Unauthorized by Rutgers University

What does that even mean?

Charity tax ID's are public informarion. The money would go to Rutgers free and clear. This is just crazy that they would refuse this donation, yet gave Flood a raise and a bigger buyout on the basis of a "pledge" that is now apparently been reneged on.
sure cause you're really not contributing--i'll give you a million if you don't take it
Why? This is not illegal. What laws were broken?

None. Zero. Zilch. Nada.

The RUF is a tax-exempt charitable organization. That the fundraiser is purporting to raise funds toward a certain purpose for that organization is of no consequence. The RUF can accept the funds or not and, quite frankly, do whatever it wants with them. Nor do you have to have the permission of a charity to raise money for it. The "unauthorized" raising of funds for a charity, Rutgers?! Really?!
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wow--we are now gonna be bigger laughing stocks
Not as big of a laughing stock as the Rutgers admin seems to be. With friends like these, who needs enemies? They constantly shoot themselves in the foot and bite any hand that is generous enough to feed them. Sad.
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Could we convert this campaign to something that actually benefits the university? Instead of calling it a FireFlood campaign how about we call it he Rutgers Football Coach salary endowment fund? Basically we start raising money so that the school has more resources when they are ready to make a move to improve the coaching staff?
I gave a couple hundred just because the University's response was so dumb. The amount of unforced errors at the school (and on the field, too) never ceases to amaze me.
Or is that their intention all along...? #shyamalan

Fair enough. It COULD be. I think we all know its not though. I wouldn't mind being wrong. If someone realizes how to play cards, then kudos to them.
Could we convert this campaign to something that actually benefits the university? Instead of calling it a FireFlood campaign how about we call it he Rutgers Football Coach salary endowment fund? Basically we start raising money so that the school has more resources when they are ready to make a move to improve the coaching staff?

This is probably exactly why the school isn't getting behind it...raisi
wow--we are now gonna be bigger laughing stocks

And just think, in its infinite wisdom, the RU administration just helped spread this story more effectively than any of us who back it ever could. -Maybe you should send them a note telling them how naughty they've been. Oh, and don't forget to sign your name and give your address.
None. Zero. Zilch. Nada.

The RUF is a tax-exempt charitable organization. That the fundraiser is purporting to raise funds toward a certain purpose for that organization is of no consequence. The RUF can accept the funds or not and, quite frankly, do whatever it wants with them.
Only one caveat...are any of us known terrorists or is the money originating from a HIDTA or HIFCA?
well this "fun(d)" has gone a long way in making RU look silly and our whole AD look like dopes--as if we needed more added to the list about how bad and ineffective we are
My focus is only on Nebraska. The players who have worked their butt's off need our support at the Stadium and elsewhere to Win this Winnable game. I hope everyone at the Stadium screams like crazy and helps a little for our players to WIN this game.

I hope that Abro gives a big fat donation if Rutgers gets blown out yet again in another winnable game.
Btw, this is what gofundme (the company running the website):

How it Works
Donations to 'Certified Charity' campaigns get delivered directly to the charity listed.
1) You make a donation. Payments are processed by FirstGiving.
2) Checks are issued. Once a month, a check will be sent directly to the charity.
3) Charity receives money. The listed charity receives their check directly.

So to be clear, Rutgers is turning down money that has no strings attached.
like I said now the heavy hitters come out---take my money please , ok , give it back then--this will look even sillier since the $ going no where
So whats 6 or 7 news outlets that have reported the story? That's more than I thought it would get total, let alone in day 2
As a former PR professional, it really scares me that Rutgers teaches public relations and does stuff like this. The campaign had only been live for maybe 30 hours and they start "helping" its cause by promoting it? This just might be the worst thing they could ever have done. In essence, they've legitimized the campaign.

Looks like the donations are really going to flow now. If RU had stayed quiet, this would be a small story. With them blasting the campaign and rejecting the donations, it becomes a much bigger story.

Exactly Lighty! As a fellow PR/Ad guy, holy moley! I mean we could tell Rutgers PR was bad from the last few scandals, but this is like PR 101. It's embarrassing to the entire profession how bad there are. Maybe we need a gofundme page for the RU PR division! lol

And for the guys that post on here that this has been ineffectual or it's not that important because of the money amount, wow, you obviously haven't worked in PR.

This is a raving success. Barely 24 hours and...
  • This campaign got multiple media outlets to cover, and more growing by the day.
  • This got a direct response from the coach, which he made himself look even worse.
  • This got a direct response from the university, which made them look even worse.
It's all about awareness, and remarkably, Rutgers and Flood continue to pour gasoline on their own fire through horrific PR.
Rather than fund the foundation. Why not use the money to build more bathrooms at Highpoint? #fundthetrough
like I said now the heavy hitters come out---take my money please , ok , give it back then--this will look even sillier since the $ going no where

Not true. IF RU won't take it, there's nothing to prevent the money being used in other ways: perhaps to buy a full page newspaper ad detailing Flood's incompetence, or maybe put up an ad on a billboard off a major highway doing the same....and then there's always the option of a plane flying over the stadium trailing a "love note". -After all, it worked at Miami.
what--make a job easier??? this just added more angst to her job
Could we convert this campaign to something that actually benefits the university? Instead of calling it a FireFlood campaign how about we call it he Rutgers Football Coach salary endowment fund? Basically we start raising money so that the school has more resources when they are ready to make a move to improve the coaching staff?
I don't know if the theme of the campaign can be changed mid-stream but that is probably the way to go. That was the premise of the campaign I tried to start on the Roundtable that morphed into this. There is still a link on the Roundtable to the RU athletics donation page. I think if the tenor of the campaign were changed to be less "blunt" about Flood getting fired and more about wanting to donate to RU athletics, then it would be fine. Leave the pic of an unhappy Flood on there - that is classic. But make the goal to increase our coaching options as opposed to firing Flood. Then RU CAN'T turn it down - not without being made to look like giant buffoons.
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