Thing is though, as a certified charity they get the money with no strings attached. They do not have to actually fire flood if they accept the money. This is just crazy. RU has managed to take a win/win situation for them and actually lose.

That's true. But scenario for the school would have been to not even acknowledge it. But since they did acknowledge it, its no surprise they'd shoot it down and not back it.
I know crowdfunding - I don't know the ins and outs of this but just because the Foundation is legit doesn't mean someone claiming the money is going there is legit. I like a little more confidence than " pretty sure" my money is going to Rutgers.

Does GoFundMe - cut out the middleman (the person who set up this site) entirely? If so that's more reassuring for those donating. But here's my question - if Rutgers refuses to accept these donations - what happens to the money? Are refunds processed immediately by GoFundMe or does some power to redirect funds fall to the organizer?

Also I hope everyone realizes that almost 10% of your money was never making it to Rutgers because of fees.

At this point, I'd rather that 90% of my pledged donation go toward bringing attention to the coaching changes necessary to give the Rutgers football program a chance of success, as opposed to 100% going directly to a school/administration that has committed numerous recent blunders and may still decide to keep Flood as coach for another season.
The students are always really polite, I'm sure people will return the same, and will calmly tell them why they're putting their money elsewhere.
I know crowdfunding - I don't know the ins and outs of this but just because the Foundation is legit doesn't mean someone claiming the money is going there is legit. I like a little more confidence than " pretty sure" my money is going to Rutgers.

Does GoFundMe - cut out the middleman (the person who set up this site) entirely? If so that's more reassuring for those donating. But here's my question - if Rutgers refuses to accept these donations - what happens to the money? Are refunds processed immediately by GoFundMe or does some power to redirect funds fall to the organizer?

Also I hope everyone realizes that almost 10% of your money was never making it to Rutgers because of fees.

GoFundMe is a fund aggregator. They collect the money and forward it directly to Rutgers. There is no middleman other than your credit card company and GoFundMe.

If Rutgers refuses to accept the money, then GoFundMe has to refund the donors. They cannot redirect the money toward a different purpose because it was collected with the promise that it would be sent to Rutgers. (I don't know if GoFundMe can keep their fee, or if that also has to be refunded.)
Does GoFundMe - cut out the middleman (the person who set up this site) entirely? If so that's more reassuring for those donating.

Yes they do. No funds are sent to the person starting the campaign. All funds are sent directly to the charity.

But here's my question - if Rutgers refuses to accept these donations - what happens to the money? Are refunds processed immediately by GoFundMe or does some power to redirect funds fall to the organizer?

Gofundme aggragates the funds and distributes directly to the charity on a monthly basis.

Also I hope everyone realizes that almost 10% of your money was never making it to Rutgers because of fees.

This is true of nearly all donations anywhere.[/QUOTE]
Cig, I hope you won't mind my saying, "YOU are THE MAN"!!
Thank you for putting your money where your mouth is unlike the vast majority of the guys on the round table who just complain and complain all day long but do nothing.
Is this just a warning or do you actually see people doing that? I agree though it is better PR to take the high road always.

It's just my personal opinion/request. lol

Ultimately, I'm a free marketeer. If someone wants to call them stupid and a piss poor professor, that's up to them.

I think we make our jokes with names of the people who donate, but keep comments classy.

Just a request.
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No Donation from subway or the RAC chicken fingers yet?!?!

I may have to change this later tonight.
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@cig04 and @Blitz8RUCrazy would be contacted by the ADs at every other FBS school, thanked and asked for more help and thoughts.

But dear old RU and JH and Barchi are sticking by their man.

Thanks to all donors, and keep it up. We are going to win this one. A people united will never be divided!!
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So i've donated and 100% support this, but it is illegal under new jersey law. "raising funds on behalf of a charity without that charity’s consent" is listed as a fully prohibited activity. The attorney general could issue a cease and desist.
However the organizer of this is from california and i'm sure there are others that donated that don't reside in NJ (for example I reside in Wisconsin). Not sure how that applies then.
So i've donated and 100% support this, but it is illegal under new jersey law. "raising funds on behalf of a charity without that charity’s consent" is listed as a fully prohibited activity. The attorney general could issue a cease and desist.

I'm not a lawyer, but I'm guessing in order to have their tax id officially on gofundme, they had to then accept gofundme's terms... allowing its access to all users.

