different things.

True..either way..

All I've heard is the admin is 100% behind Flood for any campaign raising money to fire him...they'd actively oppose. Just my opinion.

Our administration sucks, but it is what it is.
She posted on the gofundme page.

Most likely a fake account or connected member of the PR team, because the staging right after the university notice is too convenient. The comment is written to incite distrust, and was waiting for the university statement to come out first.

Could just be a random person, but to publicly connect your facebook page... my guess would be a function of his/her job.
I'm not a statistician (maybe someone can add to this) but I do remember something about polls and fundraising. I believe that for every person that answers a poll, it really represents hundreds that feel the same way as the responder but just not proactive enough to respond. So, if my premise is correct, the 110 or so donors really represent 10,000 or more fans. Please correct me if my premise is wrong.

It's not that simple. Many polls are not statistically accurate. You have to have a lot of factors met for a poll to be considered representative of a large body of people. So no the 110 donors only represent themselves (not 10,000 people) in this case - in terms of reliable scientific polling.
I'm amazed anyone is surprised by the university's response. This is an unauthorized use of Rutgers' name to raise money with a vague promise it is going to the Rutgers Foundation. Every school would react the same way. You have to act firmly to protect your name and reputation. You can't let random people set up crowdfunding pages in your name with no authorization.

The fact that it is also done so to attack a university employee is secondary to the larger issue.
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True..either way..

All I've heard is the admin is 100% behind Flood for any campaign raising money to fire him...they'd actively oppose. Just my opinion.

Our administration sucks, but it is what it is.

Thing is though, as a certified charity they get the money with no strings attached. They do not have to actually fire flood if they accept the money. This is just crazy. RU has managed to take a win/win situation for them and actually lose.
oh now another intellectual talks age--weak for a guy of your statue and age--and why would I give when I just sent real money to RU to a fund that I respect and care about
Money is not going to a complete stranger. It is going to the Rutgers Foundation.

If it is set up to go direct to RUF - and they refuse then what happens? That is my question? It is going to someone on the internet that "promises" it will go to the Foundation or does the person that set this up have the option to direct it elsewhere?
It's not that simple. Many polls are not statistically accurate. You have to have a lot of factors met for a poll to be considered representative of a large body of people. So no the 110 donors only represent themselves (not 10,000 people) in this case - in terms of reliable scientific polling.

In terms of kickstarter, as a basis for comparison.
  • Average Project donation: $50/donor
  • 1% of people who see any given campaign, end up donating.
Here's some interesting stuff I found from the National Center for Charitable Statistics.....




New Brunswick, NJ 08901

To Support Rutgers, The State University Of New Jersey By Obtaining And Providing Funds And Other Resources To Meet The Needs And Achieve Goals Of The University For Which Adequate Funds May Not Be Available From Other Sources.

Federal Emp. ID


B1140 -
rule date for more information"> IRS Ruling Date

IRS Type

501(c)(3) - Public charity: Religious, educational, charitable, scientific, and literary organizations...
Basis for public charity status

13 - Organization operated for the benefit of a public (government owned or run) college or university
Date of most recent return

Total Revenue

Total Assets


Carol Herring PRESIDENT 2006

It even has tax return documents for the last 12 years listed there.
Well, if she is an RU prof. as was suggested earlier, she isn't exactly hittin' the ball out of park in terms of opinions on "RateMyProfessor", or whatever that site's called. She's gotten 5 ratings; 3 were poor, 1 average, and 1 good, for a "C" average.

Can you post that info in response to her on the gofundme page?

Students said she's no help for office hours.
Can you post that info in response to her on the gofundme page?

Students said she's no help for office hours.

I don't think that is her. Both comments are likely from rutgers PR department to make the campaign seem nefarious when it is fairly straghtnforward. RU PR is now probably using smear tactics by hiring interns or whatever.

You now have bogus comments form Immani Reed and Jennifer Wilson.

BTW the RU foundation as said that they won't ACCEPT the donations not that they aren't going to be sent to them by gofundme. Reading comprehension for some is deplorable.
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I'm amazed anyone is surprised by the university's response. This is an unauthorized use of Rutgers' name to raise money with a vague promise it is going to the Rutgers Foundation. Every school would react the same way. You have to act firmly to protect your name and reputation. You can't let random people set up crowdfunding pages in your name with no authorization.

