If they use only this to decide, then no RU.
Everyone is geared up for conference tournaments and the NCAA invites they hold.
Total = indicator of a teams chances to be invited to the tournament based on adding:
+ SOS * 1.00
strength of schedule (SOS)
+ QW * 1.00
quality wins(normalized to 1.0)
+ RPI * 1.00
Ratings percentage Index (RPI)
+ WRPI * 0.20 average RPI of all wins * win pct
+ LRPI * 0.20 average RPI of all losses * (1.-win pct)
+ SW * 0.01 significant win (opp. has a higher RPI)
- SL * 0.01 significant loss (opp. has a lower RPI)
+ WLP * 0.25 Win-Loss Percentage
DISCLAIMER: This prediction is an approximation subject to interpretation of NCAA
criteria and estimated weight factors. Furthermore, the NCAA committee has the
discretion to consider secondary and additional factors.
1 Maryland 2.6322 0.6655 0.6596 1.0000 1 3 1 .558 .601 0 2 12 2 0.8571
2 Albany 2.4780 0.6362 0.6515 0.8800 3 5 4 .512 .556 1 2 13 2 0.8667
3 Duke 2.4663 0.6334 0.6226 0.9100 4 14 2 .539 .600 1 2 12 3 0.8000
4 Yale 2.4369 0.6309 0.6360 0.8600 6 11 5 .521 .578 1 2 12 2 0.8571
5 Denver 2.4369 0.6134 0.6135 0.8900 8 20 3 .511 .635 0 0 12 2 0.8571
6 Loyola 2.3976 0.6311 0.6398 0.8400 5 8 6 .518 .598 0 2 12 3 0.8000
7 Johns Hopkins 2.3646 0.6228 0.6415 0.8300 7 6 7 .543 .598 0 2 10 4 0.7143
8 Virginia 2.3363 0.5865 0.6368 0.8300 9 10 8 .496 .622 1 1 12 5 0.7059
9 Notre Dame 2.3293 0.6364 0.6638 0.8000 2 2 9 .565 .594 0 4 8 5 0.6154
10 Georgetown 2.2110 0.5650 0.6212 0.7400 18 16 13 .485 .571 2 2 11 4 0.7333
11 Cornell 2.2106 0.5712 0.5968 0.7600 15 24 10 .499 .573 2 2 10 4 0.7143
12 Syracuse 2.2054 0.5816 0.6568 0.7200 12 4 16 .534 .593 3 3 7 6 0.5385
13 Villanova 2.2011 0.5825 0.6145 0.7400 11 18 14 .515 .584 2 3 10 5 0.6667
14 Bucknell 2.1790 0.5741 0.5891 0.7400 14 28 12 .500 .546 2 3 11 4 0.7333
15 Vermont 2.1525 0.5536 0.5531 0.7600 19 42 11 .455 .575 0 1 12 3 0.8000
16 Navy 2.1396 0.5678 0.5951 0.7100 16 25 17 .501 .583 2 2 9 5 0.6429
17 Michigan 2.1175 0.5434 0.6042 0.6900 25 22 20 .481 .607 3 0 8 6 0.5714
18 Rutgers 2.1170 0.5755 0.6321 0.6700 13 12 23 .517 .591 1 3 9 6 0.6000
19 Penn State 2.0849 0.5505 0.6144 0.6600 20 19 24 .502 .581 3 2 8 6 0.5714
20 Penn 2.0763 0.5833 0.6760 0.6200 10 1 28 .544 .577 1 5 7 7 0.5000