How does the guy currently in charge help recruiting?

How does Towers writing his wife's checks to retain Flood help recruiting?

Someone seriously needs to enlighten me as to why grass roots money < donor money?

And I have news for you, I know more than one 5 figure donor who have contacted the department since Saturday and told them that the spigot was getting turned off until there is a serious examination of football leadership.

I have ZERO confidence in Flood's recruiting ability against the big boys in the B1G or his coaching ability.......getting rid of him should be a behind the scenes effort.

This fund just leads to more negative press against Rutgers football....that's not good for recruiting.
RU is seriously one of the most inept organizations out there.. it's truly impressive to absolutely awful in handling every situation possible.
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RU is seriously one of the most inept organizations out there.. it's truly impressive to absolutely awful in handling every situation possible.

It really is. You'd think they'd do something right by accident once in a while.
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Student callers are paid, but we should be nice.

I will tell them to reschedule the call for when Flood is fired AND RU apologizes to the OP and the rest of us for its latest blunder.
That Concerned Alumnus person in the article is a very well-spoken fellow. Respectful, knowledgeable and on-message. Rutgers is lucky to count him among its graduates.

I'm trying
Imho, the fact that they haven't reached out to you is disconcerting.

Or maybe they've looked into what legal actions they can do and haven't found any?

They can be upset with it and can even ask the website to take it down, but I really don't think the website has any reason to do so.
I swear, Rutgers is run by the biggest idiots on earth. Don't know how much longer I can support RU athletics. WPUNJ might be my focus soon as this is just out of control.
Student callers are paid, but we should be nice.

I will tell them to reschedule the call for when Flood is fired AND RU apologizes to the OP and the rest of us for its latest blunder.

They aren't paid, at least not all. Athletes are required to do a certain number of hours (not sure about football or basketball), including walk ons.
I swear, Rutgers is run by the biggest idiots on earth. Don't know how much longer I can support RU athletics. WPUNJ might be my focus soon as this is just out of control.

I think you are a little harsh. This is a lot more complicated then you think and I think they are taking the safest approach to avoid any issues.
What happens if I contribute to fund and Flood doesn't get canned? Do I get money back?
You people are nuts for donating to this online nonsense. You have no idea where your money will end up or what used toward. Do something more useful with your money.
I'm not against the idea of a grass roots campaign to bring change, I did and still do think it's inappropriate for this site to allow itself to be used as the launch site for it. That said, someone at the Rutgers Fund is going to have to explain how on earth it is going to reject a five-digit donation from a group of mostly alumni. Because money does not grow on trees here, if they haven't noticed.

Only at Rutgers.
Im all for Flood getting fired and for the occasional Rutgers administration bash but I think Notinrhouse and some others are off the deep end here with their faux wadded panties.

what do you really think the school was going to say here...oh yes we love to take the money raised to fire Coach Flood. It does not work that way. Flood will not be fired until the end of the year. I have no problem with that. The school is going to support him until they decide they won't. Stomping up and down like children demanding it be done IMMEDIATELY and that they take the funds is a little childish and you all know I can be a child on these boards
You people are nuts for donating to this online nonsense. You have no idea where your money will end up or what used toward. Do something more useful with your money.
Apparently you didn't do any research and just posted your opinion. That's OK I guess it's the norm now as most newspaper's don't do any either.
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Im all for Flood getting fired and for the occasional Rutgers administration bash but I think Notinrhouse and some others are off the deep end here with their faux wadded panties.

what do you really think the school was going to say here...oh yes we love to take the money raised to fire Coach Flood. It does not work that way. Flood will not be fired until the end of the year. I have no problem with that. The school is going to support him until they decide they won't. Stomping up and down like children demanding it be done IMMEDIATELY and that they take the funds is a little childish and you all know I can be a child on these boards

It's a message. And based on the response, message received.
I'm not against the idea of a grass roots campaign to bring change, I did and still do think it's inappropriate for this site to allow itself to be used as the launch site for it. That said, someone at the Rutgers Fund is going to have to explain how on earth it is going to reject a five-digit donation from a group of mostly alumni. Because money does not grow on trees here, if they haven't noticed.

Only at Rutgers.

King, I know that we may disagree on the purpose, but i hope this is opening your eyes as far as what the school does and how it runs. That is alarming.
I love that we got video coverage, but based on the insane amount of spin on it... it was done as a favor to someone within RU admin.
I think you are a little harsh. This is a lot more complicated then you think and I think they are taking the safest approach to avoid any issues.
Avoid issues by publicly deriding the effort and refuse funds that have no strings attached? Hate to see them tackle the issue.
King, I know that we may disagree on the purpose, but i hope this is opening your eyes as far as what the school does and how it runs. That is alarming.

Nobody ever accused Rutgers of being well run, but rejecting and unconditional $10,000 donation from alumni is the stupidest thing I've ever seen haha
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message by who, not sure what you are saying...just because RU doesn't accept it doesn't mean Flood is coming back. It means nothing

You really don't think this has made its way to Barchi? Really? All Barchi wants is for nobody to bother him about athletics. Well, stuff like this forces the issue.
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Im all for Flood getting fired and for the occasional Rutgers administration bash but I think Notinrhouse and some others are off the deep end here with their faux wadded panties.

what do you really think the school was going to say here...oh yes we love to take the money raised to fire Coach Flood. It does not work that way. Flood will not be fired until the end of the year. I have no problem with that. The school is going to support him until they decide they won't. Stomping up and down like children demanding it be done IMMEDIATELY and that they take the funds is a little childish and you all know I can be a child on these boards

Put down the Lo-Bro and take a sip of your BCAAs.

The campaign is 60 days.

The appropriate comment from RU was "Kyle Flood is our head football coach. We have no further comment on any movements, grass roots or otherwise, to change that."

This way, they don't create a media firestorm...AGAIN.

The campaign has essentially grown by a 1/3 since their comment 3 hours ago. Including 2 of the 3 largest individual donations. As usual, they zig when they should zag.
Nobody ever accused Rutgers of being well run, but rejecting and unconditional $10,000 donation from alumni is the stupidest thing I've ever seen haha
edit: RU should not reject it if it's unconditioned.
Rutgers Fans Crowdfunding to Buy Out Football Coach Kye Flood’s Contract | Observer
>Update: The Rutgers University Foundation provided the Observer with the following comment:

“The GoFundMe campaign (“Fire Coach Kyle Flood”) is unauthorized and is wholly unrelated to, and not endorsed by, the Rutgers University Foundation. Rutgers University and the Rutgers University Foundation will not accept any money donated to this campaign. In addition, the campaign organizer does not have the consent of the Rutgers University Foundation to publish its name or Tax ID number for any purpose. The Rutgers University Foundation has advised GoFundMe of the inappropriate nature of the campaign and has requested its removal from their site.”<
Rutgers Fans Crowdfunding to Buy Out Football Coach Kye Flood’s Contract | Observer
>Update: The Rutgers University Foundation provided the Observer with the following comment:

“The GoFundMe campaign (“Fire Coach Kyle Flood”) is unauthorized and is wholly unrelated to, and not endorsed by, the Rutgers University Foundation. Rutgers University and the Rutgers University Foundation will not accept any money donated to this campaign. In addition, the campaign organizer does not have the consent of the Rutgers University Foundation to publish its name or Tax ID number for any purpose. The Rutgers University Foundation has advised GoFundMe of the inappropriate nature of the campaign and has requested its removal from their site.”<

You're about 4 hours late with this post