OT: Eternal Lawn Care Thread

Long damn fall! Tried my hardest to overseed in September but all businesses were booked up with there eqipment and Home Depots 2 machines were out of commision. I was able to get a machine on Nov 4th and that shit kicked my ass lol never again I will pay to have someone do this every fall. After overseeding I put down starter fertilizer then began to saturate my yard and 7-8 days later the seeds sprouted which i'm really pleased about. I didn't have time to get up the dying crabgrass so i just went over all of it with the overseeder. I'm seeing little speckles in these areas but hopefully this spring the grass will really take over. Grass is a little higher then i normally keep it during the winter, i'm going to put some lyme down in January and can't wait for the spring to put some of these liquid fertilizers you fellas have been speaking of over the years...

It was a long fall.

I know people hate the crabgrass but I think you are better off leaving it there and overseeding like you did. I'm dealing with a lot of hard packed clay that has nothing growing on it and it's like concrete. It's hard to get anything growing in that. The parts of the lawn where there was a lot of weeds the clover and grass seed grew very well. They look pretty good now.
After seeding this fall we had a day of monsoon like rain that washed most of the seed downhill. Grass grew very well in my flower garden and in cracks of my bluestone walkway, not so well where I wanted it.
I had the same problem. My back pastures are on a slight hill with a crest in the center. The bottom of the hill to the right and left about 30' to each fence line had awesome growth. The rest of the 3.5 acres jack sh*t, I was pissed. So, I said screw it, I rented a pull behind aerator for the tractor and plugged the whole thing for erosion control. Seeded and it worked great. The holes, seed went in and the plugs acted like thousands of mini dams.
How is everyone's lawns looking?

The fall saw a huge improvement for me. Everything I seeded in late Sep is doing really well and lawn is still green.

Still a long way to go but this fall was very productive for me.
Same here. I’m really happy with the September to October comeback after a rough summer.
How can you seed in March with pre-emergent going down shortly after that?
You can use Mesotrione, which is a pre-emergent and post-emergent, which will give you 30 days protection but you can still seed. You can then do another Mesotrione app or go with a longer pre-emergent if the grass has established.
Good for this couple who battled against a HOA to keep their natural habitat vs a lawn:
Will never live in an HOA controlled property again. Twice, both ended in litigation or arbitration over silliness. We just redid a large area in the yard. The landscaper suggested planting grass seed. We opted for perennials, flowering plants and hollies. Less to mow and nicer looking.

This quote from story is hilarious:

"Despite the benefits of a rewilded yard, the Crouches’ local homeowner association was more concerned with making sure the neighborhood looked uniform. In 2017, they sent a letter demanding that the Crouches restore their lawn and remove the native plants, saying “Your yard is not the place for such a habitat.”
Will never live in an HOA controlled property again. Twice, both ended in litigation or arbitration over silliness. We just redid a large area in the yard. The landscaper suggested planting grass seed. We opted for perennials, flowering plants and hollies. Less to mow and nicer looking.

This quote from story is hilarious:

"Despite the benefits of a rewilded yard, the Crouches’ local homeowner association was more concerned with making sure the neighborhood looked uniform. In 2017, they sent a letter demanding that the Crouches restore their lawn and remove the native plants, saying “Your yard is not the place for such a habitat.”
Yeah, how dare those hippies! Your yard is meant to be a toxic mix of synthetic chemicals that leach into local watersheds
Yeah, how dare those hippies! Your yard is meant to be a toxic mix of synthetic chemicals that leach into local watersheds
There is a balance. Our previous neighbors yard was literally totally wild. They were extremely wealthy, but she was an old style hippie. Their yard was a habitat for rodents, which caused problems for neighbors. Wish we had an HOA to deal with them. 🙃 Like I said, balance is good.
Good for this couple who battled against a HOA to keep their natural habitat vs a lawn:

Will never live in an HOA controlled property again. Twice, both ended in litigation or arbitration over silliness. We just redid a large area in the yard. The landscaper suggested planting grass seed. We opted for perennials, flowering plants and hollies. Less to mow and nicer looking.