The law is intended to avoid people raising money as a middleman, because they could do it nefariously. "Yeah, I'm some guy raising money for Red Cross - give me $1000."

In this case, all the money is directly allocated to the specific tax id that Rutgers provided on gofundme.

Otherwise, the law would also be against all these people who get married and say rather than give us gifts, donate to a specific charity. I guess those kind-hearted people would be breaking the law!!
So i've donated and 100% support this, but it is illegal under new jersey law. "raising funds on behalf of a charity without that charity’s consent" is listed as a fully prohibited activity. The attorney general could issue a cease and desist.

I think an attorney who works in this space should chime in.

I think it would be tricky to enforce that on a crowd funding platform.

And strategically, it would be a risk for RU. The campaign will be up over $10k before they can get a cease and desist enforced. This thread confirms the intent of the donations and people's total willingness to let the University keep the funds, knowing full well it's not going to be enough to actually fire Flood. The campaign is symbolic and we are willing to let the general Foundation of Rutgers keep the money--to do with what they please.

Tomorrow's headlines will read, "Cash Strapped Rutgers refuses $10k in donations earmarked for Foundation" and the media will devour it.
Seriously. Those students are doing pro bono work trying to get donations. They have zero ability to hire or fire a coach or even get an audience with people who can.

Be nice.
I won't flip out at them or anything.
I'm amazed anyone is surprised by the university's response. This is an unauthorized use of Rutgers' name to raise money with a vague promise it is going to the Rutgers Foundation. Every school would react the same way. You have to act firmly to protect your name and reputation. You can't let random people set up crowdfunding pages in your name with no authorization.

The fact that it is also done so to attack a university employee is secondary to the larger issue.
Nothing vague about it. the money goes to the University. Now back under Fudd's podium.
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No "Subway"

Tre's Head...

Politi's bald head

Politi's glasses

AreYouNuts Bowl Party

These are golden opportunities!
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Got to tell you all who started this "This was the best $100 me and my wife ever spent on RU". We donate to athletics in the four figures(I know not a lot but what we can afford) and never know where our money goes. Tracking this is the most fun I've ever had. To those who don't like it stay off the thread there are plenty others to look at. ru66 are you listening just stay off or go bitch at the kids playing on your lawn.
Got to tell you all who started this "This was the best $100 me and my wife ever spent". We donate to athletics in the four figures(I know not a lot but what we can afford) and never know where our money goes. Tracking this is the most fun I've ever had. To those who don't like it stay off the thread there are plenty others to look at. ru66 are you listening just stay off or go bitch at the kids playing on your lawn.
Lol awesome
UPDATE: I got contacted by NJ 101.5 asking for an interview.

Are you articulate and well spoken? If not (no harm in it), I suggest you recommend someone else you know who understands the situation.
So i've donated and 100% support this, but it is illegal under new jersey law. "raising funds on behalf of a charity without that charity’s consent" is listed as a fully prohibited activity. The attorney general could issue a cease and desist.

I'm not a lawyer, but I've dealt with crowdfunding sites many, many times. If this is a certified charity with the site, it sounds like they were:

a) aware of the site
b) added the charity to the site on their own so people could make donations to them

I can't see how something like this would be illegal UNLESS the charity was not already listed on the site, which doesn't appear to be the case. Especially today when tens of thousands of crowdfunding operations are taking place each week.
lol already an SL article up on Rutgers' refusal to take free money from alums and fans

Really NICE quotes from the OP in this Keith Seargent article. Kudos @theRU!

I really liked this bit:

"I would love to see us hit the $1.5MM (goal) and see the administration turn that money down. It would show you what is wrong with our current leadership.''

There are other public forms of protest, the "Concerned Alumnus'' said.

But "instead of flying banners,'' he said, "we felt it was best to send the school money which it needs.''
How does this help recruiting?

How does the guy currently in charge help recruiting?

How does Towers writing his wife's checks to retain Flood help recruiting?

Someone seriously needs to enlighten me as to why grass roots money < donor money?

And I have news for you, I know more than one 5 figure donor who have contacted the department since Saturday and told them that the spigot was getting turned off until there is a serious examination of football leadership.
lol already an SL article up on Rutgers' refusal to take free money from alums and fans

That Concerned Alumnus person in the article is a very well-spoken fellow. Respectful, knowledgeable and on-message. Rutgers is lucky to count him among its graduates.
