Put down the Lo-Bro and take a sip of your BCAAs.
The campaign is 60 days.
The appropriate comment from RU was "Kyle Flood is our head football coach. We have no further comment on any movements, grass roots or otherwise, to change that."
This way, they don't create a media firestorm...AGAIN.
The campaign has essentially grown by a 1/3 since their comment 3 hours ago. Including 2 of the 3 largest individual donations. As usual, they zig when they should zag.
firestorm? hmm where...besides this board
sure the story of the gofundme is all over the press now but RUs comment isn't creating a firestorm beyond this little world on the board and on the internet. In the end RU makes a change and Im wondering if all the people who pledged ending up donating to RUs next coachs salary