This quote from story is hilarious:

"Despite the benefits of a rewilded yard, the Crouches’ local homeowner association was more concerned with making sure the neighborhood looked uniform. In 2017, they sent a letter demanding that the Crouches restore their lawn and remove the native plants, saying “Your yard is not the place for such a habitat.”
I can understand both sides here. And I probably wouldn't live in one either but if I did, I'd play by the I would have known going in what those rules are.
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I can understand both sides here. And I probably wouldn't live in one either but if I did, I'd play by the I would have known going in what those rules are.
We are rule followers- most of the time--when the rules suit us. 😂
In our case, in both instances, the rules were vague or non-existent, and a few power hungry people who wanted to do things their way started stretching the meaning of existing language in the HOA documents or enacting new rules to suit them, and that's where the problems began. Under our philosophy of be happy or change the circumstances, we left in both instances.
We are rule followers- most of the time--when the rules suit us. 😂
In our case, in both instances, the rules were vague or non-existent, and a few power hungry people who wanted to do things their way started stretching the meaning of existing language in the HOA documents or enacting new rules to suit them, and that's where the problems began. Under our philosophy of be happy or change the circumstances, we left in both instances.
Then that is on the HOA for the ambiguity.
Good evening gents. Preparing for spring as it's fast approaching. Any ideas for liquid pre-emergents that control crabgrass and dandelions? I'm open for ideas. Horrible at conversions how much would I need for a 12,500 sq foot yard?????? Thanks in advance!
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Good evening gents. Preparing for spring as it's fast approaching. Any ideas for liquid pre-emergents that control crabgrass and dandelions? I'm open for ideas. Horrible at conversions how much would I need for a 12,500 sq foot yard?????? Thanks in advance!

If you search this thread for “dithiopyr” you’ll find many posts outlining the use of preemergents as well as the pros/cons of their use. If you use them read the specific products usage instructions and follow them closely. I use Dithiopyr when the forsythia blooms and again in early September.
If you search this thread for “dithiopyr” you’ll find many posts outlining the use of preemergents as well as the pros/cons of their use. If you use them read the specific products usage instructions and follow them closely. I use Dithiopyr when the forsythia blooms and again in early September.
Is there a need to rotate to a different product after using Barricade or Dimension year after year like you do when using fungicides?
Is there a need to rotate to a different product after using Barricade or Dimension year after year like you do when using fungicides?
I know some folks substitute but I don’t. A bottle of Dimension lasts me several years. Barricade generally provides a bit longer coverage. You can seed with a Mesotrione so I use that if I’m reseeding an area, but the preemergent protection against crabgrass and weeds is only about 30 days.
I know some folks substitute but I don’t. A bottle of Dimension lasts me several years. Barricade generally provides a bit longer coverage. You can seed with a Mesotrione so I use that if I’m reseeding an area, but the preemergent protection against crabgrass and weeds is only about 30 days.
How large is the lawn area you treat, and what is your rough estimate on what you spend per year on treatments? Do you buy locally or online?
How large is the lawn area you treat, and what is your rough estimate on what you spend per year on treatments? Do you buy locally or online?
My lot is a bit more than an acre but I generally treat about 22,000 sq ft. I apply .37 oz per 1000 sq ft so I use about 8 oz per application. I do two applications a year. I buy a 64 oz bottle of Dimension 2EW from the online site “Domyownpestcontrol.” The bottle is 64 oz so I use about 16 oz per year. The bottle is about $150 and I get about 4 years worth so about $38 per year (if my math is correct….). I use a “My 4 Sons” 4 gallon sprayer, which is great.
My lot is a bit more than an acre but I generally treat about 22,000 sq ft. I apply .37 oz per 1000 sq ft so I use about 8 oz per application. I do two applications a year. I buy a 64 oz bottle of Dimension 2EW from the online site “Domyownpestcontrol.” The bottle is 64 oz so I use about 16 oz per year. The bottle is about $150 and I get about 4 years worth so about $38 per year (if my math is correct….). I use a “My 4 Sons” 4 gallon sprayer, which is great.
Do you apply while walking, or from a ride-on mower?

And do you do other applications of fertilizer, and what is your estimated total cost for weed control and fertilizer? Sorry for the questions. Just wondering if what we are paying (north of $800) is worth it and if I can't do it myself. I thought most fertilizer and weed control was spread using a spreader and granules.
Do you apply while walking, or from a ride-on mower?

