I want to hear more poisonous snake sighting stories
One of my first hikes on the west side of the Rockies ... Came around the corner and heard that unmistakable rattle. Critters scurrying through the brush can be mistaken as rattlers, but there's no question when it's an actual rattle.
Thing was sitting right next to the trail, 10 feet or so down. I had my 2-yr-old chocolate lab, who looked much like the one in your avatar, minus the beard, and knew if the thing didn't lunge at us immediately, the dog would go sniffing it and get bitten right on the nose (a year later he got scarred for life when sniffing hu a hornets nest).
Threw a rock in the vicinity to scare it off. Didn't move.
Rock number two, three, four ...stayed his ground, rattling faster and more viciously than ever. So now he was still right there, coiled up and absolutely angry enough to lunge at the first life form to walk by.
Some other guys came hiking up from the opposite direction. Yelled to warn them and figured they'd have a better idea of what to do than me, seeing how I was a total noob in the area. They did not. In fact, one shrieked rather girlishly when he heard the snake move.
Tried a few more rocks, closer and closer to snake, but nothing. So eventually had to grab a stick and pick the angry, rattling, hissing thing up, toss it farther into the brush and rush down trail very quickly in hopes it didn't come back to retaliate. Thankfully, it did not.