I'm guessing you haven't done much with crowdfunding sites before, right?

Rutgers University Foundation is listed as the certified charity. I'm pretty sure that's where the money would go.
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Well, if she is an RU prof. as was suggested earlier, she isn't exactly hittin' the ball out of park in terms of opinions on "RateMyProfessor", or whatever that site's called. She's gotten 5 ratings; 3 were poor, 1 average, and 1 good, for a "C" average.

She's a history grad student, not a tenure track prof.

And here is a shock, one of her academic areas of expertise is Women and Gender Studies...
we need you guys to post that this is going to RU foundation. 2 posters are posting misinformation on the page.
I'm amazed anyone is surprised by the university's response. This is an unauthorized use of Rutgers' name to raise money with a vague promise it is going to the Rutgers Foundation. Every school would react the same way. You have to act firmly to protect your name and reputation. You can't let random people set up crowdfunding pages in your name with no authorization.

The fact that it is also done so to attack a university employee is secondary to the larger issue.

Another falsehood.

This is not a vague promise to give them money. All funds rsised through this campaign go to The Rutgers University Foundation. All this fund does is aggragate the funds and send it on a monthly basis (while keeping it visible how much is being donated).

There are also no strings attached. Despite the name of the campaign, Rutgers does not have to fire Flood to recieve the funds and the are not obligated to fire Flood later if they accept the funds.

FWIW, i have no affiliation with the OP or the campaign...i am just able to do 5 minutes of "research" and read the actual rules.
I don't think that is her. Both comments are likely from rutgers PR department to make the campaign seem nefarious when it is fairly straghtforward. RU PR is now using smear tactics.

Both people listed are Rutgers students.

The second comment is from a current RU senior. The first comment is from a current RU History department grad student.
Can you post that info in response to her on the gofundme page?

Students said she's no help for office hours.

'Ya know, NJ Sports Fan, if she is, in fact, an RU prof., unfortunately she probably doesn't even care about that kind of thing. -If she did, she'd try to do a better job.
I just posted to refute their nonsense. So no worries. They are just acting on what the University said. They seem to misinterpret that the Foundation isn't real.
I'm an attorney but I am in house and this is not my area of expertise.

If there someone with a NJ office looking for some pro bono and who is knowledgable on this issue, I would happy to help you with any leg work, also pro bono, as needed.

The RU legal department are the same boneheads that said Rice couldn't be fired and that allowed Elmer to be suspended rather than fired.

Knowing myself and several other RU graduate attorneys, I am not worried about what RU does.

There is no way in hell I'm going to let these ineffective boobs take my alma mater, on the 9 year anniversary of one of the greatest nights in RU history, down for the sake of penny pinching. Jeff Towers and Bob Barchi, there was a mass of red on Easton Ave and we are going to get the mass back so either get on board or get out of the way and take Fudd with you.
She's a history grad student, not a tenure track prof.

And here is a shock, one of her academic areas of expertise is Women and Gender Studies...

Ruhudsonfan, I cracked up when I read the info. you found on her. -And yup, her area of study somehow fits the agenda behind her comments. (And just a heads-up, that isn't a dig at the general population taking courses in that major, simply a comment on this one individual who posted on the fundraising site.)
I'm guessing you haven't done much with crowdfunding sites before, right?

Rutgers University Foundation is listed as the certified charity. I'm pretty sure that's where the money would go.

I know crowdfunding - I don't know the ins and outs of this but just because the Foundation is legit doesn't mean someone claiming the money is going there is legit. I like a little more confidence than " pretty sure" my money is going to Rutgers.

Does GoFundMe - cut out the middleman (the person who set up this site) entirely? If so that's more reassuring for those donating. But here's my question - if Rutgers refuses to accept these donations - what happens to the money? Are refunds processed immediately by GoFundMe or does some power to redirect funds fall to the organizer?

Also I hope everyone realizes that almost 10% of your money was never making it to Rutgers because of fees.