And do you do other applications of fertilizer, and what is your estimated total cost for weed control and fertilizer? Sorry for the questions. Just wondering if what we are paying (north of $800) is worth it and if I can't do it myself. I thought most fertilizer and weed control was spread using a spreader and granules.
I usually do two fertilizer applications a year with Oceangro, which is a slow release organic fertilizer. A bag is about $10 and a bag covers about 3,000 sq fr. It’s granular and I use a spreader for fertilizer but a backpack sprayer for preemergence and I occasionally use a liquid fungicide if there is a fungus problem (maybe once every few years). Some grub control products are more environmentally sounder than others. I will sometimes use a grub control if that problem emerges, which is very infrequently (these can be granular or liquid). My total spend per year for everything is $200 to $300. Also, doing it myself, I know what I’m putting down, when, at what rate, etc. Some of the big lawn care companies are costly and don’t always do what they should at the right time with the appropriate product. If you wanted to spend the time, I’m sure you could save some bucks and probably do a better job.

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I saw this article about biosolids like Oceangro having a negative impact on soil:

The quality and processes used related to bio solids vary significantly. All biosolids shouldn’t be grouped together. I have no problem with Oceangro or Miloganite. Please see EPA info below.

Any thoughts on the Scotts backpack 4 gallon professional sprayer? Have a chance to get one for $50 but is it quality????
Any thoughts on the Scotts backpack 4 gallon professional sprayer? Have a chance to get one for $50 but is it quality????
I haven’t used a Scott’s backpack sprayer but I really like the way backpacks work. For $50 I don’t think you could go wrong. One point to note is that this is a pump sprayer so you pump periodically (while it’s on your back) to keep the pressure constant. The My4sons backpack I use is battery powered so it’s heavier but it ensure an even flow rate and not dependent on my pumping. Battery ones cost more though. But like I said, for $50 bucks you can’t go wrong. I use it for liquid pre-emergents on the lawn and brick patio, an occasional fungicide application, and other uses. If you get it, try it out on the driveway so get a feel for the spray pattern and coverage.
I know some folks substitute but I don’t. A bottle of Dimension lasts me several years. Barricade generally provides a bit longer coverage. You can seed with a Mesotrione so I use that if I’m reseeding an area, but the preemergent protection against crabgrass and weeds is only about 30 days.
A few quick ones:

1. March is just around the corner… for Middlesex county how early should we seed this year (hoping the warmer trend continues and allows for earlier planting this year)?

2. Is Mesotrione available in liquid form to use with a sprayer? And can I do 2 x 30 day treatments of Mesotrione followed by a Dimension treatment or will a single 30 day treatment of Mesotrione allow enough growth before I use Dimension after over seeding?

3. You have a 1 acre lawn in Metuchen? My son lives there and the lots are pretty small with the exception of a few near St. Joes and maybe off of Lake… unless there are neighborhoods we haven’t seen. We’re thinking of downsizing in house square footage… but definitely want property.

A few quick ones:

1. March is just around the corner… for Middlesex county how early should we seed this year (hoping the warmer trend continues and allows for earlier planting this year)?

2. Is Mesotrione available in liquid form to use with a sprayer? And can I do 2 x 30 day treatments of Mesotrione followed by a Dimension treatment or will a single 30 day treatment of Mesotrione allow enough growth before I use Dimension after over seeding?

3. You have a 1 acre lawn in Metuchen? My son lives there and the lots are pretty small with the exception of a few near St. Joes and maybe off of Lake… unless there are neighborhoods we haven’t seen. We’re thinking of downsizing in house square footage… but definitely want property.


You can seed early if you want, once it starts to germinate make sure you keep it watered. Some people “dormant seed” in winter and it comes up when it gets warm. I usually do a late summer seeding rather than spring but certainly you can do it in the spring.

Yes, Mesotrione can be in liquid form and gives you 30 days protection. You can do a follow up in 30 days if it has come up or go to Dimension at 30 days as you said. I’d probably lean to the 2 mesotrione applications then a dimension.

I live in Piscataway. Lived here pretty much my whole life but it’s changed a lot, and not for the better. We contemplate moving to hunterdon county or down the shore but inertia is pretty strong for me.

Good luck!

