Hey as$wipe, count how many times I posted in the Yankees thread.3 times maybe all year? You needed my permission, nice what a tool, wallow in self pity of another season of trying to get to #28. lmfao. Go ahead, a person who calls me a Troll, yet never misses a chance to respond to my posts is hilarious. I'm so sorry if I burnt your butt, calling out another failed season by the Varsity. k That Yankee in season site was locked or else I would have burnt a couple more butts before all was said and done. Bottom line is, your fan base which acts as if your above taking the Mets seriuos, spend way more time in a Mets thread than you do your own. Listen to you already making excuses for the fan base that can't handle the fact your not thought of as the standard that all franchises strive to be, your nowhere close. Stop living in the past. MLB has passed you by. Mets fans, we've learned to deal with where we stand, you and The AMIGOS HAVEN'T. Which one of you will admit the failed prediction of multiple championships in a 5 year period by The New Core 4? That clock started in 2017, have some nads, losers. As far as the off season, yup, Mets have lots of work to do, the Yankees are solid, no need to change a thing. Maybe you make more changes than the Mets. Either way, my prediction, if I'm around long enough to see it is my own 5 year, is that you will still be waiting on #28. Save it Troll, as I know you will. PS. You really don't think Sterling isn't a clown show?