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I believe i have found my pre & post emergent mixture fellas. Quali-Pro Prodiamine 65 and Hi-Yield 2,4-D. Should i get a Surfactant as well? Please let me know your opinions my biggest issues are crabgrass and dandilions.
I believe i have found my pre & post emergent mixture fellas. Quali-Pro Prodiamine 65 and Hi-Yield 2,4-D. Should i get a Surfactant as well? Please let me know your opinions my biggest issues are crabgrass and dandilions.
Prodiamine is a pre-emergent that absorbs into the soil, therefore no surfactant is needed. 2-4D is a post emergent weed killer and a surfactant can improve effectiveness since it works by absorbing it into weed leafs. As always, be sure to read the thoroughly and follow the instructions to the letter. I would do the pre-emergent when the forsythia blooms. You’d use the 2-4D, if needed, after any weeds emerge.
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Prodiamine is a pre-emergent that absorbs into the soil, therefore no surfactant is needed. 2-4D is a post emergent weed killer and a surfactant can improve effectiveness since it works by absorbing it into weed leafs. As always, be sure to read the thoroughly and follow the instructions to the letter. I would do the pre-emergent when the forsythia blooms. You’d use the 2-4D, if needed, after any weeds emerge.
Okay, i was under the impression i could i could mix the 2 but i'll put the Prodiamine down in a couple weeks and the 2-4D end of march or early april.
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Putting down Dithiopyr 40 and 2,4-D today my tree guy is on his way to do it for me. Had i did enough research I could've put a weed & feed down with the Dithiopyr instead now i have to find some type of grass food/feed fertilizer.
We got lucky with this cold snap as soil temperatures were well on there way to that 55 degree germenation spot but the 5 day average is now 47 degrees and don't see this climbing anytime soon. Happy i finally get to put down pre-emergent before germination!
We got lucky with this cold snap as soil temperatures were well on there way to that 55 degree germenation spot but the 5 day average is now 47 degrees and don't see this climbing anytime soon. Happy i finally get to put down pre-emergent before germination!
If you get a frost, it will kill any crabgrass that has germinated. Also, the product you applied will kill crabgrass after it has germinated, up to the first tiller.
If you get a frost, it will kill any crabgrass that has germinated. Also, the product you applied will kill crabgrass after it has germinated, up to the first tiller.
Exactly, which is why you can be a little late if need be (due to some post emergent effective’s in the early stages of crab grass). Don know if they changed the label but I’m pretty sure mine (3:years old) indicates effectiveness up to 3-5 tillers. In any case, it’s a very good product in my opinion.
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My grass was devastated by drought last summer ( 2022 ) .......... I plan to aerate my lawn soon and immediately spread seed accross the aerated lawn ...... when is the earliest date that I can do this ? I live in Northern New Jersey - Morris County ......... I want to put the seed down and hope it will germinate shortly thereafter ...... my daughter is getting married May 20th and I want my grass to be looking as good as possible by this date - I need to get the grass growing and healthy by this date .......... when do you think it would be prudent to aerate and seed ( same day ) ?
My grass was devastated by drought last summer ( 2022 ) .......... I plan to aerate my lawn soon and immediately spread seed accross the aerated lawn ...... when is the earliest date that I can do this ? I live in Northern New Jersey - Morris County ......... I want to put the seed down and hope it will germinate shortly thereafter ...... my daughter is getting married May 20th and I want my grass to be looking as good as possible by this date - I need to get the grass growing and healthy by this date .......... when do you think it would be prudent to aerate and seed ( same day ) ?

Depending on how bad it is, not sure you can get it fixed by May 20th.

Have you considered sod in some really bad spots?
Depending on how bad it is, not sure you can get it fixed by May 20th.

Have you considered sod in some really bad spots?
Thanks for your reply ....... i'm still thinking I am going to do this either way as it needs to be done ....maybe it won't be fully established or looking best by May 20th but at least it will be "in progress" .... what do you think is the earliest date when I can put grass seed down and expect it will germinate ? Probably has something to do with soil temperature but can you just throw out a "guess" ?
Thanks for your reply ....... i'm still thinking I am going to do this either way as it needs to be done ....maybe it won't be fully established or looking best by May 20th but at least it will be "in progress" .... what do you think is the earliest date when I can put grass seed down and expect it will germinate ? Probably has something to do with soil temperature but can you just throw out a "guess" ?

I would put it down first week of April, but you might not get germination right away unless it warms up. Next few weeks look pretty cool. Or put half down in early April and the rest late April.

Unfortunately the weather forecast doesn't seem to be favorable for you.
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